I went to update the firmware on my Lite-On Blu-ray DVD-ROM drive when I received this ridiculous error message:

C&C Music Factory said it best: Things that make you go mmmm….

  1. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Well, at least it didn’t say the error was “unexpected”.

  2. the answer says:

    i have NEVER heard of the brand Lite On. I have heard of Lite Brite. Is that the same company?

  3. JimD says:

    See, you should have waited for DVD-R/W and skipped the ROM version !

  4. Warden says:

    Damn Bush with his Homeland Insecurity and war on terror has even screwed up computer drives. THE INHUMANITY !!!

  5. SN says:

    2. “There’s a difference: the CP54.”

    CP54 is the current firmware version.

    “macs don’t give errors though, switch to mac”

    If you honestly think that, you’ve never used a mac. I have. So I know it’s complete BS.

  6. SN says:

    “I have heard of Lite Brite. Is that the same company?”

    Yeah, Hasbro was bought out by a Taiwanese conglomerate and now produces toy-like computer peripherals.

  7. xe77 says:

    #3, LiteOn makes a lot of rebranded drives for OEM manufacturers like HP and Sony (the SONY drives are twins of LiteOn models). They are actually a large manufacturer of drives who have been in the business for a long time.

  8. Esteban says:

    That is the smallest Close Button I have ever seen.

  9. Roj says:

    #3 LiteOn is actually the largest optical drive manufacturer, I believe. They make most Sony optical drives, and recently bought out BenQ, and so make those ones too.

  10. Rob says:

    THere seems to be an extra space between ATAPI and BD. Could the detection logic really be that dumb?

  11. SN says:

    “That is the smallest Close Button I have ever seen.”

    The computer is connected to a 50″ TV, running at 1920×1080 with DPI set to 170%. When run like that, the proportions are sometimes weird.

  12. MikeN says:

    Given that, I won’t buy HP Sony BenQ. Any other names they sell under?

    The Lite-ON drives are crap. I got one from Best Buy, and of course I said no to the warranty. It became obvious within a few weeks that I’ll need it. Sure enough, the next time I went to Best Buy , they weren’t selling it anymore.

  13. J says:

    #11 SN

    Oh make sure that it is the only drive on that chain.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #3 – i have NEVER heard of the brand Lite On.

    You must not build your own PCs.

    Of the literally hundreds of optical drives I’ve bought over the past 10 to 15 years, probably over three quarters of them have been Lite-On. Of the ones that were not Lite-On, they were probably made by Lite-On.

    I even have a teddy bear wearing a Lite-On sweatshirt. (don’t ask)

  15. SN says:

    13. “Plug it into a different sata port….”

    Thanks for the tech support, but I solved the problem by simply temporarily disconnecting the other optical drives.

    Of course that led to a second problem. It claims the drive already has the latest firmware. So apparently Lite-On has simply repackaged the firmware from last month and reposted it. Weird.

  16. becagle says:

    “Mac don’t give errors…”

    That is very true…

    They just sit there blinking a stupid file folder icon at you, that is, if they even bother to power up.

    All day long one mac after another, errors, failures or totally dead. Yea, Macs are much better than PCs and Windows. NOT!!

  17. raskol says:

    Are you idiots for real? These are some of the dumbest comments I’ve ever read on the internet.

  18. raskol says:

    Oh, haha, I just realized what website I got hyper-linked to. No wonder the comments are so dumb, it’s people who come to Dvorak’s BLOG! WOW. I should expect this in a blog from a gasbag like John.

  19. Named says:


    Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out! You won’t be missed.

  20. becagle says:

    “…and the part of todays blog troll is being played by Raskol”

    Maybe “Raskol” you’re used to the comments left upon sites lile “perezhilton.com” or “TMZ.com”, were the first 10-20 comments are:

    “First Bitches!!”

    I agree with #20, that door knob can be a killer…

  21. Billy says:

    You would NEVER…EVER get this kind of problem with a Mac. Thus, the solution is simple: SWITCH TO MAC! I have a MBA and it is the most advanced computer I could ever imagine.

  22. Named says:


    Well done. Bait not taken, though you left many openings to drive a truck through!


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