An autopsy showed Madeline Neumann died Sunday of diabetic ketoacidosis, a condition that left too little insulin in her body, Everest Metro Police Chief Dan Vergin said.
She had probably been ill for about a month, suffering symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, loss of appetite and weakness, the chief said Wednesday, noting that he expects to complete the investigation by Friday and forward the results to the district attorney.
The parents try to minimize their inactions…
The girl’s mother, Leilani Neumann, said that she and her family believe in the Bible and that healing comes from God, but that they do not belong to an organized religion or faith, are not fanatics and have nothing against doctors.
However, from a different news source we learn that they simply refused to take their daughter to a doctor, despite her being in a coma!!!
However, Madeline’s aunt said she pleaded with the dead girl’s parents to take her to a doctor in the last few days of her life. As Madeline went into a coma, Ariel Gomez telephoned the emergency services from her home in California. But they were too late to save her.
Update: This story gets better, or worse, I guess. The parents were mixed up with some wacko internet pastor by the name of David Eells, who appears to have a very strong bias against doctors. He had this to say about the situation and the medical profession:
The next thing I heard from them was that they were being investigated, which is sad since authorities don’t investigate the people who put their trust in doctors whose family members die by the hundreds of thousands from medical mistakes every year, according the AMA’s own admission. We know that the doctors do the best they can with what they have and we do not condemn them. We would like the same consideration.
Apparently he has never heard of medical malpractice lawsuits!

Madeline Neumann |
Gee, I don’t know why prayer didn’t work. It certainly keeps the sabre-tooth tigers from getting into the cave.
Dante has a level for the parents! I forget which one.
This didn’t happen to Benjamin Linus ( character from Lost ) “Two days ago I found out I had cancer in my spine, and now a surgeon falls out of the sky.” I guess the parents weren’t worthy enough.
Or maybe praying to the wrong God. ALL HAIL BOB!!! PRAISE THE CHURCH OF THE SUB GENIUS!!
Why didn’t George Buch call an emergency meeting of Congress to have her under federal care?
It was the logical thing to do. This is an outrage. Where is our president when we need him?
The religionists will be very quiet on this one. I’d like to see one offer up a defense of this family. Oh wait, maybe, “god works in mysterious ways”. What a lame cop out.
Religions days are numbered. People are waking up to the fact that there is no god. It’s only a matter of time.
All praise the sun (son) god!
Will the authorities drum up some charges for the parents? If not then the assisted suicide crowd should look into creating a religion that allows for assisted suicide.
I thought family decisions on health care were supposed to rule over the opinions of outsiders.
Especially when the family chooses no care.
Here’s a guy who was declared braindead and being prepped for organ donation. They held off because the family thought they saw him move, and he ended up waking up.
If you bring abortion politics into it, then suddenly the media and various left-wingers would be insisting on pulling the plug, and talking about how the family was making non-medical diagnoses.
[Please use for overly long URLs. – ed.]
This is yet another case of religious nutjobs killing their child for their stupid beliefs.
I want to know why these parents are not arrested, tried, and convicted of homocide. This isn’t about medical rights, abortion politics, religious freedom, or anything else. This is two loonbats willfully choosing to deny essential lifesaving health care to their own child. It’s criminal, and nothing more.
It has been said countless times:
“Thou shall not worship gods other than Cthulhu”.
He will fix you up for good…
But killing her 11 years before would have been OK?
@#4Dallas- WTF does bush have to do with this?
@#5julieb- I agree
@#7bac- You know, you make a good point
@#9MikeN- Ok…here’s the point. Family decisions should be held over a medical professionals, with reason. These parents DID commit homicide. Perhaps their religion says praying will work. But what 11 year old really understands religion? The parents forced their beliefs on their child, and killed her. If this was a decision that an adult had made about themself (which happens all the time, eg Jehovah’s Witnesses) or an old person with a living will, then it would be ok. But this was a child who didn’t understand those choices. This was malicious murder, straight up.
@#14GigG- oh what the fuck ever. Abortion isn’t about killing babies….it’s a terrible choice that people have to make. I only support it’s legality because a trained professional is better than a backalley guy with a knife. Abortions didn’t go up because of Roe V Wade, but the deaths from them dropped.
Very sad, but I’m glad the remaining liberals around here have something to masturbate over today.
#9, Lyin’MikeN
I thought family decisions on health care were supposed to rule over the opinions of outsiders.
That was your first mistake. You thought.
#16, James Hill,
Don’t worry. I got your number.
# 16 James Hill said, on March 28th, 2008 at 6:18 am
“Very sad, but I’m glad the remaining liberals around here have something to masturbate over today.”
I don’t get it. Were there more liberals before? Where did they go?
#15 “..@#4Dallas- WTF does bush have to do with this?..”
George Bush has EVERYTHING to do with this. He set precedence with the Schiavo case that the federal government will get involved in family death matters. In fact, he PERSONALLY got involved with.
That’s, WTF he has to do with it.
Trust in God, but see your doctor.
#20: It’s nobody’s fault bu the parents. They failed to recognize that sometimes, God works through other people. Again, as I said above: trust in God, but see your doctor.
We’re called to have faith, not to be stupid.
#22: “We’re called to have faith, not to be stupid.”
There’s a difference?
#22 – What EXACTLY are we trusting this “God” to DO?
You must also agree that Congress is equally if not more culpable for that precedent since they are the ones that had a cow about the whole thing originally and called for the passage of a law to “protect” Terry.
# 22 Shadowbird said, on March 28th, 2008 at 7:07 am
“#20: It’s nobody’s fault bu the parents. They failed to recognize that sometimes, God works through other people. Again, as I said above: trust in God, but see your doctor.
We’re called to have faith, not to be stupid.”
So god would be working through the doctors? What if the doctors are of a different faith or none at all? What about all the hard work and training the doctors went through to have the skills needed to save the girl? Do they not get the credit? Why would god get the credit for their work? Are you trying to credit god for advances in medicine? If so, why did god hold this life saving information from humans for so many thousands of years?
Seriously, I’d love to hear the religionists response to these questions.
# 21 Shadowbird said, on March 28th, 2008 at 7:06 am
“Trust in God, but see your doctor.”
It’s not at all surprising to see the religionists response to be stripped of logic and presented in the catchy phrase. They do this quite a lot.
My wife works in the Blood Bank at a major hospital in Toronto. Whenever a child of Jehovah’s Witnesses comes in, the hospital gets the forms ready to instantly make the child a ward of the crown. Then if the child needs a blood transfusion, they execute the wardship and give the child the blood. Once the child is in the clear, they relinquish wardship, and the child is returned to the parent’s legal control. Apparently it happens quite often.
#6–Personality ===Wow!==Thanks for that video. I had a general sense that religion was just a “carry forward” from previous beliefs==but that video is so conclusive, it “almost” seems made up for that purpose (I will assume not as just too lazy to confirm my prejudices and preconceptions!) Its that good. Thanks.
Speaking of idiot belief systems we come to Lying Mike at #9. You demonstrate the religious nutjob mind set. You offer an opinion completely NOT SUPPORTED by anything except your loose tongue. Idiot! You could “wish for” or think it would be better if, or desire it for yourself, BUT ANY EXPERIENCE, KNOWLEDGE, RESOURCE, PAYING ATTENTION would have taught you that parents do not have a right to push their religion on their minor children. You are either just that stupid or a liar. Since you can operate a keyboard, I think Catshit has you identified quite correctly.
#11–Lying Mike==Notwithstanding your idiot lying ways, this post is “interesting.” The doctors comment that “the first test must have been wrong” means there should have been at least two EEG atleast 24 hours apart showing no brain activity. So, the doctor was actually “wrong,” as in==BOTH EEG’s would have had to be wrong.
So, evidence of the miraculous, or a faulty connection? You lie for yourself.
#22–Shadowbird==Its clear that Trust in God” is code word for hypocrites to actually “DONT BELIEVE IN GOD.” Now, if you really believed in the power of God in daily affairs, why wouldn’t/shouldn’t you believe in God? – – – Hurts doesn’t it?
Don’t mock God. Praying does work but he also made doctors.
Just because someone doesn’t go to a doctor doesn’t mean praying doesn’t work.
once we get that great national healthcare the health nazi’s will be able to take your kids at gunpoint and everything will be A-OK