I’ll have a beer and a brat with that!

  1. lmj3325 says:

    What a geek!

    (I’m totally jealous!)

  2. Sinn Fein says:

    He has seen the future of architectural engineering and it is LEGOS!

  3. Ed Roberts says:

    I wonder if the crane lifting the first version of the his lego roof also snapped and crashed to the ground (like the real Miller Park)

  4. andycatus says:

    I hate it when Americans say Legos, more so than almost any other “Yanks vs Brits” po-tay-to / po-tar-to type of thing. Don’t know why. Maybe because Lego bricks play a huge part in my early childhood memories in England.

    Something is made from Lego or Lego bricks my dear chap.

    • B Money says:

      I hate it when English pricks post stupid comments about Americans using words in a way they don’t like.

  5. Sinn Fein says:

    And I hate it when Brits call a garbage or, trash can the “dust bin”…like, sure, we all need a place for our dust. And, doing ones business in a “loo?” C’mon! Everybody on planet redneck knows it as “The Shitter.” Okay, I’ll give you Brits your “Crapper,” a good name, still works for us colonists.

  6. Adam Merkley says:

    It even has that stupid slide into the beer mug for home runs.

  7. tweygant says:

    at least I wasn’t taxed for it because people from Chicago drive through my county on their way to the stupid stadium like we were for the real thing. we even had a recall election and kicked out our representative that wanted the real stadium and we still ended up being squeezed for cash on the grounds we would profit from the stadium because people from Chicago would stop in our county and spend money on the way.

  8. ashembers says:

    Adam Merkley, you’re just jealous because your mascot doesn’t do beer slides! Phhhhttt!!!

  9. GlowingApple says:

    Finally, the stadium has a real, working roof that doesn’t leak. When are tickets going on sale???


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