
WKMG Orlando

ORLANDO, Fla. — A recent survey that found some Florida teens believe drinking a cap of bleach will prevent HIV and a shot of Mountain Dew will stop pregnancy has prompted lawmakers to push for an overhaul of sex education in the state. The survey showed that Florida teens also believe that smoking marijuana will prevent a person from getting pregnant. State lawmakers said the myths are spreading because of Florida’s abstinence-only sex education, Local 6 reported. They are proposing a bill that would require a more comprehensive approach, the report said.

It would still require teaching abstinence but students would also learn about condoms and other methods of birth control and disease prevention.

LOL, everyone knows the only real way to prevent pregnancy is by jumping vigorously up and down after sex, (this only works for the girls by the way).

  1. Improbus says:

    Ever get the feeling that you live in a nation of retards?

    President? Retard. Check.
    Congress? Retards. Check.
    School Board. Retards. Check.

    And on and on and on ….

  2. lakelady says:

    hehe looks to me like some Florida teens enjoy lying to survey takers. Smoking weed prevents pregnancy? Give me a break.

  3. Mr. Catshit says:

    Call me a fool if you wish, but I believe that sooner or later this whole Christian led morals shit will just come crashing down. People are slowly but surely waking up to the idea that wishing on a star doesn’t work any more that jumping up and down or douching with Coke.

    Jesus H. Christ I hate it when I’m flicking between my two favorite channels and there is this “Jesus” channel in-between.

  4. mrmigu says:

    “LOL, everyone knows the only real way to prevent pregnancy is by jumping vigorously up and down after sex, (this only works for the girls by the way).”

    Thats just a rumour. Everyone knows that it works for boys too. Its the method I use, and Ive never gotten pregnant…..

    How seriously can you really take survey info taken from teens. Is it really so hard to beleive that someone was being a smartass

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Florida teens (and likely teens in many other states) believe drinking bleach will prevent HIV?




    That’s good.

    The herd needs to be culled, and culling from the bottom of the genetic stock is a great way to do it.

  6. TomB says:

    I told my daughter that if she held a pebble between her knees the whole time she was in the car while on a date, she wouldn’t get pregnant.

    It worked. At least something did. It _could_ have been the sex-ed classes and frank discussions about sex during puberty :-0

  7. gquaglia says:

    More tales from the retarded south.

  8. thomasnpls says:

    I have to hope that the future of this country has more intelligence that this. Does this mean we are going to hear stories of stupid teenagers dying from drinking bleach?

  9. brucemlloyd says:

    Wow… that is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

    I agree – cull the herd a bit. Let them go. This kind of stupid needs to be weeded out.

  10. Bryan Price says:

    Thank you Florida for this shitty abstinence only sex education you have foisted on your citizens. Kids are still having sex, just without a real idea of what it really takes to really protect oneself.

    Luckily I taught my kids better.

  11. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #8 – with all sympathy for the parents, the answer to your question is “hopefully”.

  12. Actually, chlorine bleach does kill viruses. The problem is that it also kills the host. In the case of the brain dead, no loss.

  13. Miguel Correia says:

    #8 … At least they will not be dying from aids… lol

  14. John Paradox says:

    lakelady said
    Smoking weed prevents pregnancy? Give me a break.

    Well, it’s supposed to reduce Testosterone….


  15. Glenn E. says:

    Apparently this is the level of education that the political leaders of Floridah are comfortable with. Much smarter than this, and they’ll likely be voted out of office, or replaced, by the next generation. Much dumber than this, and they’ll end up with too many jobless, on welfare and involved in crime. So I’m guessing that they’ve struck their own self-serving balance.

  16. Usagi says:

    Drinking bleach prevents HIV but you have to drink the whole bottle.

  17. Janes Hill says:

    Oh shit, now you tell me.

  18. Mr. Catshit says:

    “Cull the herd”?

    Don’t you people get it? This is ignorance, not because the kids are retarded, but because the religious assholes controlling the education system won’t teach them correctly.

    No one can learn something if they aren’t taught it. If their teachers are equally ignorant peers then the fault lies with those who should have taught them.

    The ones needing culling aren’t the ones needing sex education.

  19. Satan says:

    This has to be a joke….. I can’t fathom anyone being this stupid…. but then again…. I do live in Florida and there is a reason I live in fear of my fellow Floridians…..

  20. LeftBankHook says:

    lakelady said
    Smoking weed prevents pregnancy? Give me a break.

    Well, it reduces sperm count and testosterone too…maybe they just expanded “reduce” to “eliminate?”

  21. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  22. ~*~KIMBERLY ROSE~*~ says:

    okay, im a teen(16) and im on this page, to learn more about how stupid my generation is, for a term paper for health. I honestly think they are just trying to find a reason to have sex, and think they are safe, My parents taught me right. =)
    And who ever said we will be voting, I will:)

    But yeah, people should go talk to their kids, before they die, from drinking bleach. Which i don’t know if that would be a bad thing or a good =)

  23. bobbo says:

    #23–Kimberly==you won’t get any information here==go google some other websites.

    “but”==yes, ignorance is a bad thing and should be avoided. The only thing worse than dying from such ignorance, is living with it.

  24. ~*~KIMBERLY ROSE~*~ says:

    hey,#24 bobbo,

    thanks for the heads up, but i kinda already found that out, when i started to read all the comments, but i thought they were funny:)
    so yeah, have a good day,


  25. ladywithclass says:

    Teens should be taught the importance of safe sex and that abstinence is the best choice. But that has nothing to do with being a Christian. If you dont like flipping past “Jesus channels” use half a brain cell and press the number of the channel you want. Don’t hate on the rest of us who have opened our hearts and experienced His love and want a worship station. If you did the same you wouldnt be so mad about flipping past one measley channel.

  26. bobbo says:

    #25–lady”ahem”==this is a thread about how stoopid people can be. Why would you drag religion into it???

    Oh, yea===nevermind.

  27. James Hill says:

    #17 – Worship, noted. Maybe next time you can post under your real name.

  28. bobbo says:

    Moderator==you are on notice. James Hill is now owning himself and criticizing his own handle.

    The psychotic break has occurred. Notify the authorities or any harm to Hill’s trailer will be on you.


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