“But Miss Thompson, we DONT WANT a pop quiz…”

WAYCROSS, GA — It’s the type of news you don’t expect to hear coming out of an elementary school. Nine third grade students suspended at Center Elementary in Waycross for an alleged plot to attack their teacher. “This plot was uncovered at the point that something dangerous was brought to the school,” says Lt. Dwayne Caswell with Waycross Police. Police say the students were hatching a plan to harm their teacher Friday morning. They even brought items from home to carry out the plan. “They had a broken steak knife, a crystal paper weight, toy handcuffs, several items and tape and stuff,” says Lt. Caswell. Ware County School officials say a classmate told the principal about one of the students bringing a weapon to school. The discovery was later made that more students were in on the plot. The school says it’s a matter they are not taking lightly.

“Some might say ‘They were young and in the third grade and how serious could it be?’, but anytime our students’ safety or our teachers’ safety is compromised we obviously have to take that very seriously,” says Theresa Martin with Ware County Schools. Police say no criminal charges will be brought forth against the students. The District Attorney is handling the case and students will most likely face juvenile charges of Unruly Child. One of the teacher’s relatives said each child at Center Elementary School in Waycross had a job to do, including one assigned to wipe up the blood.

Unholy smokes!

More details here

  1. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Poor teacher may have just been trying to force the kids to actually think and it backfired. Not to mention that making kids do something is now a crime.

  2. Uncle Ben says:

    tk: What these kids really need is some good, old fashioned discipline! Arrest them and go so far as to lay charges, may just be what is needed to scare them, let them spend a night or 2 in jail.

    I am with you on that one. I had a friend in high school (we were around 16 years old or so) who had a pink mohawk. He got arrested one night. What started as a having a few beers in the park for fun, turned into him showing off, running from the cops, getting tackled, punching a police officer and some pretty heavy charges. The short version is that he was given the option of having a tour of the local jail, which he scoffenly agreed to, in his pink mohawk, thinking he was well hard… suffice it to say that after an after tour of the facilities, he was a scared little kitten (and immediately shaved his pink hair). Now I am not saying that he exactly grew up to be an accountant, but he was a lot more mellow after that …

  3. noc says:

    Best movie ever!!!
    It goes perfectly with the topic.

  4. pmoo says:

    I am appalled at posts blaming the teacher. As a high school teacher, I’ve faced it all. Last year, two students put Visine in my water bottle as a ‘prank.’ This year, another group of darlings wrote Kill (me) on their senior diploma sign up sheet.

    I have them 45 minutes each day and do my best to actually teach (when I’m not reprimanding them for getting out of their seats, touching or pushing each other, using iPods or cell phones, cursing, etc; their parents have had them 18 years, yet there are those of you here who want to blame the teachers. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  5. Mr. Catshit says:

    #30, Faye,

    I have been a teacher for 21 years.

    Judging from your comment, you’ve been a piss poor teacher too.

    These students should be arrested

    They are third grade kids. What, at eight, nine y/o.

    All educators should be fearful of these students coming back into the school system.

    No. All parents should be wary of teachers like you. You are seriously in need of an attitude adjustment. You don’t teach. You most likely scream at the kids and pile on useless homework. You only have the time for the better students and let those who need help fail.

    Our school system will continue to spiral downward if stricter policies and laws are not implemented to keep our teachers and other educators safe.

    Safe? Your best bet would be to get another job. Not in teaching. Simply put, if you ended up my kids teacher, your attitude would put you in danger of harm from me and many other parents I know. In fact, you wouldn’t last in our district.

    Parents need to be reminded that it is their job to monitor and police their children so that they grow up with good morals and values.

    Whose morals and values? Your’s? Sheet, not on your life. I want my kid to be curious. I want her to learn from her mistakes. I don’t want her to be afraid of discovering something new because the wrath of god or some maniac teacher will punish her.

    My job as a parent to guide her. I trust her enough to know she won’t lie to us or purposely do something stupid on purpose. Police her? Get a fucking real life and quit screwing up kids lives.

    #34 pmoo,

    That applies to you too.

  6. faye says:

    I appreciate your opinion and that is your right. I have been a teacher for many years because I like it and I am GOOD at my job. I am a preferred teacher because I know what I am doing. Your belief in how safe a school or learning environment should be is incorrect, reality is reality. Students should not run the school nor should their parents. It should be a partnership when it should be. Rules are rules and they need to be followed at home, school, on your job, and every place else that you may go. Endangering a persons life is over the top anywhere. There should be serious consequences for anyone(adult or child)who PLANS to do harm or does harm to another person no matter where they may be. But, you have the right to be misinformed and wrong like your post.
    I work in an A+ rated school and all of the teachers are dedicated to their students and their success and work very hard to maintain this high rating. This is true of most teachers in all schools nationwide. That means rules have to be followed. Without organizational rules there would be no learning, but as I said you have the right to be wrong.

    To #34. I know that you have seen the changes over the years and as teachers we can only keep trying and doing our best to teach ALL children and keeping them safe at the same time. Thankl you for your dedication.

  7. pmoo says:

    Anyone who resorts to name-calling is exactly the type of parent I am describing. When people do not agree with you or find fault with your children, you lambaste them.

    I have 20 years of teaching experience, but sadly, every school has some students who do not care to learn. It has nothing to do with my abilities. It’s very easy to judge others when you have never done the job.

    Again, you are entitled to your opinion. If you feel I’m a piss-poor teacher for forcing students to be quiet, stay in their seats, AND do their work, then so be it. I have to do my job of teaching and the parents’ job of teaching them social skills because too many parents aren’t in charge.

    God bless you Mr. Catshit

  8. Meandy says:

    To #38, perhaps you could tell me what a “moran” is? Was that what you learned from that English teacher whose class you enjoyed so much?

  9. msmith says:

    Dear Mr. Catshit

    Parents today are not doing their job. The children rule the roost and when they go to

    You continue to miss the point. A person says God bless you and you assume that a person cannot have a profession and a belief. Making personal attacks is bullying, just as is trying to beat up a teacher who would not allow the students to stand on a desk.

    The posts here are about children out of control, but rather than admitting this is sometimes true, you simply insult. My guess is you are unable to effectively argue a point or you would. Instead you feel important by attacking others.

    The world is a different place and anyone who reads the newspaper knows that kids today are not the ones from the past. Look at the shootings at high schools and colleges. Younger and younger students are committing crimes, but you’d rather blame it on piss-poor teachers who have to correct the mistakes or neglect of parents.

    Finally, anyone who learned his lessons well in school should have learned that the way to persuade is by showing others what is wrong with their opinion, not by slinging personal insults.

    Love the name – it suits you.

  10. pmoo says:

    Mr. Catshit

    Only a MORON would spell the word wrong – it’s moron not moran:-)

    If you can spell, thank a teacher. If you can’t, go back to school and pay attention.

  11. Harry S says:

    “If you read DU regularly, you’ll know that the real stories are much more bizarre than April Fool’s stories.”

    Why the hell would anyone with a functioning brain read DU??????

  12. red says:

    Dear #38,

    As a teacher, I’d like your opinion on something. What SHOULD teachers be doing in our schools today? Are you suggesting we allow students to do whatever they want because a “one size fits all” rule isn’t effective? Are you suggesting that students be allowed to hurt or bully YOUR precious angel because they are just “using their imagination”. Are you suggesting that our “morals” and “beliefs” of showing respect to ALL humans, young or old, should not be taught regardless of whether we believe in God or not? By the way, He’s NOT imaginary. I hope you find someone who will share the truth with you and that your heart will be open to at least hear it, hopefully accept it. Are you suggesting that because we, as teachers, are obviously so ignorant and horrible in doing our job that YOU as a parent should come in and take control? If so, my advice to you is to sign up as a substitute, or go back and get your education degree and get a JOB as a teacher and see if your views don’t change. Guess what? I’m a taxpayer, too, which according to you means I DO own the school where I work. If you disagree with what I’ve said, I’d like to offer a suggestion for you..”HOME SCHOOL”. It’s where you take your precious child who you “trust to never lie”, boy are YOU naive, and teach her yourself. I’d suggest private school, but I’m sure their “beliefs and morals” wouldn’t be quite as high as yours are. Quit bashing the teachers of America. When you’re willing to do what we do and have walked in our shoes, go right ahead…but until then, back off. We are teachers, not perfect robots. As all humans, we mess up. However, our job is probably the second hardest on the planet. The only job harder would be to parent, and from I’ve read, you are failing miserably in that job. Perhaps that is why you feel the need to attack the teachers. I’ve worked with some amazing parents in my 10 years as a teacher, but I’ve also worked with people like you. In your case, I can honestly say that the person who is suffering the most for your opinions and attitudes is your child. What you say or do won’t hurt me or other teachers. We’re big enough to take it, but man, are you doing a real number on your OWN KID. Talk about a tragedy.

  13. Mr. Catshit says:

    To the less than enlightened. When a word is bolded and underlined, that means it is a link. A link will take you to another site. A site is a place on the internet, also known as the World Wide Web. So go back to #38, look at the word MORAN, and click on it.

    As an aside, at DU a “moran” is the accepted spelling for moron. It is sort of an inside joke.

  14. bobbo says:

    #41–pmoo==you crack me up. Now, if you want to assume you know everything and demand respeck (an allusion to Borat) in return, better stay a teacher in a classroom than jump into new environments with the same assumption.

    Why have I never forgotten my 7th grade english teacher who correct my (correct) usage of the term “lief-motif” to “life motive” which wasn’t what I meant at all?

    The learning experience?–I mentioned this to my father who told me my job was “to learn in spite of the teachers.”

    One of the best lessons I have ever learned in life==and as you say, all because of a teacher.

  15. Meandy says:

    Mr. Catshit,

    I am sure the posters here are aware of what a highlighted word means, even a misspelled one. I checked out the link. It was a picture of a guy holding a sign with the word “moron” spelled wrong, certainly nothing earthshaking about that. Just another guy who can’t spell.

  16. Mr. Catshit says:

    #43, red,

    Are you suggesting we allow students to do whatever they want because a “one size fits all” rule isn’t effective?

    (my comment in #38,)

    there is not, nor can there be, a “One size fits all” rule.

    (Faye’s initial comment in #36,)

    Rules are rules and they need to be followed at home, school, on your job, and every place else that you may go.

    So ya see red, (sniiiiff), that is what is wrong here. You was a thinkin’. Actually, there is nothing wrong with thinking and I encourage it. Only you were thinking as a black and white, pigeon holed, fool. Kids aren’t black and white. I understand they used to teach that concept in Teacher’s College.

    Are you suggesting that students be allowed to hurt or bully YOUR precious angel because they are just “using their imagination”.

    First, my daughter is not an angel. I wouldn’t insult her by referring to her as a mythical figure. Nor has anyone suggested there be carte blanche (that is a fancy french term for unrestricted, for you all Georgia types) to injure or hurt someone. Keep it all in perspective.

    Are you suggesting that our “morals” and “beliefs” of showing respect to ALL humans, young or old, should not be taught regardless of whether we believe in God or not?

    Showing respect for ALL people is good. Only Faye doesn’t. Plus, it has been my experience that those who believe in fairy tales and mythical beings also have a penchant for including that “moral” code with their values. Example, preaching abstinence instead of sex education.

    By the way, [god]’s NOT imaginary.

    OH? As a teacher, I would expect you to have some intelligence and demand some degree of evidence before teaching others. There is no evidence there is a god. Or an allah, or yawah, or thor, or zeus, or whomever. If god doesn’t exist yet you claim he is not imaginary, then you are coming close to the definition of schizophrenic.

    Unless you have some proof.

    Are you suggesting that because we, as teachers, are obviously so ignorant and horrible in doing our job that YOU as a parent should come in and take control?

    Nope. I never suggested that. Faye suggested that only teachers should have any input in the classroom.

    Guess what? I’m a taxpayer, too,


    If you disagree with what I’ve said, I’d like to offer a suggestion for you..”HOME SCHOOL”.

    So, if I understand you. My tax dollars mean shit. My being in the community is irrelevant. It is either do things YOUR way or it is the highway. Well, with that kind of attitude you wouldn’t last a semester in our district.

    Why? Because we treat people with respect around here. The teachers, Principals, Superintendent, and Board are all there because we allow them. There is no “right” to be a teacher in our district. It is an earned honor. When a parent complains a teacher is out of line, it is investigated and the parties brought together.

    Quit bashing the teachers of America.

    I’m not. I am responding to two obvious misfits who shouldn’t be teaching. Oopps, make that at least three misfits. Of all the regular contributors on this blog. I have repeatedly and steadfastly defended teachers. That does not mean I will not out an obvious bad teacher.

    As all humans, we mess up.

    Say WHAT ??? You have been telling us that you are perfect? You have been bashing me for what I wrote because I called on someone’s errors.

    The only job harder would be to parent, and from I’ve read, you are failing miserably in that job.

    Now this demonstrates why YOU make a bad teacher. You have jumped to a conclusion about someone you don’t know, have heard nothing about, and read ONE line I wrote. Instead of checking out the person or investigating, you are prejudging her. This same trait is well known among those believing in mythical beings.

    FYI. My kid is well adjusted, doesn’t lie, excels in every subject, does well in softball, basketball, and soccer. She played repeated April’s Fools jokes on me and I have to admit, they were good. My wife is teaching her piano and she is picking up drums. She is following my footsteps and does quite well in photography.

    I can honestly say that the person who is suffering the most for your opinions and attitudes is your child.

    If brains were made of dynamite, I doubt you would have enough to blow your own nose. Because I don’t agree with you, now you have to bash my kid? You sir, remain a piss poor teacher.

  17. Mr. Catshit says:

    #46, Meandy,

    Maybe you might be able to follow an embedded link. After directions. Unfortunately, #39, Meandy didn’t. Nor did s/he follow the link until s/he was given directions.

    The silly thing about this is being asked if I misspelled it because of a specific English teacher. Well, if the MORAN had of followed the link they might have an understanding why WE USE THAT WORD AT DU.

  18. Mr. Catshit says:

    #40, msmith

    Parents today are not doing their job. The children rule the roost and when they go to

    They aren’t? Why don’t you call Child Services instead of whining.

    The children rule the roost? Right. Where, at your home? They sure don’t in any home I’m aware of.

    Where do they go?

    You continue to miss the point. A person says God bless you and you assume that a person cannot have a profession and a belief.

    No. You miss the point. How can someone teach knowledge when they believe in mythical beings in the sky. The lessons of these followers are not healthy for growing minds. When their beliefs suggest that a woman can’t control her own body, that slavery is acceptable, discrimination because of race or nationality is acceptable, that a dead man may be raised from the dead, that a woman may conceive without intercourse, that stem cell research is against god’s law, …

    Children go to school to learn. They shouldn’t be indoctrinated with garbage. There is a difference between knowledge and faith. You can’t give them knowledge when you believe in faith.

    The posts here are about children out of control, but rather than admitting this is sometimes true, you simply insult.

    Sorry you can’t take it. Let me pass you the equivalent of an internet tissue to wipe those tears. FYI, I never said or even suggested the children were out of control or not. Read what I said before accusing me.

    My guess is you are unable to effectively argue a point or you would. Instead you feel important by attacking others.

    Whenever I have attacked someone I have backed it up. You will not find any of my posts making an unsubstantiated attack. Unlike what you are doing here. How did I insult someone?

    Look at the shootings at high schools and colleges.

    Bullshit. How many children died last year at ALL schools from shootings. Tell me how many children were abducted by a stranger on the way home.

    Then tell me how many kids quit school early because they were pregnant and didn’t fit into the school’s “plans”. Then tell me how many kids left school because they didn’t have a home to go to after school. Then tell me how many kids left school early because some overly strict, uncaring teacher wouldn’t help with a learning problem. These kids ended up dead because of the system.

    anyone who learned his lessons well in school should have learned that the way to persuade is by showing others what is wrong with their opinion, not by slinging personal insults.

    So which of my opinions do you disagree with? Show me where I am wrong. Fuck the bullshit. Show me where I am wrong. If the truth hurts then too bad.

    All you did was make some bold, often wrong, statements. You can’t back any of them up. You said kids were becoming more violent today. Shit, we used to bring guns to school when I was a kid. My father and his friends used to shoot gophers during recess. What kind of crime would that be today? What kind of crime is it when an 11 y/o girl is arrested because her mother packed a steak knife to cut her lunch meat?

    I insult? No, you insult our intelligence by claiming to be a teacher. Your arguments are so hollow there is no way you can suggest you know your subject.

  19. Mr. Catshit says:

    Geeze, morans can be tiring.

  20. Danica says:

    I don’t think the parents should be to blame. It’s the kids fault, not the parents. I think that the teacher should be questioned along with things going on in the classroom. There has to be more reasoning to why they wanted to kill there teacher.

  21. Meandy says:

    Mr. Catshit,

    Actually Meandy #39 and #46 are one in the same. You did note the numbering system here, right?

    I had already followed the link, didn’t need your help for any of that. This guy in the picture holding the poster, one of your idols? I guess he didn’t pay much attention in school either.

  22. Mr. Catshit says:


    I can see your reading comprehension is still (ahem) maturing. If you had of followed the link in the first place you wouldn’t have made that first post questioning it then the second post explaining you are smart and a third post suggesting you were too stupid to have read anything.

    I’ll repeat it for you. At DU “moran” is the accepted spelling for “moron”. It is an inside joke that the unwary always think we screwed up on. The link was posted to cut off those who think we can’t spell. AND, although this is a blog where spelling (and grammar)is secondary most of us do try to use spell check.

    Take our teachers, Faye, red, and pmoo. Now I am far from being the perfect speller and my grammar isn’t much better. Yet here are three teachers whose grammar makes me feel so much better. Faye claims to be a good teacher. Do you want her teaching your kid grammar?

  23. Meandy says:

    Mr. Catshit,

    I did follow the link, did you? It is a picture of a man holding a poster with a misspelled word. Not sure what is so hard to understand here, maybe I should type slower?

    As for your implication that I am too stupid to learn, you are entitled to your opinion. You choose to depict yourself as one who resorts to cursing and name-calling; neither are signs of maturity. I suppose some people are content to go through life misspelling words just because a blog accepts it.

    I would rather have pmoo, Faye and red teaching children than you or your sign toting idol.

  24. ladyannmarie says:

    Mr. Catshit,

    I am a teacher, and I believe every parent should visit the classroom.

    Until then, stop your lengthy attacks on random people that really mean nothing to you in the long run.

    I’m not saying that you are right or wrong, I just want you to realize that as a parent you belong in her classroom. Take a day off of work sometime if possible and stay the entire day.

    There have been times when a parent has called the principal to complain about something that has happened in my or another teacher’s classroom. Most of the time parents won’t even bother to talk to a teacher if they think there is a problem. They just go right over your head so they can bitch and whine. They really aren’t seeking a solution to their child’s concerns, but an easy way to pacify the issue that arose in their life.

    On the other hand, the parents that do show often end up realizing the true situation. Children exaggerate, lie, & sometimes are confused when they are upset with a situation in which they do not feel comfortable.

    I’m not trying to imply that you are misguided, or that your child exaggerates, lies, or is confused when she shares her concerns.

    I am suggesting that she will be more secure, & you will be even more engaged in her education. Good teachers are not afraid of parent visits. I’m thrilled when parents stop by, email, or call me.

    If you do already volunteer or spend time in her classroom, kudos to you. I’m sure that you realize how incredibly intelligent, devoted, caring, and innovative most of our teachers are.

  25. bobbo says:

    #55–Lady==I really wonder what statement you are arguing for or against. Let me illustrate.

    1. You say==I am a teacher, and I believe every parent should visit the classroom.==I agree and assume Mr Catshit does too.

    2. You say==Until then, stop your lengthy attacks on random people that really mean nothing to you in the long run./// Well this make “no sense” in many ways. Why should someone have to spend a day in a classroom before responding to an entry in a blog–especially when it concerns generalities not about specifics of any given classroom? Why is disagreeing with someone an attack?–how open to discussion does calling a spirited disagreement an attack make one look==especially someone who is supposed to encourage those curious little minds? Does someone have to mean something to someoneelse before a blog entry is discussed? All very disconnected and silly if you try to make sense of it.

    3. You say==I’m not saying that you are right or wrong, /// well you should make such determinations before going further with offering irrelevant advice that is irrelevant to most of the issues attempted to be discussed in this thread?

    4. You say==I’m sure that you realize how incredibly intelligent, devoted, caring, and innovative most of our teachers are. /// Yes, and quite a few who are not, and a few hysterics who fly off the handle when their asses aren’t kissed.

    Teaching–it really is a calling.

  26. Mr. Catshit says:


    A well made post. Thank you for being so much more eloquent than I.


    My daughter is very well adjusted and much more mature than others her age. I try not to interfere with her teacher as I am very pleased with the job he is doing and he has updated us when necessary.

    No. I will not spend time in the classroom during the day. First, I have work to do. Second, it would be a distraction to the class and the teacher. People do their best work when they know they are trusted and not being scrutinized.

    I have, and will continue to, meet and communicate with the teacher. I have also communicated to the principal how pleased we are with the teacher.

  27. bobbo says:

    #58–Catshit==I will quote you next time we cross swords.

    In that vein==you should take the time to visit your child in the classroom==not for the immature teachers instruction, but moral support for your kiddies. Go when its relevant and ok’d by the teacher like on a parents day or what not.

    Some of the best memories I have of my parents are such occasions. It is indeed the thought that counts.

  28. red says:

    Thank you for your response (#47) and I do apologize if I offended you in comments made about your child. My intent was not to criticize or belittle her. I’m sure she is a wonderful child. It is obvious you and I have very different views and opinions on things. I can respect your opinion, yet disagree at the same time. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I can honestly say this is the first time I’ve ever read this blog and your comments struck me as quite harsh regarding teachers. I’m glad to know you support your child’s school, teacher, and principal.

  29. Shay says:

    I think a major point is being missed here. What would you do if you (Catshit and and Bobbo) where that teacher and your students were going to kill YOU? Or how about YOUR wife or husband? I am very sure that if this was a personal attack on anyone that is blogging here that you would want JUSTICE not just a slap on the wrist. Why don’t you two get you heads out of you ass and smell reality and not your own stench. This was a CRIME! A CRIME not a prank gone bad, A CRIME. A premeditated, CRIME. These little animals (they stopped being kiddies when they started planning this CRIME amongst each other), and their parents should be tried and found guilty and the teacher should sue all of the parents, the school, the police department, and the school board of Georgia. This is a travesty and a shame that anyone and I mean ANYONE would feel that the teacher could in someway have brought this on themselves. Oh by the way Mr. Catshit let me know when it is ok to kill your BOSS because he gave you too much work to do or called your work incomplete or unsatisfactory. Make sure that when you are caught that you tell the police that your BOSS caused you to do such a violent act, that he wasn’t allowing you to explore your creative side. See if they let YOU go with a slap on the wrist. My guess is that you will become someones girlfriend in PRISON!

  30. bobbo says:

    #60–Shay==why single me out????

    What did “I” do????

    Of course, if I were the teacher and several of my kiddies plotted to kill me, I would give them an “F” in citizenship.


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