Constable Taylor showing off his, er, flashlight

A policeman in a small New Zealand town did not let the fact that he was naked hold him back from chasing a thief trying to steal his car.

The off-duty constable was asleep at his home in Balclutha, in the lower South Island, when his wife woke him in the early hours.

When the policeman realized the sound his wife heard was someone attempting to start the couple’s car, he didn’t let the fact he was stark naked hold him back, bursting out the door with nothing more than a torch.

The offender bolted with the officer in hot pursuit, NZPA reported, but was soon after picked up by a police patrol.

“The offender…startled by the sight of a naked constable with just a torch coming towards him, took off,” local police were quoted as saying.

Remember to leave your gun next to your flashlight. Or your hat.

  1. Pierre Larsen says:

    In a so called civilized country the constable would have been charged with indecent exposure, he would be suspended with no pay, then fired in disgrace.

    The thief would be running a lawsuit against the constable and the city for damages and would win a million dollars from the constable and a 100 million against the city.

    Of course the thief would go free.

    Long live barbarism and constables in the nude

  2. Simon says:

    In New Zealand the police don’t carry guns. so the torch is all he would have had next to the bed.

  3. DavidtheDuke says:

    When you guys want a related image to the headline, do you just go to Google images? Not that picture isn’t related, but I’ve seen some stretches.

  4. Eideard says:

    Uh, David – #3 – that photo is of the constable in the article. How do we get more relevant?

  5. Mark Derail says:

    Because I CU flashlight?

    Nah, it’s his big MOM tatoo.

  6. Sibutramine says:

    Of course the thief would go free.

  7. Finasteride says:

    civilized country the constable would have been charged with indecent exposure

  8. Mr. Catshit says:

    So the thief didn’t get the car. Ain’t that a bitch.

    No. It’s the naked constable a comin a runnin.


    How ignominious. To be in jail and asked how they were caught and have to tell your cell mate about this raging nude that caught up to you.

  9. keane-o says:

    Most of the Kiwis I’ve known – especially from rural areas like this – would have a shotgun around the house.

  10. WmDE says:

    Oh no! It’s the short arm of the law!

  11. RBG says:

    It’s that damn “This is my rifle, this is my gun” thing from Full Metal Jacket. It’s screwing everything up.


  12. Josh says:

    #1, I’m a kiwi, and we have high education rate (tertiary available to those who want it not who can afford), unemployment under 3%, universal healthcare and housing for even the unemployed (read lazy).. if that’s what constitutes a “barbaric” society then keep your civilized one.

    Kiwi cops don’t carry guns, neither do the citizens, its great nobody gets shot.. you should try it.

  13. Pierre Larsen says:

    #12, I agree entirely with you.

    I was trying to be sarcastic. Just imagine what would have happened with the constable in a country like the US or even the UK.

    In the Western World we are becoming so PC or even “puritan” that all common sense has been lost. On top of that we are loosing our freedom.

  14. chris says:

    @ #5

    If he did have a tattoo, it would read “MUM” not “MOM”, as he’s a kiwi not an american.


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