
HONG KONG – China will shut down or punish dozens of video-sharing Web sites for carrying content deemed pornographic, violent or a threat to national security under rules that tighten Internet controls, a regulator said Friday. The announcement came as Chinese Web surfers were blocked from seeing foreign sites with video about protests in Tibet. The new order did not mention the anti-government demonstrations or China’s resulting crackdown.
One of China’s most popular video-sharing sites, Tudou.com, was among those penalized, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television said. It gave no details of Tudou’s violation or penalty. Rules that took effect Jan. 31 ban Chinese sites from distributing online video that involves national secrets, hurts the reputation of China, disrupts social stability or promotes pornography. Web sites are required to delete and report such content. Communist authorities have also tightened controls on Chinese media ahead of this summer’s Beijing Olympics in hopes of stopping content that might tarnish a national prestige event. In the recent sweep, regulators ordered 25 Web sites to shut down and will punish 32 others following a two-month investigation, the administration said on its Web site. The industry has grown quickly as a source of news in a country where the government owns all newspapers and broadcasters and enforces the ruling Communist Party’s censorship guidelines. Some sites say they get 100 million visitors a day, an audience that rivals that of the biggest state television channels.

The government announced in December that all video-sharing sites had to be state-owned.

What if they hosted the Olympics and nobody came?

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    I’ve got a much better idea than boycotting the Olympics.

    Have each and every athlete from each country (except China) come to the opening ceremony dressed as a Buddhist monk!


    With the Chinese, it’s all about saving face. This would be a national disaster, and funny too!

  2. joaoPT says:

    Well I’m not going…

  3. Lou says:

    Every time you buy from China. You support the fucks that run the show over in China. Happy shopping !

  4. HillWilliam says:

    That does it, no more Chinese food or dry cleaning for me.

  5. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Nuke ’em.

  6. eyeofthetiger says:

    Maybe I will introduce the crab ragoon to the underground resistance. hmmm, tasty.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    I used to believe that the Internet was so decentralized and diverse that countries could never censor it. (I wasn’t alone in that belief.) Now I’m convinced that countries not only CAN censor the Internet but that they will.

    So, before it’s too late, we need The Geek Community to integrate privacy mechanism in all our on-line tools.

    A good starting place is to re-engineer TCP/IP, so that ISPs (and snoopy IT guys) can’t know where we’re browsing or what we’re seeing.

  8. sweb says:

    The harder they try to squash it, the more it will spread.

  9. gregallen says:

    >> # 8 sweb said, on March 22nd, 2008 at 4:29 pm
    >> The harder they try to squash it, the more it will spread.

    I used to say and believe exactly the same thing until I lived in a Muslim country that effectively censored the Internet.

    There were ways to get around the censorship but you did so at your own peril (arrest, deportation or, most likely, both.)

    I’m moderately computer savvy and I could have set up some sort of VPN but I’d have no idea how to do this in a way that the government wouldn’t know I was doing it.

  10. ZZ says:

    Now would be the time to test if Chinese belong to the world community. Let’s have a meeting between the Chinese Government and Dalai Lama, and send an international team to investigate what happened in Tibet. If the Chinese refuse, then good bye Olympics. It would clearly show they are using the Olympics to brainwash the world community. Do you want yout leaders to be brainwashed by Chinese, OK, don’t let them go to Beijing.

  11. Mr. Catshit says:

    I’m for canceling the Olympics.


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