1. FRAGaLOT says:

    wow this is old.. was on Onion news network like a week ago. Yes 1 week is old in internet years.

  2. Mark Derail says:

    However it’s an appropriate April 1st.

    Surprisingly nothing of interest today on the Onion.

    YouTube is RickRolling everyone.

    Google Docs has under the File Menu, New Airplane.


  3. god says:

    Some sheep have permanent short-term memory loss. Especially in the voting booth.

  4. keane-o says:

    No wonder McCain looks confident. He has the military, government stooges and Pentagon technologists on his side. He looked like a returning hero to the white half of Mississippi this weekend.

  5. GigG says:


    Since The Onion is pretty much April Fool’s 24/7/365 do they take today off?

  6. alsam says:

    Scarier than you know. My little burg does use Diebold. They have spent a ton of money on the systems and know can’t afford to get rid of them.

    Old, but still funny

  7. gregallen says:

    I can fix this voter-machine problem:

    Get a Linux box with a touch screen. Hook it to a printer.

    The voter votes on a touch-screen then prints out a MACHINE AND HUMAN ballot.

    The voter checks that it’s right and puts it in the box. (if not, they tear it up and do another.)

    This is the official vote.

    Problem solved with total transparency and a paper trail.

  8. Balbas says:

    Glad to hear Hillary loses.

  9. PeterR says:

    #5: Since The Onion is pretty much April Fool’s 24/7/365 do they take today off?

    Maybe they print REAL news on April 1.

  10. Li says:

    When I saw this a week ago, it was a little too real for comfort. Frankly, after the whole ‘Rape She Wrote’ story came true (LAO; SVU) I’ve found the Onion to be less satire than a sort of creepy prognostication.

  11. JimD says:

    #7 – gregallen: Good one Greg !!! But then how would the Facist Repukes get to MANIPULATE AND FAKE THE VOTE ??? They are followers of Stalin, who said, “It doesn’t matter how the people vote, but who counts the votes!” …

  12. I’d rather be fishing than up to all this tomfoolery pretending that its an honest day’w election
    So much for hanging shards


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