Her navel ring [this one’s not hers] passed just fine
Mandi Hamlin said she was trying to board a flight from Lubbock to Dallas on Feb. 24 when she was scanned by a Transportation Security Administration agent after passing through a larger metal detector without problems. The female TSA agent used a handheld detector that beeped when it passed in front of Hamlin’s chest.
Hamlin said she told the woman that she was wearing nipple piercings. The female agent then called over her male colleagues, one of whom said she would have to remove the body piercings.
Hamlin said she could not remove them and asked if she could instead display her pierced breasts in private to the female agent. But several other male officers told her she could not board her flight until the jewelry was removed, she said…
She said she heard male TSA agents snickering as she took out the ring. She was scanned again and was allowed to board even though she still was wearing a belly button ring.
TSA says: “Our security officers are well-trained to screen individuals with body piercings in sensitive areas with dignity and respect while ensuring a high level of security.”
Don’t you feel safer, already?
Yep, can’t have nipple rings being used to threaten innocent members of the traveling public.
A friend of mine who has pierced nipples simply replaces the metal rings with plastic ones when she flies.
How big were those rings that they set off the metal detectors!
Anyone thinking Janet Jackson here? I know I am…
Time to offer the charter flight services again, but I’m afraid I’ll have to personally inspect those rings to make absolutely certain they pose no threat to security. 😯
Oh yes, trust THEM with our security. They won’t ever abuse it.
C’mon guys. The pilot could scratch his eyes on it and then who would land the plane???
“After nipple rings are inserted, the skin can often heal around the piercing, and the rings can be extremely difficult and painful to remove,” Allred said in the letter.
How does this work? They have to be removed for a mammogram.
“well-trained to screen individuals with body piercings in sensitive areas with dignity and respect”
Really now? if you have nipple rings do you have dignity or self respect?
That’s why I endorse clip-ons
Since the inspection of a planes structural integrity is no longer an issue, clearly the next big worry for flyer’s is body piercing.
This job needs to be handed over to a “faith based” charity. $5B per year should cover it.
[Duplicate comment. – Deleted. – ed.]
#8 Yes you can. Piercings not tattoos are a sign of lack of self respect or dignity. Piercings and tattoos are no different then cutting/coloring your hair or deciding to grow/not grow a beard.
#9: So the faith based charity will pray that no one enters the plane with nipple rings. Yeah, $5B will cover that contract…
No offense, but what fucking planet are you from?
Your contention is a non-sequitur to the issue. You could paint your dick and wrap it in cheescloth and finish the whole thing with a Prince Albert and it shouldn’t matter squat for airline security unless the device(s) inserted is longer than a couple of inches.
What a person does esthetically to their body, especially is it isn’t in public view, is none of anybody’s business. Even if someone holds the moranic believe that such behavior is repugnant, that has nothing to do with airline security.
This reminds me of a PSA I always wanted to do… Ladies if you’re going to have kids don’t get both your nipples pierced, I’ve seen the damage it can do. Poor kid, it was like a shotgun blast of lactose to the face… please, think of the children…
Hey, those “renta-cop” “Security Agents” have to do something to justify their existence and to keep the PROFITS ROLLING IN FOR ALL THE REPUKE CRONIES THAT GOT CONTRACTS FOR THE “WAR ON TERROR” !!!
More Homeland Insecurity, eh?
Fear has run amuck.
I saw a t-shirt that said, “I’m not playing with myself, I’m rearranging my jewelry.”
I fly with my prince albert (well, apadravya to be correct) all the time. the trick is to tuck it under your belt buckle, so that when they do the hand wand they think its just your belt buckle and let you go. i have flown everywhere, including to secure nations like israel and never had a problem
That does it, I’m having my sphincter pierced, I’ll be glad to show them my ass. “Yeah, its tiny, you’ll have to get up real close, closer, closer……”
#20 – Get a nice long rod, then you can use it as a turd cutter.
Some people think that what they wear is none of the government’s business. They are wrong.
Anyone who does not conform to what the government deems correct is a threat to national security. Individual rights must be stamped out if the United States is to remain a free country .
I really hope that whoever is the next President does something to cut the TSA (and DHS) off at the knees. The terrorists have won; we’re terrified of our own government. Well, really ticked off at them, at least…
I work for the TSA. It has been a long belief of mine that part of the hiring process should be an IQ test. No one who scores under 110 should be hired. I know that intelligence and common sense sometimes do not go hand in hand, but at least with an intelligent person they may start a thought process that could lead to a more amiable solution than a pair of pliers. I have worked with plenty of inbred beetdiggers, pyscopaths, and clueless wonders who have been employed by the TSA. At times all I can do is lower my head and grimace at their actions. However there is a large group of us at TSA who are trying to provide the flying public with a sense of security, along with decent passenger service at the same time.
#24 – Unfortunately, because of the current public education system, what you’re seeing as far as incoming workforce is not confined to the TSA.
We’re all doomed.
Future generations will LOL at us.
Actually, I do feel kind of safer. All the idiots work for us.
You all are too funny. I had my nipples pierced like 8 months ago and I breezed thru security no prob. My thing is I have a mamo coming up and do not want to remove my barbells. Any suggestions?