the Daily Mail

Life can have its little irritations when you’re cruising around the world on your £100million superyacht. For example, the endless vista of clear blue sea fails to provide much greenery to ease the eye – apart from the odd tropical island. For the owner of a forthcoming craft named WallyIsland, however, this will not be a problem. For he, or she, will have a personal ocean-going garden. The 325ft-long yacht is to feature a growing area with shrubbery and flower beds, kept healthy by an irrigation system. It will also have a tennis court, pool and five accommodation decks including a main saloon, dining room, library, cinema, spa and fitness area.

The fuel tanks are so large that they allow for five years of cruising without having to stop for a fill-up. She added: “This is a yacht where you have a piece of land that you can use to play your favourite sport, to grow your favourite plants, to enjoy your favourite outdoor activity. “This will appeal to someone who wants to be completely independent. No other yachts offer this kind of garden.” Although the makers are refusing to disclose a price for the extraordinary vessel, it is believed that this industrial method of construction will bring the cost down to a “competitive” figure of around £100million. It holds 750,000 litres of fuel, enabling it to stay out of port for 15,000 nautical miles. The aft deck holds two 45ft motor yachts, as well as space for two 27ft sailing yachts, two cars and water-toys including six jetskis.

Uh-huh, five years between fuel stops. I smell a hoax.

  1. I’d much prefer either of these … But than we mortals need multiple lottery wins to these Gatesian levels…

  2. chputney says:

    It looks like 13 gallons to the mile for fuel economy, sounds pretty good, but the 5 years estimate is based on 3000 miles/year. One New York to London per year. (But don’t come home)

  3. Sea Lawyer says:

    They should just go nuclear. The problem is you still have to restock your food every couple weeks.

  4. BubbaRay says:

    What? No bowling alley or horse racing track? Dang!

    Five years of fuel — right, if it’s nuclear, or docked 364 days / year.

  5. Ultraslug says:

    I’m not aware of any common fuel with a shelf life of five years. Untreated gasoline and diesel are good for only two years or so.

    Definitely either marketing nonsense or a complete hoax.

  6. eyeofthetiger says:

    A half of a peso says a Saudi buys that thing.

  7. HillWilliam says:

    Still, I’d be puking over the side.

  8. Eideard says:

    You have to remember – it’s the Daily Mail, folks.

    The same issue carries the story of the unfortunate woman on vacation in Florida, killed in collision with an Eagle Ray. Only the Mail says her throat was pierced by the Ray’s tail.

    Facts aren’t especially required for publication in many Brit tabloids.

  9. gquaglia says:

    I bet some asshole Saudi Prince will buy one.

  10. MikeN says:

    Sure you can get five years with one tank, just don’t travel against the current.

  11. andy says:

    > I bet some asshole Saudi Prince will buy one.

    lol guess what assholes will help him pay for it then?

  12. Aussie Bob says:

    Did anyone notice the name on the fore mounted flag? You’d have to be a “Whally” to believe any of this BS.

  13. Bob says:

    It could potentially have a 5 year fuel supply. A ship that size is quite litterally the size of an Oil Tanker. Comparable tankers can hold 9,800 m3 of cargo so that leaves plenty of room for machinery, other storage, and a whole lot of fuel.

  14. I think you’re much more likely to get five years’ worth of fuel in a sailboat. But, you’re still going to need 5 years of food. Good luck.

  15. Jourgenz says:

    It’s test.
    I could’t post a message…


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