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If you like cop chase videos, a favorite for citizens of the police state, you’ll love Blutube. This one (above) is incredible. Welcome to 2008.

  1. Jetfire says:

    That was cool and funny. I love the music that goes along with it.

  2. moss says:

    Nuthin’ but fun, John.

  3. billybob says:

    How long before they have a 50mm rifle mounted on the helicopter. BANG! he’s down.

  4. jbenson2 says:

    Once these guys are in the camera’s sight, there is no where they can go. The perp music perfect.

  5. Improbus says:

    Sort of like watching a Keystone cop movie.

  6. billybob says:

    How long before they have a 50mm rifle mounted on the helicopter, BANG! He’s down.

  7. Improbus says:

    50mm is 5 cm is ~2 inches. That would be an anti-tank round.

  8. Jetfire says:

    #5 but than they can take him out from a mile away and the just call the Garbage Man to take the body away. Think of all the overtime they will save.

  9. admfubar says:

    where is the lawrence welk 24 hour network???


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