Video footage of New York cops clubbing and arresting peaceful Tibetan protesters who were merely walking down the street has gone relatively ignored beyond Youtube. While stories emerge out of China every day of police beating and killing Tibetan protestors in the streets, the same sort of behavior by cops in America tells its own story. The footage was shot at a free Tibet peaceful assembly in New York on the 14th of March. It shows the protestors holding flags and signs and peacefully walking down the street towards the UN building in the Turtle Bay neighborhood only to be accosted by police officers with batons. One officer identified as “Delgado” is seen in the video pushing people as the group crosses the street.
Another officer, identified as “Serano” is caught threatening to kill two protesters as the cameraman passes. He later admits to the threat and apologizes for it. As the group nears the UN building, cop cars and vans screech onto the sidewalks, cops pour out and begin to beat the protesters with clubs as UN security guards observe without becoming involved. A non uniformed officer, who seems to be directing the entire operation, then orders the cameraman to step back and move away. “Look at these cops, clubbing people in front of the UN, unbelievable, protesting to free Tibet, cops clubbing people in their legs on the sidewalk, in front of the UN in America, unbelievable, this is not China.” the American cameraman announces in disbelief. The officer identified as Serano then forces the cameraman away from the melee, telling him to shut the camera off and that he will not talk to him because he may be a reporter.Several officers then follow the cameraman asking him about his recording of the incident.
Hate to say it, but it looks more to me like holigans looking to pick a fight. Why you want to mess with the NYPD?
Fucking pigs….
The video is soooo badly shot and the camera man is babbling so loudly you can’t hear anything or see what is actually happening on either side. Non-event.
I agree.
Smells fishy to me. Crappy video with the Cameraman telling you what is being said without you being able to hear it yourself. Shows cops after the fact but not why they reacted that why. Justified or not you can’t tell from this video. Yes cops will push you away when they take someone down for their safety and yours (Peaceful or not) They can even arrest you.
This looks more like one of those fake videos that come from Israel showing how Palestinians were ‘murdered.’
I agree with #1. 95% of these guys were nothing but trouble makers. Their “protest” didn’t look to peaceful to me. The cops should have smashed the camera and beat the living shit out of that guy. Ooops! Did I say that out loud? Oh well.
Or maybe they were chanting Free Mumia(who just had his death penalty overturned)
I don’t agree with many of your assessments on this subject. Certainly the video is amateurish. However, what in the actions of these protesters makes you think that they were looking for a fight?
Certainly, they were prepared to record the event. However, I do not see anything in their actions other than walking with signs and flags and a little bit of yelling. I would at least like to hear that someone is investigating the incident.
Our right to free speech and peaceable assembly is very important.
So its OK for an police officer to threaten to Kill You. Good job sheep, now get in line for the slaughter.
#8 You obviously missed seeing the protesters that were running into moving traffic with no one chasing them… You can’t tell if those being taken down were peaceful or not. That’s the problem. Some idiot playing at being a reporter that is clueless & biased FOR the protesters.
Whether or not the protesters were wanting to cause trouble is irrelevant. Tax-supported police officers should not be beating on protesters nor should they be threatening to effing kill someone. I believe that to be the issue at hand and the entire point of the video. If we allow one person free speech, we have to grant that for everyone else in this country.
#11 I didn’t hear anyone threaten to kill someone. I heard the guy shooting the video ACCUSE a cop of saying that. Non-event.
Republican white people in the USA get off by torturing asians.
#14 Circa 1968; “Communist yellow people in Vietnam get off by torturing Americans”. Now do you see how stupid your post sounds?
Where is Obama Girl, when we need her?
Non issue. A bunch of hysterical protesters protesting about a subject in which 80% of the world is in agreement with them about. Cleverly editted to show malice by the police(ZOMG he PUSHED me!!!), it shows someone trying to be a tramp journalist.
Hysterical rambling and yelling, accompanied by arguing with the police, is not the way to draw support to your cause. You don’t see the monks doing this, but they’re the ones getting REAL brutality.
Yikes that’s scary. Hopefully there’s an unedited version out there. The only ones I’ve seen so far could have easily been BS.
Hey Angel
Before you go babbling on about torturing Asians, refresh yourself on the Japanese and Koreans during WWII.
Those that condone the beating of protesters are scum. The police action was obvious, if amateurly shot, uncalled for.
It is bad enough for the police to do this, but to have the assholes like Yeah Right, Lyin’MikeN, pat, Dolly Llama, Angus, and Jetfire defending this is sickening.
#14. Welcome back Angel.
#19, BillM,
Are you referring to the Americans of Japanese decent that were incarcerated during the war? The ones that lost their homes, land, possessions, and often their lives?
They weren’t tortured until organ failure, but they sure the hell didn’t get a free ride in Disneyland.
Not defending, merely saying that it looks odd, and it is one sided. The crowd was largely moblike and agrumentative, and nothing on the tape showed who started the violence. The fact is, that crap like this takes away from the real issue, and makes it about protesters in NYC getting CLUBBED, and not about protestors in Tibet getting SHOT. They do their cause a disservice.
Cops abusing their power. Nothing new there.
Also wanted to add that i highly doubt cops tied into some support china by harassing protesters. They are just doing what they do best, being bullies. Nothing more
You don’t want to offend the nation that’s making Bush’s economic stimulus package possible. Ya get in bed with dogs NYPD’ll deal with the fleas.
Fucking 14th of March? None of my written news sources covered it.
Cops vs citizens and nothing political about it==just put the two groups together. Like putting red and black ants in a jar as a kid.
I actually wonder====what would happen if you sent out invitations at random to a group of people giving them a red or blue teeshirt to wear and then told them to show up at some place and time?
How long before a fight breaks out?
People are stupid. Cops are aggressive and confrontational. Democracy is fragile. Freedoms are not appreciated.
Keep all fingers crossed.
#27. “Fucking 14th of March? None of my written news sources covered it.”
Yes, you were the first to notice, its a bitch aint it?
Since it so clear (by viewing the video) that the cops were in the wrong, there will be successful civil suits… An attorney viewing the video would have to be nuts to take the case but… 😉
strangely, if this was a video of chinese cops handling the Tibet “peaceful” protesters in such a way. The whole media would have been crying crocodile tears for the Tibet protesters. Since its USA and NYPD who consider themselves as godfathers of policing, you can’t do anything about it.