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“The suit stems from New York’s environmental awareness campaign, GreeNYC, and its logo, which uses the outline of an apple, complete with a little leaf on top. Filed in September, the suit had gone unnoticed until this week. The California computer giant claims the drawing is too similar to its ubiquitous trademark,” Potkewitz reports. “New York City Corp. Counsel Michael Cardozo quickly filed a counterclaim to have Apple’s case thrown out, citing differences between both logo,” Potkewitz reports.
“‘[GreeNYC’s logo] so closely resembles Apple’s [logo] that its use is likely to cause confusion, mistake or deception in the minds of consumers,’ wrote Apple Computer’s lawyers in their September filing with the Trademark Trial and Appeal board objecting to the logo,” Potkewitz reports. “The company cited its New York flagship store, the giant glass cube on 5th Avenue, as a tourist attraction, and claimed people walking around carrying bags, wearing caps or drinking out of bottles emblazoned with GreeNYC apples would ‘likely cause dilution of the distinctiveness of [Apple Computer’s brand], resulting in damage and injury to the company.'”
Likely to cause confusion? Really? I think Jobs has gone off the deep end this time. I see this as nothing but a publicity stunt, that will, of course, work.
Yet another sign that Jobs has lost it. First, unveiling a laptop that is completely useless, now this?
Apple fanboys beware! Your fearless leader has gone insane!
WHAT? The New York logo doesn’t even have a bite out of it!
Go ahead, bite the big apple, don’t mind the maggots… (Rolling Stones – ‘Shattered’)
If NYC is guilty of copyright infringement, then Mick Jagger is guilty of slander!
“GreeNYC’s logo] so closely resembles Apple’s [logo] that its use is likely to cause confusion, mistake or deception in the minds of consumers”
Pretty typical that even apple themselves thinks that their customers are so stupid that they’d not only buy a ‘air’ but also get 2 very different logos confused.
Don’t be surprised if you read this next week:
Apple threatens lawsuit against Fruit
“Apples so closely resemble Apple’s logo that it’s consumption is likely to cause confusion, mistake or deception in the minds of consumers.”
The only resemblance to the Apple logo is the overall basic shape of the apple… not enough to win a stupid lawsuit.
Local apple farmers face copyright infringement lawsuit from Apple Computer Inc.
I think Apples knows it can’t win but understands that blogs and the news will scatter this story everywhere giving them cheap/free attention. They must have a ton of lawyers on the payroll anyway so it won’t even cost them anything.
The whole stink at the airport with the new Air was probably a publicity stunt as well. I mean did they really look at the Air and not realize it was a laptop? It’s got a screen, keyboard, and trackpad. What else could it be?
Apple needs to be taken down a notch.
I think Apple should sue God for the Adam and Eve story, you know that apple with a bite out of it would look just like Steve’s logo.
I love listening to fanboys desperately try to defend the company’s recent behavior. Next they will be suing products that start with the letter ‘i’.
Geez, can’t ANYBODY come up with and original design without copying Apple anymore? The NYC logo is barely more than a tracing of the Apple logo and was obviously intentional in order to steal some of Apples hard earned recognition, like all the other lazy brain dead copycats.
It would be funny if the Judge ends ruling the Apple logo isn’t valid as NY was already known as the “Big Apple” long before Jobs started tinkering in his garage.
I hope you’re being sarcastic…other than them both employing an apple shape, they look nothing similar.
There are only so many ways to draw an apple, for god’s sake.
Dammit, after years of using Windows, yesterday I decided to buy myself a Mac to see what all the fuss is about – but I ended up buying New York instead. Anyone can get confused, I suppose.
Brian and others, I’m not being sarcastic. Look at the animated overlay. They traced the damn outline of Apple’s trade mark. Either they are incredibly lazy or they are trying to do what Apple is complaining about, and that is dilute Apple’s trade mark recognition by taking some for themselves.
There are many ways to draw an apple. Pedro gave an example. The Beatle’s apple looks nothing like Apple’s trade mark. It’s not hard to draw a different stylized apple shape. Apple’s accusations are bang on, and that’s why trade marks are protected. What if the NYC stood for New York Computers? It’s a damn tracing of the Apple trade mark shape!
It’s always surprising for me to see Americans attack their own. Apple is one of a very few shining examples of American ingenuity and some of you have nothing but contempt every time they move forward. I’m sure you would be much happier if they packed up and moved their head office to Japan. After all, your economy is so strong right now, who needs their money and Jobs.
i’ve been buying apple products since 1995, and have been ever since. And even i think this is frivolous, or a bad publicity stunt
#19, Jim,
The Beatles Apple logo predates the Apple Computer logo by at least two decades.
#21, right you are, but my point is that Apple didn’t copy it. They stylized their own version. It’s not hard to do. NYC ‘s version is too similar since they have traced the shape. Kind of like stealing the music for a song, but changing the lyrics.
As a Steve-loyalist, I just say Jim is 100% correct in that New York is trying to steal Steve’s creation. I don’t care if GreeNYC’s logo is just one long paintstroke instead of a drawing, or that the shape of the apple is not identical. It also does not matter that the stem is located in a different area either. I am blind to the fact that one has a bite, while the other is slashed down the middle. The point is that Steve says it’s wrong. That’s good enough for me.