THE HAGUE (AFP) – An Internet site said Saturday it had removed anti-Islam film “Fitna” by far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders after receiving threats to its staff amid protests by Muslim nations and the UN chief. The Britain-based said it pulled down the video, which can still be seen on other websites, including The film was posted to the Internet on Thursday. “Following threats to our staff of a very serious nature, and some ill informed reports from certain corners of the British media that could directly lead to the harm of some of our staff, has been left with no other choice but to remove ‘Fitna’ from our servers,” the site said in a statement. “Fitna” features violent imagery of terror attacks in New York and Madrid intertwined with Koranic texts.

In an interview with AFP on Friday, Wilders rejected responsibility for any retaliation against Dutch nationals or interests abroad. “I hope it doesn’t happen but even if it does the people who commit such acts are responsible, not me,” he said, pointing to a quiet first night in the Netherlands. Fearing a repeat of violent clashes that followed the publication in 2005 of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in Danish newspapers, the Dutch government has distanced itself from Wilders’ film and Islamic leaders there have called for calm. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday joined Muslim nations in expressing outrage over the film. Ban called Wilders’ film offensive while Iran and Bangladesh warned it could have grave consequences and Pakistan protested to the Dutch ambassador.

I’ve seen the film, and it is no more offensive than videos posted on Al Jazeera.

  1. DavidtheDuke says:

    …because they want to turn the world into a theocracy?

  2. Suicide Bomber says:

    I’m still waiting on my 70 virgins. I’m such a dumb ass.

  3. jbenson2 says:

    (CNN) — The European Union on Friday condemned a new film by a Dutch lawmaker which is critical of Islam and features controversial images of the Prophet Mohammed.

    The 15-minute film, titled “Fitna,” was posted on a London-based Web site Thursday. It immediately drew criticism from the Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, who said the film equates Islam with violence.

    “We reject this interpretation,” Balkenende said in a statement. “The vast majority of Muslims reject extremism and violence.”
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    Vast majority? Where? Show me!

    Show me a list of Muslim organizations that are actively trying to eliminate the extremism in their religion of peace.

    Go to the CAIR website and notice the first available response under CONTACT CAIR.

    CAIR’s first knee-jerk choice is:
    File a Complaint

  4. eaze says:

    If its being forced on you, then its not a democracy. And they don’t immigrate to a country because it is a democratic country, they immigrate to a richer country so that they can feed their starving families back home.

    Im sure anyone reading would do a lot of things to make a better life for their children, including migrating to another country, but as soon as “they” come into “our” country, its all of a sudden a completely different thing.

    These people that risk their lives, to come over here and hold down crap jobs and pay taxes to our country, just because they want a better life for their family? I commend them, they are fighting a righteous struggle.

  5. eaze says:

    #3 you obviously don’t actually know any Muslims, so why make an ass outta yourself on here?

  6. Uncle Ben says:

    As far as Films go, not great but good on him for making point. It goes along the lines of “I don’t agree with what he says, but I will defend to the death his right to say it”. It is a shame that people are uttering death threats against the film makers and Live Leak, and I hope more people will stand up for themselves and not back down to people who will impose their beliefs on others: whether they be Muslim fanatics, Christian nutjobs or Animal Rights Extremists.

    As an aside, did anyone see the thing on YouTube where a guy dresses up in army clothes, covers his face with a scarf, then tries to give a reasoned defense of Islam stating that texts where taken out of context etc…. very hard to make any sort of a point if you aren’t courageous enough to show your face when you say it!

  7. patriotBoy says:

    Dear Suicide Bomber:

    You know those 70 virgins?

    Female virgins are on backorder and orders are currently being filled using suicide bombers.

  8. soundwash says:

    it still boggles my mind that in this day and age religion is still the primary factor in creating chaos and dissent around the world.

    religion is nothing but a huge divisive, manipulative stake in the heart of progress.

    will people ever get a clue?

    -seems all the other the animals on the planet do just fine without it.

  9. Jack says:

    I’d hate to say this but the way to win this conflict is with TOTAL WAR. we kicked Nazi and Jap ass that way and we will win again against Islam. Treat every person as the enemy, sterilize the woman to stop them from reproducing “enemy soldiers”, kill the enemy by the tens of thousands, send in the B-52’s, B-2’s, & B-1’s to carpet bomb Mecca off the face of the earth. They only understand one thing, pain and violence

    the only good Muslim is a Muslim who’s been dead 6 months.

  10. bobbo says:

    For those moral relativists and islamic apologists and those urging interfaith tolerance out there, recognize violent protest against this film may be “understood” today, but with more power/numbers tomorrow, the same outrage will be exhibited against uncovered women, boys and girls playing together, lack of footbaths in taxicabs and so forth.

    These religious fanatics (the “average muslim” IN EFFECT if not active support) will not rest until they have victory, or a near death experience to help put things in perspective.

    If you are in a bar and a nutball looks at you and says “Stop looking at my babe.” Do you argue with him, or get up and move to the end of the bar, or leave the place? In both instances, you’ve been warned by a nutball. What happens next is as much your fault, as his.

  11. brucemlloyd says:

    #9, Amazing how you mention defeating the Nazis and in the very same breath defend their tactics as a valid method of “winning”.

    The enemy isn’t a man or woman, its ideology.

    How would the religious zealots of America react if someone made a movie depicting Jesus as a homosexual? Why did the Catholic church try to ban The Davinci Code? Why do you tolerate the Westboro Baptists?

  12. bobbo says:

    #12–Uncle Ben==I’ll go look at your cites after this post – but – you sound like a nice meaning relativist, blind to the threat this now only remotely gnawing at your freedoms.

    They want to come here for a better life?==very true. And yet even before they have that better life they are agitating for everyone else to comply with their religion as seen in the multiple stories from Minnesota.

    Rattlesnakes are part of gods plan and in an of themselves, no different than anyone else==just trying to live a good life, raise a family and such==but you either kill a rattlesnake or keep it in a cage==or one day you will die.

    Look at the article posted above==do you want to accommodate that? Just ignore it? Simple mindedly hope it will go away or change?

    Give us your further thoughts on how the arab muslims aren’t that bad.

  13. stefan says:

    Are Muslims actually realizing in what kind of danger they are walking?

    Here in Europe we have a pretty nasty history about how we deal with minorities which ‘appear to get annoying’…

    Don’t forget 95% of the EU population is not muslim and muslims are almost nowhere represented in any of the three branches of government in any of the countries.

  14. jbenson2 says:


    I appreciate your attempt, but after reviewing them, my statement still stands.

    For instance, you included CAIR in the list of organizations actively opposed to Islamic terrorism? Come on, get real!

    There is nothing in the Muslim Council of Britain site other than “gimme, gimme, gimme”. They just want more stuff from the British government.

    The cover page of Islam for Today site is outdated. It has some quotes right after 9/11 and has not been updated since 2003. But they do agree with me at the end by including 3 pro-Islamic photos and countless extremist photos. The other pages have more up to date material but revert right back to the same “what’s in it for me” dialog found in the Muslim Council of Britain site.

    The site is a joke. One of their big supporters is Syed Soharwardy of the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada who could care less about terrorism. All he wants to do is file complaints with the the Canadian Human Rights Commission against the Press.

    Saying these sites are actively opposed to terrorism is similar to saying the Trinity United Church of Christ is opposed to all forms of racism.

  15. jbenson2 says:

    #14 said Don’t forget 95% of the EU population is not muslim

    Don’t get too cocky.

    * The number of Muslims in Europe in 2007 reached 54 million.

    * Look at the rioting in France over the past few years.

    * The Muslims want to impose their own Sharia law in place of the local government.

  16. Ultraslug says:

    Indeed, often it is their children who end up a bit confused and become terrorists as part of their own expression of rebellion.

    Exactly! That’s happened with every nascent religious group, including the Catholics, the Bhuddists, the Hindus, and on. So you see, Islam is no different.

  17. bobbo says:

    #17–Ultraslup==quite correct. What happened was these groups were hunted down like dogs and killed as being subversive and against the general order==which they were until they rendered unto Cesar what is Cesars.

    I’m all for Islam being treated the same as any other nutbag religion. Death to those who would take my liberty.

  18. lou says:

    [violation of posting guidelines..excessive cursing]

  19. The film is here:


    And is it a movie? It’s 15 friggin’ minutes. There is nothing new in it. It looks like a weekend of editing and shorter than a clip show. How anyone can bother to condemn it is ridiculous. I think much of the hub-bub is bull — as in publicity stunt.

  20. RMR says:

    So much for freedom of speech. Welcome to the cusp of a new European era…

    It’s better to die upon your feet than to live upon your knees!

    – Emiliano Zapata

    “Monsieur l’abbe, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write.”

    -Evelyn Beatrice Hall

  21. Ultraslug says:

    The point of the movie, John, is to show how some Muslims use the Qur’an to justify violence, and that Muslims need to do something about it.

    There are jihadist videos online and available at stores and mosques across the Middle East depiciting the same material. It’s telling that Muslim condemnation only surfaces when it’s directed toward the west and portrayed in a disapproving way.

    See for a litany of press reports about the reaction.

  22. bobbo says:

    #20–Thanks John==I’ll add this movie to my list of boring films that somehow became controversial. Worse than boring though is that you are right, it is irrelevant. It connects no dots, reveals nothing not apparent. One of the few moving pictures of that woman that got executed at the soccer field though==but misleading if you didn’t know that did not happen in Denmark?

    Yep, bad film. Worse are those who are against it? Worser yet (homage to Keith Olberman) are those that would kill to avenge it.

  23. Cursor_ says:

    This film is guff.

    In it they quote the Quoran and say something about turkeys.

    Turkeys were not in the middle east until well AFTER they were brought from the Americas.

    Now this is either poor dutch translation or it is crap written to placate people in the fanatical community to hide behind relgion to further their homocidal tendencies.

    Like that never happened with Jews and Christians before.


  24. zorkor says:

    hey I’m one if those moderate Muslims who believes in live and let the others live too. I pray to Allah and believe in Quran whole heartedly while I also listen to latest rock music etc. So what’s all the fuss about? If you attack us, we will attack you. Its just human nature. You can’t bomb our homes and children under the fake name of “demo crazy” and expect us to sit back and throw kisses at you. Its just a matter of ” I will do what you do to me” so live with it or shut up.

  25. bobbo says:

    #25–Hey zorkor===glad you post here. Nice to hear the voice of “moderate Muslim’s” as you unwittingly demonstrate just exactly how/why moderate muslims are a danger to the civilized world==when “your people” attack and kill people expressing their desire to live free of your religion, you conflate their position with those who have invaded and attacked you.

    And that confusion of issues is what makes you dangerous.

    Live long and prosper–but get off my lawn.

  26. LS says:

    All through history, one side escalates the tactics of war and either wins, or is met with an equal or greater escalation, and loses. While the west attempts to at the very least minimize civilian casualties (if only for PR, depending on your position), the other side, in desperation, actively seeks to kill as many civilians as possible with whatever methods it can find. The West will either fall, or hold it’s nose out of it’s own desperation and escalate it’s tactics using it’s own available methods.

    With how often The West is described as being so unethical, immoral and just purely evil, do you really think we will fail to escalate? And what happens when we do decide, as you have, that the death of your civilian population is desirable?

    Maybe it will be a couple “spectacular” strikes, or a globalization of tactics used only in a fairly localized manner to date. Perhaps it will be a combination; but sooner or later it will be taken just too far. The holocaust that will follow may not be mourned for generations.

    I wonder how the world will deal with being put in the position of being forced to destroy an entire people.

  27. Periklis says:

    The whole Europe (especially my country Greece) has suffered from Muslims. Unfortunately, history repeats but this time instead of the sword they use the politicians.

  28. fahrquar says:

    Infiltrate, divide, conquer………sounds very familiar.
    Unlike some suck ups, I have to disagree with John. Even though it does look like a weekend edit job, it still sends a message. We need to be reminded of people like these, lest we forget.

  29. Uncle Ben says:

    I like the new clip that shows a protester with a placard saying “We are against unbridled freedom of expression” …. sounds a bit like “You have the right to freedom of speech, as long as I agree with what you are saying”.

    I do agree that Muslim groups throughout the west do seem a lot more quick in lodging human rights complaints against Muslims than they do condemning clitorectomies, forced marriage, honour killings and terrorism. But then it is hard to say how much of that is truth and how much is perception based on what makes a good news clip.

    Certainly Islam doesn’t seem to be doing itself a lot of favours at the moment, but then it is ‘the fastest growing religion’ so maybe it is working for them, but then neither are we.

    We Afghanistan I think we really lost a good opportunity to march into a country that needed to be invaded (because they were given safe haven to a terrorists that was attacking the west) for our own reasons, but also had a pretty shit government anyway, so if we ignored Iraq, concentrated all that effort and money on Afghanistan we could have taken over the country, opened schools, hospitals, etc, re-introduced elected government, and really made a shit country into a good one and at the same time make it harder on the nut-jobs to convince people we are satan.

    But instead we buggered up Afghanistan, made Iraq, which was a pretty horrible place, and had already suffered for 10 years over western sanctions and regular bombing even worse and made it look like all we really want to is shit on Muslims.

    Hell, if I was a Muslim, and listened to the neo-con philosophies and future planning I’d be convinced the USA and its western allies were fighting against Islam. In fact, I am not Muslim and I am still not 100% sure we are involved in sort of a weird religious war that we don’t know about….

  30. zorkor says:

    hey bobo,

    Thanks for reminding us to get off your lawn but you’re forgetting that your lawn was built using our resources. Come and see how sneakly your liberalized and freedom loving people suck our resources and then send back to your lazy good for nothing carpet bombing people.

    Just for oil you love to kill us while forgetting that your whole country is running on precious commodity like oil from Muslim countries.

    You people just love to bomb Muslim countries but when you are bombed then you start squealing like teen girls. You see if you try to squish an ant, it will still bite you. If it does bite you then don’t run around crying for your mother. Face it like a man. If you really are men…..


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