“But Miss Thompson, we DONT WANT a pop quiz…”

WAYCROSS, GA — It’s the type of news you don’t expect to hear coming out of an elementary school. Nine third grade students suspended at Center Elementary in Waycross for an alleged plot to attack their teacher. “This plot was uncovered at the point that something dangerous was brought to the school,” says Lt. Dwayne Caswell with Waycross Police. Police say the students were hatching a plan to harm their teacher Friday morning. They even brought items from home to carry out the plan. “They had a broken steak knife, a crystal paper weight, toy handcuffs, several items and tape and stuff,” says Lt. Caswell. Ware County School officials say a classmate told the principal about one of the students bringing a weapon to school. The discovery was later made that more students were in on the plot. The school says it’s a matter they are not taking lightly.

“Some might say ‘They were young and in the third grade and how serious could it be?’, but anytime our students’ safety or our teachers’ safety is compromised we obviously have to take that very seriously,” says Theresa Martin with Ware County Schools. Police say no criminal charges will be brought forth against the students. The District Attorney is handling the case and students will most likely face juvenile charges of Unruly Child. One of the teacher’s relatives said each child at Center Elementary School in Waycross had a job to do, including one assigned to wipe up the blood.

Unholy smokes!

More details here

  1. JStein says:

    the word liminal is being used in the wrong context. I am telling you this because you asked us to let you know. Liminality is an idea in anthropological theory about the way we move in and out of positions in society. There are certain characteristics laid out by van Gennep that detail this state of being. Also, to say “liminal between” is redundant. In any case it is not ideologically correct to say someone is liminal in anything but society.
    (In the case of “ad hominem” I was not replying to an argument or claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief you hold, but thats water under the bridge.)
    Mr. Catshit,
    You are absolutely correct, I wasn’t thinking when I wrote down my college, and I’m sorry that I did. Honestly I never said you didn’t know what you were talking about and I never judge people based on my education. This might be too much personal info for Bobbo, but I would rather be at UNM. And I’m still a girl.
    Bobbo again,
    While playing devil’s advocate can be enlightening, changing your opinion just because someone agrees (which I did with your previous statement) is kind of…silly.

  2. bobbo says:

    #92–JStein==thats a new definition for me, not contained in the online Websters. That happens in special studies. Please don’t hesitate to correct me when you see the opportunity.

    The ad hominem argument was appealing to yourself, not to me. Everything before right here … is water under the bridge. Time flows.

    Silly? I did use the wrong word. I never changed my mind, except in what to say. No, I honestly have both opinions on that subject. I honestly don’t know how to approach a subject except from every angle that has any legitimacy at all. Weigh, compare, contrast the benefits and costs of all the different approaches and try to pick the best one. Can’t do that if you can’t think/say/talk/debate them all. Please forgive my misstatement, I should have said, “Let me change my position.” Every debate requires two sides.

  3. Mr. Catshit says:

    #93, Bobbo,

    Please forgive my misstatement, I should have said, “Let me change my position.” Every debate requires two sides.

    Would that be my side and the wrong side?

  4. bobbo says:

    #94–Catshit==I could never prejudge you, or assess your liminality, so harshly. I’d have to wait for the debate and see how the dialectic progressed.

    I take it from your post above that Dartmouth is an ok school? I can’t think any institution with the word “mouth” in it could be too very upper class? I’m surprised you put JStein on the spot like that. Would there be any information on that in the webs?

  5. Mr. Catshit says:

    #95, Bobbo,

    The action was in naming the school. As far as I know (without looking it up), it is an old Ivy League school and Ivy Leaguers like to think they are elite. If he had merely pointed out that he had “an extensive and varied education including public and private schools and it has been his experience that … ” then it becomes relevant. By trumpeting the name then he is assuming some sort of superiority.

    I have seen others at DU do similar things. One semi regular claims he was a Rhodes Scholar, now with a law degree. If anyone knows anything about a Rhodes Scholarship, you don’t post such poorly scripted, grammatically bad posts as this person does. Plus he has no understanding of the law. Yes, I call this person every time I get the chance simply because he tries to pass himself off as an expert yet has no idea of how to fact check his claims or admit he was in error.

    My previous example above about the Marine claiming special expertise is not without precedent. I remember one time there was a military type claiming citizens have no right to comment on gays in the military because that decision belonged exclusively to those in the military.

    Another example is those on this specific thread who trumpeted they were teachers and shit parent’s comments don’t count.

    My reaction is similar to an ad homenim response; when you can’t dazzle ’em with brilliance, baffle ’em with bullshit. And I call bullshit when I see it.

  6. JStein says:

    Mr. Catshit,
    you don’t seem to have been actually reading my posts, but whatever. You immediately assume that since I attend a certain institution I am one of those trophy daughters whose Daddy paid to get her so he could slap a bumper sticker on his Cadillac. It’s a little bit like people assuming you’re a moral-less heathen because you don’t believe in a particular god. Imagine for a second I was your daughter, who worked her ass off to get out of the places where students hurt their teachers and vice versa. I imagine you’d be a little bit more forgiving of my mistake.

  7. JStein says:

    Mr. Catshit,
    you don’t seem to have been actually reading my posts, but whatever. You immediately assume that since I attend a certain institution I am one of those trophy daughters whose Daddy paid to get her in so he could slap a bumper sticker on his Cadillac. It’s a little bit like people assuming you’re a moral-less heathen because you don’t believe in a particular god. Imagine for a second I was your daughter, who worked her ass off to get out of the places where students hurt their teachers and vice versa. I imagine you’d be a little bit more forgiving of my mistake.

  8. bobbo says:

    #97–JStein==while Catshit will return and scratch around when time permits, I think you take his comments too far and swerve WAY too much into your personal story. I think he means only just what he says “Because you went to Dartmouth, you think of yourself as an elite.” I don’t see anything indicating anything past that. Its that context thing you got going for yourself, in this instance a case of projection.

    Catshit also probably knows you are a she and is writing “he” for a variety of reasons we can only guess at==but I do assume he has read your posts and is not posting in error. Not everyone here does that, but CS usually does.

    Who drives a Cadillac these days? You did grow up in some less than advantageous locations. (smile!) I don’t know what mistake you are refering too.

    So, a few posts back you mentioned that you thought the teacher involved here may have been repressing the students in some way that evoked the plot against her? Of course, we don’t know, but I thought that showed an even keeled open mind as to what the fact might actually be. good job.

  9. McCullough says:

    Just thought I would jump in to make it 100. Now carry on…this is interesting.

  10. Mr. Catshit says:


    Damn you !!! That was mine !!!

    May you drop your toothpaste cap in the toilet !!!

  11. Mr. Catshit says:

    #98, JStein,

    Until you pointed out your gender I had no idea. I do know “J” wrote she was female. In any case, using the pronoun “he” is proper when the specific gender is unknown.

    Writing under three different handles is bound to confuse some people.

    You immediately assume that since I attend a certain institution I am one of those trophy daughters whose Daddy paid to get her in so he could slap a bumper sticker on his Cadillac.

    Now that is an assumption on your part. Who paid, will pay, or whatever doesn’t enter into the picture excepting your reference to attending private schools. They all charge and most ain’t cheap. That implies your family is above average in wealth.

    As I pointed out a few posts ago, it is the need to assert your credentials that determine your level of credibility. Several times I have mentioned I went on to college. I have never mentioned the name nor even if it was an accredited school. I have never used my post secondary education as a lever to suggest I am smarter than others. And I damn well hope it has never been taken that way.

    Imagine for a second I was your daughter, who worked her ass off to get out of the places where students hurt their teachers and vice versa. I imagine you’d be a little bit more forgiving of my mistake.

    Now there you go. You suggest you now had a very rough education in a dangerous environment. None of that excuses or should have influenced your trumpeting simply because you are doing it again.

    It is fair to mention your past in passing. An example would be:
    “When I was in the Air Force, I used to see Airmen smoking all the time while refueling …”

    It is not right to use your past as some weapon to better your position in a debate / discussion. Most of us have met the cancer survivor claiming to be an oncology expert.

    It is the difference in these two examples that allow me to assume something about the person’s argument and personal credibility.

  12. JStein says:

    Mr. Catshit,
    J was Janice, not me, and I mentioned my gender before her post. Also, using “he” as gender non-specific is going quickly out of style, but this isn’t about ridding the internet of sexist grammar.
    I apologized for mentioning the name of my college, so the point is moot. Nor was I using my past as a weapon. The summary of what I said was “this is how I grew up, so this is how I think.” Anyhow, it’s all semantics.
    To a degree that is what I was suggesting, although none of us know anything about the previous relationship between the children and the teacher. My main point was that they(the children) likely didn’t have an appropriate outlet provided for feedback.

  13. Mr. Catshit says:

    #103, JStein,

    I apologize and think I now understand which one you are.

    none of us know anything about the previous relationship between the children and the teacher.


  14. bobbo says:

    #105 may be an odd number to end this thread on, so posterity, while not expressly said

    let me conclude that so far

    this thread demonstrates that the background, or qualifications, or life history, or context of a poster has absolutely nothing to do with discussing a subject we know nothing about.

    That being the case, we must wonder what the function of such material really is.

    Catshit and I have both suggested it is ad hominem and an appeal to authority.

    I further suggested it is a request for emotional support.

    JStein suggests it is an attempt to help explain the comments given.

    Did I ever tell the blog-o-sphere that I used to be a corporate secretary??? It comes out at times like this. Glad no one is reading this.

  15. j (aka Janice) says:

    Oh, ok, I thought you would have been an English teacher! 🙂

  16. Mr. Catshit says:

    #10, pedro,

    What do you think zeph should be apologizing for? His opinion? For being correct in his assessment? For knowing English better than you?

    The school should seriously reconsider this teacher being rehired. By escalating this past the parent, the teacher is demonstrating she can not control her students and desires more punishment than she or the school is capable of providing.


    NOTE to zeph: minor grammatical errors are permitted since these comments are usually just quick thoughts. I understand though, sometimes seeing a incorrectly used or spelled word does really grate the nerves. Although, if others never corrected me, I would be making a lot more errors than I do now.


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