Video footage of New York cops clubbing and arresting peaceful Tibetan protesters who were merely walking down the street has gone relatively ignored beyond Youtube. While stories emerge out of China every day of police beating and killing Tibetan protestors in the streets, the same sort of behavior by cops in America tells its own story. The footage was shot at a free Tibet peaceful assembly in New York on the 14th of March. It shows the protestors holding flags and signs and peacefully walking down the street towards the UN building in the Turtle Bay neighborhood only to be accosted by police officers with batons. One officer identified as “Delgado” is seen in the video pushing people as the group crosses the street.
Another officer, identified as “Serano” is caught threatening to kill two protesters as the cameraman passes. He later admits to the threat and apologizes for it. As the group nears the UN building, cop cars and vans screech onto the sidewalks, cops pour out and begin to beat the protesters with clubs as UN security guards observe without becoming involved. A non uniformed officer, who seems to be directing the entire operation, then orders the cameraman to step back and move away. “Look at these cops, clubbing people in front of the UN, unbelievable, protesting to free Tibet, cops clubbing people in their legs on the sidewalk, in front of the UN in America, unbelievable, this is not China.” the American cameraman announces in disbelief. The officer identified as Serano then forces the cameraman away from the melee, telling him to shut the camera off and that he will not talk to him because he may be a reporter.Several officers then follow the cameraman asking him about his recording of the incident.
I believe that was a Babylon 5 episode played out by the Drazi.
The video no longer seems to be avaliable.
Just a note. The comment, #32, was submitted earlier in the morning today. The DB here is royally screwed up
Welcome to the Police State of Amerikkka. Had these people been whites, protesting abortion, the cops would have been in line with them. Had they been protesting gay marriage, the cops would have been there with them. This is typical of the Egyptians among us. They live in denial, and just say that it’s a non-incident. Police are paid by WE THE PEOPLE, to protect and serve. These are not police, they are goon squads, who are sent out to quell any uprising that may look bad to the elite capitalists, who have much invested in China, which is who these demonstrators were protesting. If you can’t see this, you are an Egyptian, living in Da Nile!
Police are outnumbered, and are pushing back -trying to keep the ‘peaceful protesters’ at a distance from themselves (like they need one of these idiots making a grab for a side arm)
When they refuse to follow instructions to stay on the sidewalk, and instead wander off into traffic – you’d have the police ‘pretty please?’ them into compliance?
Why not invite these ‘peaceful protesters’ over to your neighborhood sometime, I’m sure they’ll behave themselve..
Nobody got tasered – must be fake.
And we all [almost except for the ‘non-event’ guys above] scream loudly when we see clips from Lahsa about systemic government brutality; killings, beatings, maiming…. but – when it happens right on your doorstep, it is OK? The US is the worst double standard nation in the world that calls itself a democracy. Something really bad happened with 911 besides the huge loss of innocent lives by lunatics. You through out civil liberties and human rights for the sake of national security. And ‘national security’ now covers everything. You are becoming a police state without knowing it. This website is one of a very few that cares to point this scary development. I hail you for that!
And those out of control police in New York… beating a handful of protesters. Any consequences. Doubt it. And why? Because people don’t care, and that is even more scary!
Hard to tell what’s going on with such poor video and strongly biased reporting. Appears to be a group of people without a permit marching into a security zone and accosting the police officers who try to stop them from committing various misdemeanors and possibly felonies. Some were “armed” with their own sticks (i.e. clubs) and for some reason were running into the streets interfering with traffic, etc. The police responded quite fairly, I think. For instance, that was not a “club” the one cop was wielding – it was a combat baton. Designed to break bones. Yet no one seems to have been seriously injured. So, I doubt he was trying to hurt anyone. Nobody got tasered, nobody got pepper-sprayed. A few bruises. I live in Asia these days, not NYC. I doubt the cops here would have been half as nice. The worst I can say is Officer Serrano needs to lose a lot of weight. But, then, so do I. Hey, Serrano? Wanna get a hot dog? My treat.
Cops beating protesters?!? Amazing.
I love all these comparisons with the monks in Tibet. 1st, these people marching obviously aren’t monks. 2nd, the cops are not shooting anyone. 3rd, if this were China, the cameraman would have “disappeared”. We would never have seen the footage.
It’s not good to make bad comparisons.
I don’t really see much here to get worked up about. I didn’t hear the cops say there were going to kill anyone. I saw cops kitting people in the arm. I would call that “beating the shit” out of anyone. Calling it “beating the shit” out of someone as the video is titled makes it sound like a Rodney King-style beating.
From the video it didn’t look like they should have gotten arrested but it looks like the person narrating this is a jackass. “you have a club out in front of the UN and Buddists.” Why does it matter what religion they are? Why does it mater that they are in front of the UN? Douchebag.
Get a film crew.
It was a lame vid.
Mr confusion, what was I defending. I said the video looked like a fake just like what comes out of Palestinian sources from time to time.
Lesser democracies used to look to the USA as the model of free speech and keeper of the democratic ideal.
A sad let down for the lady that signifies Libertas, found on an island in NY harbour that is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy.
#44 Yes, I’m sure our image is so badly tarnished that people from “lesser democracies” will stop flooding our shores… LOL
We can at least hope. Maybe we should manufacture more of these for pewtube…
The guy who made the video needs a better skill set.
As for the content, I’d like to inform him that, generally speaking, the WWII Japanese were Buddhists and the folks that slaughtered them in a tough fight were Christians.
This is so sad.
What a bunch of crooks within this police state called USA.
If you really think you live in a democracy you’re wrong.
to nr. 44: liberty statue was never supposed to be the symmbol of freedom, but rather stands for lucifer the light bearer. brought to you by freemason eiffel to a nation formed by freemasons.
#47 Don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out….
#43, Lyin’MikeN,
Mr confusion, what was I defending. I said the video looked like a fake just like what comes out of Palestinian sources from time to time.
You are defending the antics the right wing nuts find so tasteful. Police brutality, murder, oppression, wire taps, and Bush.
Did your mother have any kids that lived or is your sister an only child?
What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you so blind that you can’t see that peaceful protestors are getting their asses kicked for no good reason? This country was founded on the idea that oppression of any kind from authority should not be tolerated. We are a nation of the people. A badge and a gun should in no way give someone the power to do whatever they want. The idiots making remarks that defend these cops are the same idiots that refuse to believe that 9/11 was a complete cover-up, even though the proof is everywhere and people have come foward. Wake up America. Your country is not free and the Constitution no longer means anything.
#50 “The idiots making remarks that defend these cops are the same idiots that refuse to believe that 9/11 was a complete cover-up, even though the proof is everywhere and people have come foward [sic].”
Remember, always make sure the strap on your tinfoil hat is securely in place! RTFM
#51. You just make sure your Dunce cap stays on good and tight while cutting off the circulation to what passes for a brain.
#52 – Tinfoil Hats R Us must be putting out sub-standard products these days.
Aren’t you supposed to be concentrating on exposing the Apollo landing hoax? That WAS your assignment this year wasn’t it? ROFL!
Man, I am so offended. Fucking Lapdog.