Things getting hot under the collar, John?

I heard an interesting discussion with a linguist on the radio the other day about the difference between a misstatement and lying. The result was that McCain must have known what he was saying was untrue and was spouting propaganda. Similar examples were given for Hillary. However, with this latest “surprise,” you have to wonder if McCain has incompetent advisers. Given the fact-checking that quickly gets done on the web, what’s incorrect is quickly, and viciously, attacked making him look like an idiot or worse. Bad memory, spouting propaganda. incompetent advisers or the worst of all — a complete lack of understanding of a priority subject — are all things we’ve had enough of during the last eight years.

McCain ‘Surprised’ By Events In Basra, Uninformed About How Ceasefire Occurred

John McCain did a little more damage to his foreign policy credibility yesterday. After hailing the Basra offensive last Friday as “a sign of the strength of [Maliki’s] government,” yesterday McCain distanced himself from the Iraqi leader, expressing surprise that Maliki had chosen to lead the offensive, and claiming that “Maliki decided to take on this operation without consulting the Americans.”
Despite [McCain adviser] Scheunemann’s fear-mongering, no credible Middle East analyst has ever suggested that Al Qaeda would ever be “in control” of Iraq. Given how uninformed John McCain is on Iraq, it’s no surprise that his advisers are too.

  1. Mr. Catshit says:

    #29, RBG,

    It isn’t mine or anyone else’s fault that in his “senior” moment, McCain forgot to get any “pork” for his own State.


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