Next thing, PETA will be picketing the Cape.

  1. BillM says:

    That’s better than the golfer hitting the hawk!

  2. Improbus says:

    That hit & run incineration was fowl!

  3. thomas says:


  4. Bill R. says:

    Mmmm… Fresh Fried Fowl…

  5. boru says:

    J. J. Audubon and T. Roosevelt Jr. would be horrified to see birds go aflutter without certain priorities.

    They didn’t eat everything they shot but they perhaps created more interest to develop natural preserves.

    The remaining STS program shouldn’t be discredited for not doing good science work without some sacrifices.

    I might eat a toasted bird if it didn’t have too much aluminum from the solid rocket boosters.


  6. Barovelli says:


  7. MotaMan says:

    “Nature Preserve” just means only the government can mess it up.

  8. Magnus Patris says:

    Kennedy Center Fried Chicken! Yum!

  9. Mr. Catshit says:

    Ya, I bet they would taste a bit like chicken.

  10. Winston Smith says:

    To kill one bird

    Remington shotgun: $619
    Box of shells: $10
    Your total: $629

    Your government:
    Space shuttle: $1.7 billion
    To launch it: $450 million
    Your government’s total: $2,150,000,000

  11. richardbt71 says:

    #11 $619 for a shotgun and $10 for shells? You way over paid.

  12. thomas says:


    to take out the whole flock

    10 rocks

    Your friendly neighborhood terrorists:
    One well placed RPG-7 shot

  13. Les says:

    PETA’s Reaction…Priceless.

  14. pjakobs says:

    Evolution at work for you.

    This crow did not have what it takes to survive in that habitat. The others were better adapted by either being smarter or fireproof. Wait for a new breed of crows with stainless steel or titanium feathers from down there.


  15. FRAGaLOT says:

    Yes fried chicken in SPAAAAACE! Sign me up NASA!

  16. righton! says:

    #7 You are so right! We see the shuttle deliberately steer into that flock of birds. Who needs em?

    I’ll bet the pilot runs over squirrels too back at home. Best to deplete the surplus population.

  17. TheColonel says:

    Baravelli, thanx for that!

    This video was cut a little short doncha think? Needed a little more time. I wonder if a carcass even existed after that?

  18. kanjy says:

    George Costanza said it best on Seinfeld. We’ve got an agreement: They move out of the way, and we overlook them pooping on the statues.


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