It’s not fair. We’ve been watching you; and we’ve seen how you’ve been crucified by the mass media, conservatives, and Republicans. We’ve stood by as your call-girl was offered $1 million by Hustler to show the world what she’s already been showing the world for a whole lot less.

We think you’ve had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. But we’ve been thinking.

Your political career is sadly over; and you owe a lot of money to a lot of people. Hell, you may land in jail before too long. So consider this letter a brief note of urgency.

How about making some loot back, by showing us what you saved for such a select few? How about strutting your sexuality, and defending your right to get down for the magazine and Couldn’t you use a little rent money right about now? Seriously—get in touch with us. We’re ready to make you a very attractive offer. Someone get Spitzer on the line: Playgirl needs him naked, now.

What do you think? Should he say, “yes”?

  1. Lance says:

    It is one of things that makes you shudder and go “EEEWWWWW!”

    But if I was him and Junior was rising for the occasion, hell yeah I’d cash in for all this was worth. It’s too late to worry about your dirty laundry being out in the open. Why not make a few bucks from the landslide?

  2. McCullough says:

    With Daddy’s money, whatever Playgirl could cough up would be considered chump change.

  3. morram says:

    one pose
    bent over with cheeks spread and that red arrow with “kiss this” pointing to his bun hole

  4. garym123 says:

    Take the money while you can. (Of course, it goes against his “family values” Republican stance.)

    Once in the slammer (Mann Act, anyone?) he won’t be able to profit from his crime.

    Come to think about it, that’s another great Republican tenet…capitalism at its best!


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