
This is the REAL alleged perpetrator and mother of creepy kids.

This is the victim

Chicagoist: Developmentally Disabled Pregnant Woman Tortured To Death — I am running this article showing the horrid Michelle Riley. The other picture of the black woman that most blogs and most online news reports show without any indication that she was the victim. (We are guilty too, for a moment at least). The AP account on the AP website here makes it clear. But by showing the woman in front of a mugshot background makes her look like the bad actor. Shame.

As for the creeps who did this to her they should be just fine in the black dominated prison system, right?

Dorothy Dixon, 29 and six months pregnant, was found dead on January 31 in the house she shared with the people accused of killing her. Michelle Riley (pictured), 35, Judy Woods, 43, Michael Elliott, 18, Benny Lee Wilson, 16, and LeShelle McBride, 15, and a 12-year-old boy have all been charged in her death, and all but Elliott lived in the same residence. Riley worked for the West Central Illinois Center for Independent Living, which helps developmentally disabled people find housing and jobs. That’s where she met Dixon, who was a client. McBride and the 12-year-old are Riley’s children.

According to police reports, Dixon lived in an unfinished portion of the basement, and the landlord of the property says after everyone moved out, he found a bucket of feces in Dixon’s former room, a waist-high door that was nailed shut, and blood on the walls, washer, dryer and in the basement shower.

Terri Brandt, 27, said her next-door neighbors were always making a racket. She said she witnessed Riley punish Dixon by making her run naked, and that Riley would pour boiling water and use a hot glue gun on Dixon. Riley had baby monitors in all the rooms to keep tabs on everyone, Brandt said.

While neighbors and family members identify Riley as the ring-leader, police say it was Woods who hit Dixon in the head with an unidentified object. Dixon died the next day.

An autopsy revealed that Dixon died from a combination of being shot multiple times with a BB gun, scalded with hot liquids and beaten about the head and body at various times over the four-to-eight-week period before her death, Alton police Lt. David Hayes said.

  1. Max Bell says:

    Thanks for the correction, although I didn’t really make that connection.

    It’s a shame that there isn’t another picture available that isn’t a mug shot, though.

  2. huskergrrl says:

    WTF? Nobody can Photoshop the mugshot background out?

  3. that’s what I was thinking…but I suppose some stickler would find the mugshot version and cry foul!

    I mean what does it really take…

    let me time it for you…




    both done in under one minute each

  4. Janky-o says:

    I read the article when it first came out. It was clear from the picture that she was the victim, not the perp.

  5. hhopper says:

    Took me about 10 minutes.

    I took a little more time to clean up the edges.

  6. skunkman62 says:

    you all want a news organization to photoshop an image?

    i dont think so

  7. Mr. Catshit says:

    When I first read the article, I understood the woman pictured was the victim.

    This is still a sad episode in mankind’s history.

    No, this is not Bush’s fault. He hasn’t turned people into monsters. There Thomas, are you happy now?


    Nice job. It looks good.

  8. Janky-o says:

    You remember some of the photoshop, um, tiffs (couldn’t resist) from the Iraq coverage? Photoshopping is fine for magazines, not newspapers!

  9. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    I thought it was already obvious that she was the victim. Of course, I do have my prejudices in check, unlike most people (and anyone who says they have absolutely no prejudice is a damn liar).

  10. deej says:

    I agree that it was obvious she was the victim, but still found it reprehensible the media outlets would use this photo to represent this poor woman. Thanks for the repost.


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