Inner workings of Bush’s brain

And lest you think this is a lingering April Fools joke story, check out the Commission’s website. They’re for real with illustrious members like Peaches Christ, Sister Porn Again and…. um… Oh, well. It is San Francisco, after all. But it’s still a good idea nonetheless. Right?

Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco Formed to Honor George W. Bush

Looking to honor the forty-third President of the United States of America, George W. Bush, the recently formed Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco is looking to change the name of the Oceanside Wastewater Treatment Facility. It seems the group would like to rename the SF Zoo adjacent facility to the “George W Bush Sewage Plant.”


The local grassroots movement, helmed by “Wayne Pickering,” is proposing an ordinance initiative for the November 2008 San Francisco ballot in order to get the poop/pee/vomit plant’s title changed. Why? To honor our current leader of the free world with an “appropriate and enduring legacy, for no other president in modern American history has accomplished so much in such a short time.

  1. Improbus says:

    Would it not be more appropriate to name a garbage dump after him?

  2. andy says:

    the jokes write themselves, but bush is still a lousy human being

  3. JimD says:

    The diagram gives too much credit for “mental machinery” !!! His Mental Machinery was put out of commission a long time ago on a steady diet of alcohol and cocaine (and long snoozes at the libraries of our most illustrious institutions of higher learning !!! – too bad not much of it rubbed off on Dumbya!!!) All that’s left of his “Machinery” is a plethora of putrifying pustules !!!

  4. andy says:

    ahh #4, the time-testing “i know you are but what am i” response

  5. andy says:


  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Dave Barry has a sewage-lifting station in North Dakota named in his honor, but (har) in this case Dave really does think of it as a good thing.

    James, keep some perspective. History will not be kind to GWB.

  7. andy says:

    #8, you seem to think your relevant, how cute

  8. Mr. Catshit says:

    As nice an idea as this is, and it is a nice idea, I wonder if it shouldn’t be left as is. Honestly, is that piece of shit currently residing in the Oval Office really worth the cost of changing the sign and letter head?

  9. eddie says:

    Little noted, and not long remembered

  10. Hoo Hoo Nick says:

    #9, that made me laugh.

    And I agree, though i don’t think you should have written that. But I like the way you put it.

  11. andy says:

    #13, Zzzz

  12. Ralph says:

    If this plant can handle two big turds it should be called ‘The Bush/Cheney’ Sewer Plant.


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