I don’t believe that even a scumbag like Warren G. Harding was booed when he threw the first pitch for the Senators home opener in 1923.

Yet, within six years, the first Cabinet Member in U.S. history to go to prison – Albert Fall, Harding’s Secretary of the Interior – was sentenced for bribery and corruption. For the crimes he committed on behalf of bloodsucking oil companies and their subsidiaries.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  1. Stan says:

    I was at a Braves home opener a while back when Al Gore was VP. Al threw out the first pitch. Same thing – half booing half cheering. Boos just sound louder.

  2. Steve Reno says:

    The RSS feed for this article says, “turned us into a nation of fools”.

    He didn’t, you know. He only exposed – and cleverly exploited – the condition.

    The facts speak for themselves – He’s still president.

  3. The Warden says:

    At least he doesn’t throw like a limp wristed pansy like most Demoncraps.

    And would have been ironic had an airliner flown into the section with the loudest booers.

  4. Dallas says:

    Never mind he got boo’d, he threw a good pitch ! – say the republicans.

    Now you see where the “Bush is doing a great job” votes are coming from.

  5. SN says:

    He threw a damn good pitch, I must admit.

  6. JimD says:

    How many remember that Bush was BOOED OFF THE NASCAR TRACK when he went there to court the supposed “NASCAR Dads” that were supposed to neutralize the “Soccer Moms” that were opposed to Bush ? He was booed so bad, that he was back on Air Farce One even before the race started !!! Comes from VERY LOW APPROVAL RATINGS, and will be a disaster for the Repukes in the General Elections, when EVEN MORE WILL BE WASHED OUT OF CONGRESS WHEN THE PEOPLE TAKE OUT THE TRASH !!!

  7. rlwillis says:

    I was at the game and I cheered! It happens at every game. The fans always boo the politician unless there is some cirsis or national event that brings everyone together.

  8. Jetfire says:

    #6 JimD
    But it looks like a Rupuke will be the next President. What does that say about Dems? Congress ratings are still lower than the Presidents. BTW Clinton was booed as were other Presidents. Non Event.

  9. Magnus Patris says:

    They weren’t booing; they were saying “Booooooooooooooooooooshhhh!”

  10. moss says:

    Still, this sort of crowd response is why Bush won’t venture out directly in front of a cross section of citizens. Safe events with professional patriots is about as far as he will trudge.

    Don’t worry. He didn’t look alone enough out there for me to start feeling sorry for him.

    And as for the fools who would vote again and again for his policies, send your kids to enlist. Please.

  11. god says:

    The same sheepies who voted for him – applaud, now.

    And here.

  12. qsabe says:

    Saddam could stand in front of a crowd and give a speech where his supporters shot their rifles into the air for approval. … … Can you imagine a dictator Bush in front of people with guns. But then he does have an ace in the hole against any assassination attempts…. Cheney..

  13. Mr. Catshit says:

    When I watched the replay on the news, I booed. It felt good too.

    #3, the Warden,

    So this is James Hill’s new handle. Still an idiot troll.

  14. Rabble Rouser says:

    Had I been there, I would have been throwing rocks at the bass turd… Big heavy rocks, hoping to bean the bum.

    Actually, if you listen to the boos this year, they are not as loud as the boos that Cheney got last year, when he threw out the first pitch.

  15. Dallas says:

    The Cheers heard were from special audio equipment flown in for every Bush appearance. It’s the same system used to flush out Noriega.

    An improved version will be showcased at the GOP convention. Features whistles and voices from young people.

  16. McCullough says:

    #9. Except it wasn’t Boooosh, they thought Springsteen was coming out, it sounds like that at all his concerts.

  17. gregallen says:

    And, typically, the media (announcer) totally soft-balls Bush and doesn’t even acknowledge the reality right there.

    “Bush does a great job.” not “Holy smokes, they are booing him!”

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Later, Bush was in the announcer’s booth for quite a bit longer than the usual guest. As much as he’s a stupid jerk of a president, he’s a funny and personable guy when he’s just hanging out and talking baseball.

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    He’s an idiot!


    Why does this always fall on deaf ears?

  20. Kevin Dupuy says:

    The worst part: MLB Had the video pulled down from YouTube!

  21. pat says:

    #21 It’s gone.

  22. Matt Garrett says:

    I hate to ruin this anti Bush Circle Jerk, but point in fact, some booed, some cheered.

  23. Joe Bush says:

    Looks like Youtube pulled the video. We wouldn’t want to piss off the SS now would we.

  24. Mr. Catshit says:

    #22, Matt,

    I hate to ruin this anti Bush Circle Jerk, but point in fact, some booed, some cheered.

    The booing got cheers? Wow ! First time I’ve heard of booers being cheered. Wow, just wow. Will wonders never cease?

    And that was a fair throw.

  25. livvidd says:

    Bush is so over. For the first time in my life, I respect and like a politician, It’s such a strange but wonderful feeling. Whenever Obama speaks I feel inspired, Whenever Bush speaks I feel sick. Obama F.T.W!

  26. pabut says:

    Folks are making too much of this ….. any of the three Presidential candidates would have been boo’d in the same way …. but it is nice to fanaticize that it actually was a significant event ….

  27. Mr. Catshit says:

    For Phuc’s sake Niola, you are annoying.


    I want to see the replay just so I can boo again. It won’t change anything but it feels good.


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