• China can kill the Microhoo deal. Oh no!
  • Comcast promises not to throttle the bit-torrent freaks.
  • Mac easily hacked; easier than Win or Linux.
  • New iPhone SDK and iPhone 2.0.
  • Media-flo the next big thing?
  • Mobile TV looms.
  • New Dell laptop under $1000 has Blu-ray R/W and HDMI. Wow.
  • Plextor onto Blu-ray.
  • Wilkins Ice Shelf update.
  • Verizon social networking scheme could be stalking.

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  1. Mike Voice says:

    I don’t mind someone finding an exploit that works against Safari – heck, PayPal was warning customers not to use Safari last month – I just dislike the sensationalism in the articles that “Apple’s latest laptop” was “hacked in 2-minutes”…

    Any Mac running 10.5.2 and web-surfing with Safari could have been exploited. [I use Camino on my Mac, so I may not be vulnerable]

    There is nothing specific to the Macbook Air which aided in the exploit… but that doesn’t make good headlines, does it? 🙁

    I pity anyone seen using a Macbook Air – for weeks/months from now – who I just -know- will have several idiots asking them why they are so stupid as to use a computer that can be “hacked in 2-minutes”…

  2. jescott418 says:

    The worst thing for Apple fans is that they have been led to believe they are safe! I think almost forcing Safari on Windows machines through Apple update only makes security more of a problem. Just read an Apple forum and you will find all the Mac fans telling new users who ask if they need anti-virus software and other security measures that, “It’s a Mac. You don’t need it!” I just think Macs are sitting ducks for anyone who wishes to spread malware.

  3. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Gotta piss Steve Jobb off so it’s a good day.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Can china kill the merger? Yes, they can and probably will just to prove it.

  5. TatooYou says:


    Why are you holding back Pedro? you’re like an artist when it comes to Mac bashing! I keep checking back on this thread for nothing…let ‘er rip!! 🙂

  6. Sweet4Jobs says:


    How dare you speak bad about Macs! Apple invented home computing and everything Micro-sucks ever did they stole from Apple!

  7. hhopper says:

    Pedro you Mac-bashing bastard! 😀

  8. B. Dog says:

    There’s really no big rush for a Wilkins Ice Shelf update. It’s getting colder down there. January is when there might be some real action.


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