Looks like it’s time for the bust part, or is it? You tell us.

She can’t win on delegates (especially considering the supers who have defected), is steadily dropping in polling of all sorts, can’t seem to get her foot out of her memory on what she did while waiting for Monica to clean up, and so on. What is the point?

Or as one writer put it,

“Somebody forgot to tell Hillary Clinton the Democratic presidential race is over and Barack Obama won.”

If you think she should stay in, tell us why.

UPDATE: Best quote about all this comes from commenter amodedoma: “God I love US politics, better than a Mexican soap-opera.”

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Of course!
    For the good of the Democratic party Hillary should throw in the towel and throw her full support behind Obama.
    Don’t hold your breath.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    To clarify, Hillary should give it up, but as I have stated before her ego won’t allow it. She would rather burn the Dem party to the ground than give up her life’s ambitions.

    There is not reason at all why she should stay, EXCEPT THIS ONE!

    She stays in with the understanding that the longer she fights, the more likely McCain is going to win. She then has a chance to try again in 4 years.

  3. joe says:

    yes, because every minute she’s in the race, she ruins it a little more for the democrats as a whole. either way, polls already show that the democratic party is split into 2 factions, and of those 2 factions, 25% would consider not voting for the other factions nominee if they are the winner.

    how messed up (and funny) is it that you hate the other faction so much that you would rather let the other party win.

    I thought it was impossible for the dems to lose in 08, but Obama and Clinton are proving me wrong.

  4. the answer says:

    “Always remember where your towel is.” Hilary can’t even figure that one out. Put me down for (OUT)

  5. amodedoma says:

    Hillary will fight, she knows that a persons repution can suffer a sudden and catastrophic fall. There still may be some hope that someone will dig up some dirt on the guy, or he might suffer some kind of ‘accident’. God I love US politics, better than a mexican soap-opera.

  6. Angus says:

    She’s going to win PA by double digits, most likely. By doing that, it ensures that neither candidate will have enough votes to win the nomination. Therefore,it’s all about the superdelegates, who will decide the Democratic candidate. The scary thing is, Obama could be leading by hundreds of delegates come convention time, and still lose the nomination. Remember, superdelegates exist in part to ensure that the “correct” candidate gets chosen, not necessarily the most popular candidate.

  7. bobbo says:

    I have always thought Bill was out organizing the superdelegates “but” a few days ago some commentator said they thought they had the nomination from the start and so they have “never” put any real pressure on the supers. That doesn’t make much sense to me, but I haven’t heard anything to the contrary including a month ago the human interest story of Chelsea meeting with that very young superdelegate and all they had was a nice lunch and she didn’t even ask for his support? Also, with the number of supers switching sides to declare for Obama, doesn’t look like the “clever high power no rules Clinton arm twisting” is going on===so she will lose unless Obama commits a felony before Denver.

    Just as it should be–Clinton is old school politics. Obama is too but lack of a track record allows the hopeful another disappointment.


  8. bobbo says:

    Forgot to say, she “should” throw in the towel but wont====because she can raise lots of money to use for other things.

    Politics==if you don’t have the power to get the money, then just get the money.

  9. MikeN says:

    Somehow, I don’t think you’d be reacting this way if Barack Obama was the one trailing.

    Hillary is likely to end up as the winner of the popular vote and the electoral vote but be denied the nomination because Obama managed to win caucuses and game the rules. He actually ended up with more delegates in Texas despite LOSING the state.

    Why are you so eager to have the winner in California(biggest state), Texas(2nd biggest), New York(3rd biggest), Florida(4th biggest) drop out, not to mention the winner of other big states Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, and probably Pennsylvania?

    Hillary could easily win the nomination. Win Pennsylvania, then win in Kentucky and West Virginia and Indiana and Puerto Rico.
    She would have closed the delegate count to under a hundred by then, and then she wins the big superdelegate primary of 800 delegates.

  10. andy says:

    if i had read HGTTG, i could make a towel joke

  11. pat says:

    She should stay in until the bitter end. That way McCain has a better shot.

  12. MikeN says:

    The real question is if Obama should drop out now while he is on top. He would be remembered for his magnanimity, and be in good position for next time. If he stays in, then loses a string of races badly, the Pastor Wright will be the story that sticks, and he’ll be in tough position for the future. In case you only get your news from the New York Times news pages, you should know that Obama’s pastor said Goddamn America and the US of KKKA

  13. Steve S says:

    This is all so ridiculous! Political parties should be banned. The extreme amount of money and power they wield allows them to distort perceived reality and skew the entire election system. Public officials should be elected on their own merits, track history, and stated opinions regardless of their political party (ie. gang) affiliation.

  14. Kevin Porter says:

    No, she shouldn’t. The longer the race continues in the Democrat party, the more campaigning John McCain can do, and the more likely he can win the election. Operation Chaos, according to Rush Limbaugh.

  15. Personality says:

    Make a REAL Poll for the Comment section!

  16. Christian says:

    She’s setting herself up for a 2012 run now but sabotaging Obama’s chances this year.

  17. RTaylor says:

    Nothing like a rip roaring convention floor battle. You can’t buy that kind of press.

  18. AC_in_Mich says:


    How can you count Michigan and Florida victories for Hillary?

    Obama followed the rules and his name wasn’t even on the ballot

    If you’re the only one running, it is REAL easy to win. Seems to me they did that in other countries before – like Russia, Cuba…

  19. Sinn Fein says:

    Well, to sum this up, history has shown that very unfortunate things tend to happen to people who challenge the Clintons.

  20. adogg4629 says:

    I think that she should jump the Demm party, go and Green. Then she could really Naderfy ’08!

  21. RBG says:

    For the good of party aspirations and continuing in-your-face publicity, Hillary and Obama should stretch out the primary as long as possible. But if they had the ability, they should slowly turn it into a love-fest with the over-all delegate winner as President and the other as Vice. That obvious combo imho, would be formidable in the next election.

    And it should be a late announcement so the nation could go nuts about it for a while, sustaining until the election. Luckily, hatred, power-mongering and petty jealousy can be depended upon to hand another election over to the Republicans.


  22. zorkor says:

    is it just me or someone else also thinks that both Hillary and obama are bad news for America. Hillary is still in the old 90’s era while obama looks like a big talk mouth kid who is still in diapers. Others like mccain don’t look impressive too. It seems as if there are no more creative and a leadership type of politician left in America. Shame…..

  23. Eric says:

    The dirty little secret that no one in the Hillary camp will admit out loud. What happens if someone takes a shot (literally) at Obama? Who steps into the void then? Can you re-enter a race you’ve dropped out of if the presumptive candidate can no longer pursue the office?

    All she has to do is wait at this point. She’s got nothing to lose since she’s already lost.

  24. Dallas says:

    I’m a Hillary supporter but time is up. She needs to throw in the towel.

    For the sake of America’s future, we MUST stop the GOP from another 4 years. Enough damage has been done in the last 8 years.

    As StarTrek’s Scottie said regarding the Starship Enterprise.. “Captain, she can’t take it any more”

  25. pat says:

    I was just wondering. Are there enough Super Del’s to decide this right now? If so, they have the power to do so. If not, they will after a couple of more primaries.

  26. mdvandenberg says:

    As reported by a few different news sources Clinton will possibly attempt a “Tonya Harding” maneuver against Obama as it is one of her few remaining options. Does this make Bill “Galoole?”

  27. Balbas says:

    If Gore teams up with Obama, might Hillary team with Nader? That ought to really enliven the race.

  28. Uncle Dave says:

    #26: We’d have to wait for ‘Tanya’ Clinton’s sex tape.

  29. chris says:

    She should stay!

    When people say “for the good of the party” what they really mean is “for the good of the party elders”. Ted Kennedy might be a good Senator, but he is a terrible talent picker. Look back at John Kerry, who was also pushed by Kennedy. Obama will lose in November. He is John Edwards(from `04) all smiles and style, but he gets 85% Black support. That’s it folks!

    McCain will end up with more Democratic cross over vote than anyone since Reagan. Finally a candidate that can unite the parties… in a Democratic defeat.

    The problem with the Dems(the establishment)is that they come from safe districts and don’t know what a fight really is. Dems like Rahm Emmanuel or James Carville win because they are tough b@stards.

    The democrats are just like Charlie Brown going to kick the football only to go sprawling on the ground once again.

  30. bobbo says:

    Since all of the delegates can nominate whomever they wish==and it does kinda look to me as the Dems should win with a good candidate but that doesn’t include Clinton or Obama for reasons noted above—looks to me, with McCain as the Repug candidate, the supers will be doing their job ONLY if they elect Biden. Did he drop out for good?–or can he be coaxed back in?


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