THE HAGUE (AFP) – An Internet site said Saturday it had removed anti-Islam film “Fitna” by far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders after receiving threats to its staff amid protests by Muslim nations and the UN chief. The Britain-based said it pulled down the video, which can still be seen on other websites, including The film was posted to the Internet on Thursday. “Following threats to our staff of a very serious nature, and some ill informed reports from certain corners of the British media that could directly lead to the harm of some of our staff, has been left with no other choice but to remove ‘Fitna’ from our servers,” the site said in a statement. “Fitna” features violent imagery of terror attacks in New York and Madrid intertwined with Koranic texts.

In an interview with AFP on Friday, Wilders rejected responsibility for any retaliation against Dutch nationals or interests abroad. “I hope it doesn’t happen but even if it does the people who commit such acts are responsible, not me,” he said, pointing to a quiet first night in the Netherlands. Fearing a repeat of violent clashes that followed the publication in 2005 of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in Danish newspapers, the Dutch government has distanced itself from Wilders’ film and Islamic leaders there have called for calm. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday joined Muslim nations in expressing outrage over the film. Ban called Wilders’ film offensive while Iran and Bangladesh warned it could have grave consequences and Pakistan protested to the Dutch ambassador.

I’ve seen the film, and it is no more offensive than videos posted on Al Jazeera.

  1. gregallen says:

    I wonder of this story needs a Dvorak BS meter.

    How come you could find it on YouTube? When I first saw that story, I simply went over there and watched it.

    By the way, I’d sort-of agree.. that actual visuals are no more offensive than Al Jazeera. The script, of course, would be far more likely to offend Muslims.

    As a Christian, I have to be careful about fairness. We, of course, have violence in our own scriptures (OT mainly.). It would not be hard to link those scriptures with film clips of our Western wars.

  2. bobbo says:

    #31–zorkor==the fun continues. Can you even avoid looking silly, or is that exactly what you are proud of?

    Your first paragraph is too vague to respond to. As in==what time period, what country? Now, the last time I think it is fair to say the USA carpet bombed was in Viet Nam. No oil there. And please note that carpet bombing does not describe anytime more than one bomb is dropped at a time?

    Generally, you seem not to understand that the buying and selling of oil requires two parties. The buyer, and the seller. You cannot criticize the USA for buying oil without looking to whom is selling it first. Now, please tell me how paying for your oil is “sucking” anything? Oil on its own (in your country not needing that much gas or heating oil) is practically worthless as it sits in the ground. Only worth something when you pump it up and sell it. The only thing sucking here is your lack of logic.

    I don’t know who “we” is, but remain pretty sure “we” don’t enjoy killing other people–but maybe we would if it had anything to do with getting oil?? Most USA oil imports are from outside the Middle East. I agree with you our military misadventures to benefit China, Japan, Europe, and elsewhere has been very short sighted.

    I also agree that nobody enjoys being bombed==arabs don’t, Europeans don’t, americans don’t’. Kinda a universal thing that–same with being shot, terrorized or having religion shoved down your throat==we agree on that.

    Keep posting zorkor, you have a unique voice that is educational to see on display. In your next post, please tell us how any of this carpet bombing and killing for oil has anything to do with the point of this thread which is Muslim violence against those who criticize the muslim religion/muhamed? I think that was the original subject continuing to be confused by you as some sort of attack worthy of retribution?

    Keep the funny stuff coming.

  3. MotaMan says:

    To: Jihad Winners
    RE: Backorder Virgins

    No more virgins, the Prophet Muhammad will be fulfilling orders himself – He gives Bomb Hed.

  4. Joshua says:

    There’s nothing in this film that isn’t true. The Quran sections are actually in the Quran and are only the tip of the iceberg and not all there is. The clips of death and destruction are real, though for many Americans some of them may come as a shock as American media has made a point of not showing the gore close up(especially the beheadings and the aftermath of the bombings). So nothing here is a lie or fantasy.
    The U.N. and the goverment of the Nederlands screaming that this film is hate mongering and divisive are not doing anyone a good service. I personally feel that being bombed, beheaded or torn apart and having my body dragged in the streets while being spat upon and people cheering to be **divisive and hate filled**. And for what? Because I believe or might not, in another religion??

    Islam IS a violent religion, several religions are, it’s from the times they were established. Violence was the only way to get ahead and stay alive, so the natural response was violence in the religion. Add to that man’s natural tendency to love slaughtering eachother when they find someone different than those of their home culture and you have a reciepe for violence.

    If you want untainted by violence type religions then be a Wiccan, or a Buddahist or a Christian before it became popular, back in the very early days, everything else has either a history of violence or is practising violence now(like Islam).

    I expected the response this film got in Europe, they don’t seem to have a clue what’s coming in the next 20 to 30 years over there. My British friends not involved in goverment seem to understand. They are watching their country be turned over to a PC lifestyle that has the most laize fair attitude towards the large numbers of Mulsims moving into the UK and setting up their own little Islamic enclaves. As one friend said…..never in history has a soveriegn nation just sat idly by while a hostile horde infiltrates and slowly takes it over. At least France and the Netherlands seem to understand the threat and have done some things to stem the tide, but even there it may be to late. What the Caliphate couldn’t do 800 years ago with direct attacks on Europe, the common people of the the Muslim world is doing through child birth.

    For those of you who claim there is a **moderate** Islamic majority….sorry, if there is, then they need to make their presence felt, and not sit back quietly and allow the extreamists to destroy their religion and lives.

    I honestly agree with those that say a major conflict is in the making. Sad though it is to think like that, it just seems inevitable that the West, non-Islamic nations are going to have to fight the Islamic monolith for survival of the western way of life. If the Second Coming isn’t just good propaganda, this might be a good time for it to happen.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    As my little comment. Originally I was concerned that this film was just an attempt by Wilders to inflame public sentiment for his own political reasons no matter who got hurt.

    Although he did create this film for his own political reasons, he did it so well that the presentation itself cannot be questioned. It’s a well done video using very words of Islamic leaders to condemn Islam.

    You can’t argue against that.


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