1. GigG says:

    Who didn’t see that coming. It was obvious to me that that was going to be able to be done the first time I saw a comercial for the Visa you just scan over the pad. They really need to at least add the requirment to key in a PIN.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – pedro

    Comprehension just isn’t your thing…

  3. Enigma says:

    This video is still a little out of date the availability of much better readers is now possible and all someone needs to do is be within 15 feet of rfid card to scan the data. And with the government putting all your data in an rfid chip in your passport it is very easy to book an international flight and get all the personal information from several dozen travelers and their credit card info at the same time. I think until they put better encryption on the data it should not be made so easy to access.

    But then most governments and corps are still a little behind the curve on technology and may never really catch up.


  4. Jetfire says:

    Can anyone find a Paypass machine on Ebay? He probably stole that one himself and said he bought it one Ebay. Or got luck. As long as MasterCard pays for things I didn’t buy with it I don’t care.
    I love the Apple Retail store by us. They still ask for ID with a Credit Card. Takes 5 seconds.

    Someone needs to make a spoof commercial of the Paypass one but than pan to someone stealing all their Card numbers and ordering a lot of crap on it.

  5. bjer says:

    Just wait until the cards can get easily cloned.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Enigma, you’re going to want to look into that passport thing a little closer. The US versions are foil-lined to prevent just what you suggest, and the readers that can do that aren’t nearly as small as the one in the video. That’s not to say I think RFID was ever a good idea for passports. If you’re really worried, just smash the chip with your heel. Whoops! 🙂

    I have one of these credit cards, and it works pretty well. I’m not real worried about being hacked, but if I was I’d just buy a metal case for the card or do something similar in my wallet. Keep in mind that most RFID tags don’t work worth a crap if they are directly on metal, their range is severely limited. They need space to reflect the signal properly.

  7. Enes says:

    You can cover your credit card with an aluminum foil.That should make it hard to hack.

  8. ZARk says:

    I don’t see where he found this reader for $8 on ebay ..

    maybe i’m not searching correctly …


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