Despite a ban on fires in the tinder-dry area of Springbank, just northeast of Calgary’s city limits, two men went into a field to kill gophers using a device called a Rodenator, fire officials said on Monday.

The device pumps a mixture of propane and oxygen into gopher holes, which is then ignited, and, according to the manufacturer’s Web site, the resulting blast creates a shock wave that kills the gopher and collapses its tunnel system…

“They did a few holes successfully and then hit a hole that didn’t go in very far. When they filled it with propane it over-filled the hole…and when they ignited it (fire) flashed out of the hole into the grass beside them.”

The resulting grass fire scorched about 160 acres of surrounding property and destroyed a number of outbuildings. No homes were damaged.

“The way I look at it, it’s ‘humans eight, gophers one’.” Garssi said, as the two men destroyed about eight of the rodents before sparking the blaze.

Wonder how long it would take gophers to match the $200,000 damage these two wizards did?

  1. Chris Mac says:

    Hard to say which rodent will win the next election…

  2. Warden says:

    If the two guys had of taken some safety precautions first this probably wouldn’t have happened. What could they have done? Have some fire extinguishing equipment on hand.

    They knew they were playing with fire in a fire hazard area. They should have known better.

  3. gquaglia says:

    They knew they were playing with fire in a fire hazard area. They should have known better.

    You give these guys too much credit. Often those who perform this work aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. Kinda like Bill Murray’s character, Carl Spackler.

  4. rectagon says:

    This one won’t catch on fire…but you don’t get to blow up stuff. 🙁


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