Looks like it’s time for the bust part, or is it? You tell us.

She can’t win on delegates (especially considering the supers who have defected), is steadily dropping in polling of all sorts, can’t seem to get her foot out of her memory on what she did while waiting for Monica to clean up, and so on. What is the point?

Or as one writer put it,

“Somebody forgot to tell Hillary Clinton the Democratic presidential race is over and Barack Obama won.”

If you think she should stay in, tell us why.

UPDATE: Best quote about all this comes from commenter amodedoma: “God I love US politics, better than a Mexican soap-opera.”

  1. MikeN says:

    #47 Hmeyers, explain again how Democrats lost the 1996 and 1998 and 2000 elections? I see a win in 1.9 presidential elections and picking up house seats 3 times in a row. But your big point is right, before Clinton the Dems has 274 House seats, 57 Senate seats, 32 governors, and 60% of state legislators. Within a few years they were down to 205, a minority in the Senate, governors races and near parity in the state legislatures.

  2. MikeN says:

    Why the push to avoid a primary fight? The Democrats are getting all the media attention, while McCain is just an afterthought. This is good for the Party, plus the longer Hillary stays in, the less time that McCain knows who he’s running against.

    I said it last time and I’ll say it again, the rationale for Hillary’s dropping out is ‘we don’t like you’

  3. GigG says:

    #63, I’d almost agree with you except for one thing. There are a lot of Dems that only vote when they are excited. Hell there are a lot of Dems that forget to vote when they are excited. If Hillary gets the nomination all the hoopla that has formed around Obama will sour.

  4. HMeyers says:

    @62 – I could dig up information if I felt like it, but from 1994 to about 2002 the entire country was shifting strongly to the Republican side.

    You can parse stuff, like how Bill Clinton won re-election against cadaver Bob Dole with 49% of the vote. Or how Gore “really” won the 2000 election … I believe more voters in Florida intended to vote for Gore due to the butterfly ballot. No argument here.

    But trying to say that the Democrats had anything truly good happen from 1994-2002 is about as valid as an Earth is flat argument.

    I have always held the position if the top is rotten, the body suffers.

    Mean behavior, heavy handed tactics, personal attacks, lying and/or non-lying using half-truths is not a successful way to do things and that is the Clinton way.

    Partisan hacks love that stuff. But losing is losing and entertainment is entertainment, neither have anything to do with progress.

    Obama is going to change things for the better, assuming he is the nominee. He stays “out of the gutter”.

    The Clinton way is a cowardly way where you always have to watch your back and make excuses when you get caught. It’s a sickness.

    True strength is being able to be honest and reasonably transparent and acting in an honorable fashion.

    Frankly, that’s why I like Obama. He has a healthy and vigorous attitude and I am very pleased to how he has reacted to the negative attacks this last month.

  5. pat says:

    #65 – And now Obama proclaims that he would have left the church if Wright hadn’t resigned. Ya, right… Typical pol.

  6. ArianeB says:

    Hillary will win PA because between Philadelphia and Pittsburg (both of which will go for Obama) are a bunch of Hillbilly types that prefer Clinton. Clinton will gain maybe +8 delegates, that will be erased two weeks later when Obama easily beats Clinton in Indiana and North Carolina.

    This will be the point at which if Hillary wants to have a political future in the Democratic Party leadership, she needs to step down.

    On May 20th, Oregon will guarantee that Obama has a majority of regular delegates. At that point the only way for her to win is if 235 of the 350 remaining superdelegates are stupid enough to think that supporting Hillary Clinton is more important than party integrity. It wont happen!!

    BTW #63, McCain is not stupid. He knows he will be facing Obama and not Clinton.

  7. Mr. Catshit says:

    #12, Lyin’MikeN

    you should know that Obama’s pastor said Goddamn America and the US of KKKA

    And that part of America doesn’t offend you?

    #22, zorkor,

    is it just me or someone else also thinks that both Hillary and obama are bad news for America.

    Probably just you. Maybe some other right wing nuts too.

    #29, chris,

    Look back at John Kerry, who was also pushed by Kennedy.

    True. Kennedy picked a winner. The second best President we never had because of election theft. Good thing the Republicans were kicked out of office (and some are jailed) so the next election will be better.

    #34, pat,

    #33 – Yeah, Racist vs. Idiot.

    WOW !!! How profound. Geeze, I’m overwhelmed by the brilliance.

    How do you do it?

    #37, Lyin’MikeN,

    I don’t see that it helps to have a commander in chief that makes such boneheaded decisions as not campaigning in a big state and taking his name off a ballot in another one.

    In other words, you like a President that doesn’t follow the law or rules. Gee, why am I not surprised?

    #40, jbenson

    Keep in mind that the Rezko fiasco has just started to play out.

    Sheet !!! If that is the best (worst) the right wing nuts can come up with then Obama is a show in. A non-event.

    How does that look on McCain that fellow Republican Senator gives head?

    #48, gregallen,

    I may not like that system, but it’s not stealing the election for her to win that way.

    While true, I don’t think the Super Delegates will blindly just vote for her. Most of them owe her nothing and will vote their own way.

    #50 Ah yea,


    Aahhh, in case you just came out your coma, the 2004 election was stolen by the Republicans. Your question should have been

    “What right wing nut promises have been delivered?” The answer would be somewhere between a positive number and a negative number.

    #57, hmeyers,

    Found on the net,

    “Look, I’m a clown, wee, I’m really really smart. I don’t know nuttin!!!

    -H. Meyers”

    #64, Gig,

    There are a lot of Dems that only vote when they are excited.

    There are a lot of Republicans who only vote when excited. I don’t think McCain will be able to get the Born Again vote. The KKK will stay home. If lucky, he might get the Log Cabin Republicans. And I am not sure how many of the military that have had extended stays in Iraq are happy with the Republican cause.

  8. AlanB says:

    If our opinions here ever get compiled into comprehensive data I vote for her to step aside.

    It’s just time for new blood.

  9. Brad Bishop says:

    Looks to me like her whole campaign is in a quagmire.

    She should be pulling out of an unwinnable election.

    Actually – as much as I can’t stand her. Between the three Democrats running, I’d just assume have her. At least I know she won’t take shit off some other country if they bomb us. I think she’s too much of a bitch for that.. Obama would fly over them and hug them and try to understand and embrace their culture of killing us. McCain would be hosed because, as a Republican, he’ll get dinged by the press no matter what he does. With Clinton in the Whitehouse you get around the idiotic “we’re losing” crap that’s been spilled on TV for the last 5 years and they’ll just blindly support her because of her being Democrat.

  10. ag3nt0sm1th says:

    …check out


    …lets see who wins the real popular vote this election

  11. HMeyers says:


    I didn’t expect an extremist like yourself to have a sense of humor.

  12. MikeN says:

    My point is the The New york times has yet to report that.

    There’s no law that says you have to take your name off the ballot. If Obama can’t judge the Clintons’ sneakiness, how will he handle foreign leaders?

  13. RedpawGraphics says:

    To throw in the towel, one must first possess it.

  14. Mr. Catshit says:

    #73, Lyin’MikeN

    The DNC decided that Michigan and Florida could not move their primaries up. The RULES said that Michigan and Florida results wouldn’t count.

    So you can Bush it and ignore the rules or follow the rules and demonstrate yourself to be a law abiding person. But we know where you stand on the issue.

  15. RBG says:

    This is the way things really should play out:

    If Hillary were to win the primary, Obama clearly is young enough and has the unfulfilled potential to run another day. Not so Hillary who will be seen to have had her chance to grab the brass ring.

    So, as her strategist, I would counsel Hillary to make nice & position herself to run as the “Dream Team” VP. Because not only would that keep her squarely in the public view & legitimize her executive talents, but like Bush Sr & other VPs, being VP seems to have a somewhat expected and natural progression to the White House.

    You read it here first.



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