Looks like it’s time for the bust part, or is it? You tell us.
She can’t win on delegates (especially considering the supers who have defected), is steadily dropping in polling of all sorts, can’t seem to get her foot out of her memory on what she did while waiting for Monica to clean up, and so on. What is the point?
Or as one writer put it,
“Somebody forgot to tell Hillary Clinton the Democratic presidential race is over and Barack Obama won.”
If you think she should stay in, tell us why.
UPDATE: Best quote about all this comes from commenter amodedoma: “God I love US politics, better than a Mexican soap-opera.”
Keep running Hillary. Every day you stay in is another percentage point that McCain will win by.
Last summer I would have said there was no way the Republicans could win the ’08 election. I was right there wasn’t and isn’t. The Democrats though have found a way to lose the election.
God Bless their leftest little hearts.
You are a political genius bobbo.
Clinton should throw in the towel, McCain and Cheney should drop dead, Bush should get shot and killed on his next trip to the Middle East, and the election should be between Obama and Nader!
#33 – Yeah, Racist vs. Idiot.
Even with the war, economy, torture, alienating the entire planet Earth, CNN and the NY Times.
McCain will win.
Bush will get his library.
I’d love to know what the heck is really going on in the world.
No, no need to throw in the towel. There is a process and the process will play out. If every time someone was behind and facing long odds they were to just give up, we wouldn’t have seen things like Doug Flutie’s miracle pass to Gerald Phelan in BC’s long ago win over Miami or, more recently, John McCain’s resurrection from the political ashes to become the Republican nominee. It was as recently as December of 2007 when people “in the know” were advising McCain to pack it in as well.
HRC likely can’t “win” the nomination via pledged delegates prior to the convention but ya know what? Neither can Barack Obama.
Hillary should fight as long as she has the means.
#18, Obama was on the ballot in FL, and he chose to take his name off the ballot in MI. I don’t see that it helps to have a commander in chief that makes such boneheaded decisions as not campaigning in a big state and taking his name off a ballot in another one.
Like all this matters…either Dem candidate will be road kill in November…tastes like chicken!
How can Obama or Clinton win, anyway? You’ve got McCain, who at one point was seemingly being wooed to run for the Dems… and you’ve got Lieberman, former Dem VP candidate, as McCain’s seemingly de facto VP. Talk about cross-over vote potential.
The most obvious reason she should stay in is to slow down Barack Obama. Her win in Pennsylvania and some additional Obama screw-ups will give Hillary more bargaining power at the convention.
Keep in mind that the Rezko fiasco has just started to play out.
#2,#16 – If there’s a country left after 4 years of Obama or McCain I have a feeling Pelosi will be running in 2012. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s behind some of Hillary’s problems now. Can’t have two alpha-females in Washington at the same time.
Who gives a shit. The democratic candidates were chosen by the talking heads on TV months ago.
The big question is where will we hide when McCain wins the election, but two dozen big cities in the country are burnt to the ground to protest the discrimination that took place in the election. So in a fair and impartial decision the supreme court awards the presidency to the loser as required by affirmative action.
#42 – “The big question is where will we hide when McCain wins the election, but two dozen big cities in the country are burnt to the ground to protest the discrimination that took place in the election.”
No worries, these type of people usually burn their own neighborhoods. Weird but true.
Hillary will hang around to the end and then run to be picked by McCain to be his VP. Hillary FTW!!!
#43. While a McCain win is not what I want, it is comforting to know the “old school” GOP already lost.
Fact is, McCain is not the special interest PUSSY that the GOP party wants. I’m thrilled.
Now they are making up and pretending to have unity where as everyone knows it;s to save face. You see Bush doing his little Hitler dance on the whitehouse porch all giddy to kiss McCain’s hairy ass. I still think it was the kiss of death, but he may win after all.
It’s time to drop out. Unless Obama screws the pooch big time she’s done for. It might actually take him literally screwing a pooch.
Hillary should stay in until the bulldog bitter end.
The longer this drags out, the more the Clintons and their cronies get to dig their own grave. They are losing credibility among the Democratic party.
I personally believe the Clintons were a curse upon the Democratic party, to devolve it into a non-thinking, and often mean-spirited, cliche hulk of brain-dead entity.
Elections lost by Democrats since the Clintons?
1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004.
The Democratic party has some valuable causes.
The Democratic party has a lot of potential, but only if the page gets turned on the Clintons.
The way things are working out right now, it is going to be a complete purging.
So keep Hillary in. The best way to purge bad behavior is to have seen a recent example … let Hillary set a fine example of why the page needs to be turned.
What the bloody heck? Why the drum beat to get Hillary out? Neither one has a lock on this election yet.
Hillary is much better connected with mainline party members … the exact kind of people who tend to be super delegates.
I may not like that system, but it’s not stealing the election for her to win that way.
Yes Hillary should stay in.
For a long time the party conventions have just been big PR events. Now that there is a likelihood of having a “real” convention, every one is in a tizzy about it ruining the party.
Forget the “lets play nice” politics, give me a knock down drag out fight, in the primary or general, so I can see who the candidates really are, and what they really believe.
This was a good thread. Shows how divisive the Dem primaries are.
McCain is going to win (the Democratic party will hand it to him), and it will be a heavy blow to the Democrats. This will result not only in loosing the Presidency again, but very likely also loosing Congress in 2010.
Why? Because although the Dem’s have a lot of terrific people in the party, none of them seem to be running the show.
Hillary is going to continue until she is forced out, which isn’t going to be pretty.
This is going to disenfranchise many Democratic voters, specially those who are upset that the Democratic leadership’s promises made over the last 4 years have not been met.
From my experience, there is beginning to be substantial disappointment over Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Howard Dean, etc. How they have embarrassed bye party by their rantings, and how this bunch has led the Democratic Party into becoming Bush’s Democratic Lapdog Party.
#37 MikeN said, ” I don’t see that it helps to have a commander in chief that makes such boneheaded decisions as not campaigning in a big state and taking his name off a ballot in another one.”
The truth is, for better or worse, all the Dem candidates and the DNC, agreed not to campaign in those two specific states. While I would agree that it is queer to see a politician keep his word about anything, I’m not sure I would call it a “boneheaded decision”.
You obviously reside in one of the afflicted states. I think I can imagine the frustration which Dems in those states, must be feeling. I would suggest your anger might be better aimed at the Dem leaders in your state and the DNC. It seems to me that those are the people directly responsible for your predicament, not the candidates.
Oh, and just to throw a little fuel on the fire, you and other residents of those states might be interested to know that most people of other states, couldn’t care less if any of you ever get to vote, in any future primary. I suppose that’s the exact reason you wanted to move your primaries ahead. I guess you figured that if you were early enough in the season, the rest of us might care. Dude, we really don’t. We’re not even motivated enough about it to pretend we care. Sure, we all expected something like this from the drama queens in FL, but most of us didn’t expect MI to get involved in this mess. Just to clarify, we still don’t care enough to be surprised about MI, it’s just that it was unexpected. On a brighter note, you guys probably won’t be the butts of many more jokes about it. The comedy writers have already started to notice that audiences don’t care enough about you to even laugh at the jokes. It’s sort of like making fun of the Special Olympics Coordinated Swimming Team, of some small island nation.
To recap: Since you’re apparently a HRC fan from FL, I realize that I’m never going to convince you that keeping ones’ word, is a good thing. So, I couldn’t resist giving you a little tweak. You see, if I couldn’t find a way to laugh about your argument, I’d probably cry.
And let no one be confused: lack of progress in America IS BECAUSE OF OBSTRUCTIONIST REPUBLICANS who put party politics above the good of our country.
#53, Or the Democratic Party rolling over on every real issue….
I am so fed up with the lying, cheating, do anything to stay in power Repugnant Party, I would vote for Elmer Fudd be for I would put an X in the republican column. I can’t even start to list all the things I find offensive. There are lawyers making more sense when their lips move!
My question to the republicans is “Who is going to pay for all the wasted treasure when you are unwilling to make the American people pay for it?” I have yet been able to spend my way to wealth. Have any of you?
@#55 “I am so fed up with the lying, cheating, do anything to stay in power Repugnant Party,”
Hillary is a Republican!
Found on teh net …
“Hillary Huckabee will never drop out. She will filibuster the vote at the convention. She will cut off the electricity to the convention hall. She will fake a heart attack. She will take Chairwoman Pelosi hostage. She will take Sen. Obama hostage. She will go to court to enjoin the convention and have the primaries declared unconstitutional. She will continue to throw the kitchen sink and scorch the earth. She will cry. She will throw tantrums. She will tell more lies. She will cut off the hands of the ballot counters. She will crown herself with the crown of Charlemagne. But Hillary Huckabee will never drop out.”
#57 Ha! Ha! Ha! That’s exactly right! As amodedoma said, “better than a Mexican soap-opera.”
#50 – “Because although the Dem’s have a lot of terrific people in the party, none of them seem to be running the show.”
Our real problem is exactly the same thing can be said of the Republicans.
#59, Yes that’s also true.
The main difference is the Repub’s have been able to settle on one candidate with solid support and camaraderie. Even Romney has given McCain his support and they were not the best of friends.
The Dem’s, on the other hand, seem hell bent on tearing the party apart.
#52 “And let no one be confused: lack of progress in America IS BECAUSE OF OBSTRUCTIONIST REPUBLICANS who put party politics above the good of our country.”
This will be fun: So the repubs OBSTRUCTED the dems from NOT funding the war? They blocked the dems from NOT moving the pen to the paper giving Bush more money. Okay, Dems are better comedians but always get caught lying. LOL!