• The Open Social Foundation launches with Google, Yahoo and MySpace.
  • Microsoft counters with its own thing.
  • Giant piece of Antarctic ice breaks off.
  • Microsoft may do iPhone apps.
  • Look for voice recognition apps from Microsoft. I tell you why.
  • Low-voltage quad Xeons now from Intel. Also they are on to 45nm.
  • People are predicting that Yahoo offer will go up.
  • Panasonics Toughbook upgraded.
  • Google talking up the Gphone.
  • AJAX patents may screw everyone.

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  1. Glenn E. says:

    Now that it’s SPRING in the northern hemisphere, Global Warming is an easier sell, than when it’s bitter cold outside. So the major network Tv news organizations have started to beat their drums about it. This item about the ice sheet is a good example of how they’re misleading us. It’s Spring here, but it’s just turning Fall down there. This means that that ice has been suffering thru the summer warmth for months. So it not all that surprising to see something like this happens. In a couple more months it will have quickly froze up solid. And it only represents a tiny sliver of the entire continent. But these GW proponents are counting on the majority of people being geographically ignorant. And thinking that it’s also just beginning to thaw out down there. That ice sheet probably fractured weeks ago. Back when it was still very cold up here. But they held back on the news until GW was an easier sell. If anything, a larger piece is evidence of cooling. The thing didn’t get warm enough to break up into smaller chuncks. I fractured well back from the leading edge, probably from seismic activity. Or from scientists dicking around down there. Riding their Skidoos all over it.

    If you don’t believe me about this being a natural event, check out the video documentary “Doomsday Called Off” on featured Youtube.

  2. Glenn E. says:

    Here’s a website showing an article from around 1990, claiming the antarctic ice sheet GROWING!!

    So has G.W. only happened within the last 18 years? I wonder why these polar scientists aren’t telling us that their old station is 30 feet below their new station? And WHY?!


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