Click photo for modded video – WARNING: NSFW
Pressure was mounting on Max Mosley to quit as president of world motor racing’s governing body last night after four of the biggest car manufacturers criticised him following a newspaper exposé in which he was filmed in a sex session with five prostitutes.
An emergency meeting of the federation of world motoring organisations (FIA) was called in a bid to achieve “complete clarity” after Toyota, Honda, BMW and Mercedes-Benz issued statements calling Mosley’s position into question, using words such as “disgraceful” and “disappointed”.
Mosley is one of the most powerful men in a multi-billion pound sport which has a huge global following, and senior figures within racing have already said they think he should step aside.
The furore erupted last Sunday when the News of the World claimed that Mosley took part in a Nazi-themed “punishment” scenario with two women dressed as prisoners and others as guards.
The NOOW video has been pulled from their website. As you see above, pirate versions are not only sailing around the Web; but, video tweakers are having fun with their own mixes.
Wonder if Max will be at Practice for the Bahrain GP, this morning?
Legalize sexual fantasies for hire. We have real problems to work on.
aND THE only REASON THEY said/did ANYTHING…???
#1–quite right==but so many more punch lines for this setup.
Car companies use overt stupid sex ploys to sell their cars==what about that german robot babe?
But yea, consensual activity between adults. Lets prosecute!!!
Its amazing how scandals can do a person in
What does this have to do with auto racing
Then again the automotive industry- from the dealers up is a very ethical industry
Most people are involved with paying off car loans and payments for the rest of their lives
Who is the unethical one- the Ford execs who leave a destroyed company and yet feel that they are entitled “entitled” to huge bonuses ?
Or the auto worker , who with their union wages and benefits have driven the price of cars to sky high levels – only to have that price matched ( or higher) by the foreign auto makers
Has anyone forgot that Elluit Spitzer made his made as the only one who went after Wall Street for their excesses and abuses of the average guy buying investments
Does it occur to anyone that the financial industry had it in for Spitzer , wanted to teach him a lesson . The evidence was not the girl , or his wife complaining , or std tests , but financial tracking
And I thought pro wrestling was not fixed
What? This didn’t happen in the back seat of a car so they’re all upset?
What are we talking about here? Who cares what this guy does? Are we to hold him to the same low standards as our politicians? Why?
Yes. It’s disgraceful that he didn’t use a sponsored car and backseat for the event.
Axis motor companies are upset?
If he’s doing a good job at his actual job then what’s the problem? Hell Clinton didn’t leave office when he committed adultery, and I don’t expect to be fired from my medial design job because I went to a “funhouse”. No one should. Work and life are separate things. Fueling the opposite idea is nothing short of “mental slavery” ( sorry can’t think of a better phrase. ) But once you punch the clock to go home your job has , and should never, have control of you, and your action shouldn’t reflect otherwise.
His father led the fascist party in England in the 30’s and his mother was friends with Hitler. You think this is just harmless fun? It is not a question of prosecution. I always said it was ironic that he was the Führer of motor sport and I was countered by the argument that he is not responsible for his parents. I had to concede the point. Now he can be judged on his own actions.
Aw jeez. Who gives a flying fuck what this guy does in his spare time? So he gets spanked by faux Nazi hookers. After all, this is CAR RACING we’re talking about. Not exactly the classiest business in the world. The guy’s not the Pope; he doesn’t have to play Mr. Priss when he’s off the clock. He seems a little creepy, but wtf. It’s CAR RACING, not pre-school.
He can be judged on his own actions, he had sex with prostitutes, so what! In a democracy this is a matter of free choice, if the prostitutes are being forced to do this, then it’s an issue.
Does this guy have any kind of business/financial relationship with IRL, NHRA or NASCAR? If not, nothing he did has anything to do with US auto racing, except for the occasional Grand Prix race.
As far as I’m concerned, he needs to keep his whips and chains to himself, and we’ll ignore him.
38, LDA,
So what??? His politics and especially those of his parents have nothing to do with his ability to do his job. From what I understand, FIA is doing quite well as are all the various racing divisions.
He has been asked by the prince of Bahrain not to go to their country for this weekend’s Grand Prix race because of his actions. Here’s the article: http://tinyurl.com/6hf63h
…and the letter from the Sheikh:
“In light of the allegations, I suspect you may be deliberating on your planned attendance at the Grand Prix here in Bahrain later in the week,” he wrote.
I therefore felt it important to convey the position of Bahrain and its people.
“With great regret I feel that under the current circumstance, it would be inappropriate for you to be in Bahrain at this time.”
Formula One is run as a gentleman’s sport and they try to run it in a Polo like atmosphere, I’d say. So, finding the President of the sport in this behaviour places them in a difficult situation. If they were only racing Britain then I could see this just being an embarrasment to probably live with, but the sport has to travel to many places around the world. Some of which are very strict places and won’t deal with people like him.
I’ve been following the sport now for over 20 years and can say that if it is true, then he needs to step down and give someone else a chance at the position. He’s not being prosecuted or brought on charges people. It’s a high post and the guy loses a lot of cred when a film is discovered of him in Nazi outfit being whipped by Nazi female guards and holocaust dressed women in a sex act. Not good. Bill clinton just got a BJ, in the US, by a consenting US Citizen, in his house. Nothing really wrong with that, especially in a country like ours where, comparatively speaking with all the stuff that goes on here, it’s pretty mild. Now, all the other stuff Bill was accused of, I don’t know and won’t go there.
Max Mosely also is hated by many in the sport because he levied a $100,000,000.00 fine to Mclaren last year because of a spying accusation against Ferrari. The fine also stripped Mclaren of all manufacturers points for last year. That last one was the costliest because they were leading last year and would’ve won it. He pissed off a lot of people so I wouldn’t doubt if this might be a conspiracy to get rid of him. I don’t particularly care if the guy goes. I just wonder why these old, uber-rich men enjoy those sick, sexual fantasies. With that much money, I would’ve been caught with 5 women, yes, but I would’ve been banging the daylights out of them.
[Please use TinyUrl.com for overly long URLs. – ed.]
#9 – So he gets spanked by faux Nazi hookers.
The big problem is they were actual Nazi hookers.
Well it could have been worse…
He could have been spanked by a Werner Klemperer look-a-like and told he would spend 30 days in the cooler!
5 hookers wow!This makes Spitzer look dull and cheap.
Who cares? If that is what is wants to do on his time off, then so be it. Did any of this cause some sort of conflict of interest with the duties and responsibilities of his job? Did he steal money from his employer to pay for it? No.
Actually, it is better that this is now public. That way it can’t be used to blackmail him into doing something wrong.
You guys do realize this is the guy that strictly enforces driver conduct. Not allowing teams and drivers to talk about their personal lives, they must keep there driver suits zipped up and their hair combed when in public, they must be able to speak english, not allowed to talk about any F1 rules, and would most certainly banish any driver or owner that would be caught on video with a prostitute.
I am left wondering how this video got out in the first place. In particular I’m thinking about the comment in #13. He must have pissed off a bunch of people, some of whom were apparently capable of retribution.
Look like they is all adults to me…
Some rich fuck is embarrassed?
Why should I care?
When I get caught with 5 faux Nazi prostitutes, I’ll lose my job, be prosecuted, end up a joke on national TV, go to jail, and when I get out I’ll be unable to find any kind of job at all and will have no one willing to help me get on my feet.
When guys like Max Mosely get into a similar jam, they might lose their job… but what does it matter? He’s still gonna be rich and powerful for the rest of his life.
There are no repercussions in our society for the actions of the rich, unless they actually get caught red handing raping and murdering children. Short of that, they do what they want, when they want.
A number of folks here suggest that they don’t think we should care what they guy does in his private life. I agree. But I sure wish people who thought like that were the people who make laws, run news agencies, work as cops, and sit on juries, especially when the people caught in similar situations are just regular people trying to live their lives.
In response to this, I reckon they should:
1. Legal prostitution and fantasy play. As long as they are all consenting adults, it should not matter whether they are playing nazi, dressed up as animals, or aliens from Glaxon!
2. It should be a criminal offense to publish, broadcast or sell videos of people engaged in sexual activity if all parties haven’t given written consent to that tape being sold.
3. The motoring community should stand up and simply say that what the guys wants to do in his spare time is he business.
The only thing disgraceful or disapointing is that more people are standing up and saying: Hey, doesn’t float my boat if it does his, c’est la vie!
I agree with most of what you said. The least that should happen to this guy is lose his post in shame with the FIA.
As #18, the Man, said, Max Mosley has been very strict with F1 drivers which is why you rarely, if ever, hear of them in scandals. I’m sure somewhere in the Concorde Agreement, there is a statement that shaming the sport with acts like these are not tolerated at all.
Keep in mind people, there’s a hell of a lot of money involved in this sport. We’re talking, at the very least, large sums of money from corporate sponsorship, National money from the countries involved, fans from all ages. This does not bode well.
It’s not the Howard Stern Show or a Playboy Show and I’m sure the parties involved did not sign their agreements with the understanding that the head honcho running the thing enjoyed participating in sick sex acts and then being stupid enough to allow it to be recorded and publicized. Do whatever you want in private but once you allow it to make it to the public arena then you have to ready to accept the consequences. I think it’s a fair expectation from a guy with so much power in the sport. As Martin Lomasney, an old West End Political Boss from Boston once said: “Never write if you can speak; never speak if you can nod; never nod if you can wink”. I’m sure he would’ve added “never video tape” somewhere in there. So, you got caught with your pants down Mr. Mosley, and you recorded it or allowed for it to be recorded. Step down and leave you fool.
#23 – There is nothing in that article that states Mosely knew he was being videotaped.
Now I don’t care what happens to they guy because he’s a hypocrite. He holds others to a standard that he himself doesn’t hold himself to.
But I will say that the standard is bullshit. He didn’t do anything wrong. There is nothing shameful or sick about what he did.
Offense is in the eye of the offended. It’s time to start accepting that and stop trying to regulate behavior based on what may or may not live up to some arbitrary societal norm. So what if there is money in racing? Investors in anything, understandably, want to reduce their risk… but if doing so is at the cost of personal liberty, then the cost is too high.
I’m not asking for free love in the streets or porn on billboards. I’m just saying that whatever rocks people’s socks is okay so long as its all consensual. And if it happens in private, like this did, it should stay there.
If anyone should be scorned, its whatever party failed to respect this guy’s privacy.
I won’t protest too much because I rather doubt he’s worth defending. Wealthy hypocrites can afford their own defense. My interest is more general and related to social inequalities this highlights. But as a general rule, we shouldn’t even have to be talking about this.
#23 and #24 – I should add that if it turns out this Mosely guy knew he was taped and he released it (what are the odds?) then, and only then, should he (or anyone in a similar position) be punished.
If that were true, then he would have violated the privacy rights of others involved and would be responsible for impacting the image of whatever motorsports he represents. (not that I think much of, or care about, the amazingly superfluous world of auto sports)
So there’s evidence that he can achieve an orgasm, big deal. Well, only in the USA ejaculation is considered more obscene than baking jews inside a german oven.
Mozzy, is related to Ozzy. Ozzy loved Adolf. Adolf fancied Edward, who oggled Baden with wet abandon. But this has more to do with the internal politicing of Formula One (TM), whose members are tired of being ragged by aristocratic English creeps. Toffs despise weakness in others, but they adore cruelty.
I should add that if it turns out this Mosely guy knew he was taped and he released it (what are the odds?) then, and only then, should he (or anyone in a similar position) be punished.
Hum…. well, actually I think he got enough of that in the video…. 😀 ….. Sorry, couldn’t resist…..
#28 – Hahahahaha 🙂
I don’t see what’s the big deal. He never harmed anyone. He just lived his fantasy with other like-minded mature people. WHat’s the problem with that? IMO his enemies found that this was the only way to get rid of him.