• FCC did not do the 700Mhz spectrum auction properly.
  • Latest PS3 Blu-ray amped up.
  • Mario Cart to iPhone.
  • Guitar hero goes to the DS.
  • Dell targets China and India.
  • Microsoft taking rootkits seriously.
  • XM-Sirius still in play.

click ► to listen:


Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.

NOTE: Links fixed.

  1. Lou Minatti says:

    I think Dell is grasping. Fugly massive PC boxes are sooooo 1990s. There is no reason that PCs should still be the size of suitcases and weigh 30 pounds.

    Why is it Apple gets the design aspect and no one else can figure it out? Give me a nice small footprint PC with an elegant design and leave out the expensive crap that Apple uses (like those stupid FB-DIMMs) and I’ll buy it.

  2. Peaks says:

    I dont think dell is grasping. Their boxes may be ugly and huge but their everywhere… I dont think major corporations are going to suddenly switch to buying apple products for 2x the price (or HP for that matter.)

    From an aesthetic stand point they seem to be going in the right direction with their XPS One.

  3. floyd says:

    The XPS One and the current iMac both have the same problem: they’re not designed to be worked on or upgraded, which to my engineer/programmer eye is not aesthetic at all. Laptops have the same problem (I have two, and if something goes bad on them they’re effectively boat anchors). If someone wants to be able to make changes to any of the above boxes (other than maybe additional RAM), they’re out of luck.

    By the way, I have a Dell mini tower on my desk at my jobsite, and it looks and works just fine.
    #1: I suppose an Apple PC would be OK, as long as it runs Windows or Linux (or even Motif), all of which have a better user interface than the current Mac OS for so many reasons.

  4. gquaglia says:

    The XPS One and the current iMac both have the same problem: they’re not designed to be worked on or upgraded

    These machines were not designed for you. Most computer users never even reformat their computer more or less open the case.

  5. ECA says:

    You aint had to deal with a heat problem in a small case, HAVE you…
    when the only AIR OUT, is thru the PS..
    All the heat generated in a machine and All of it going through the Power supply…ISNT a nice thing.
    Along with “Heat Rises” and Everyone places the DVD/CD on the top…

    It would be NICE to vent the Top of the machine.

  6. Lou Minatti says:

    “You aint had to deal with a heat problem in a small case, HAVE you…
    when the only AIR OUT, is thru the PS..
    All the heat generated in a machine and All of it going through the Power supply…ISNT a nice thing.
    Along with “Heat Rises” and Everyone places the DVD/CD on the top…”

    Then come up with a better design. If Dell’s hotshot engineers can’t come up with something better then it serves them right to lose market share. Heat dissipation is a lame excuse for carrying on as usual.

    Repeat: In 2008 there is NO legitimate reason a PC must be the size of a suitcase and weigh 30 pounds. In 1988 this was the norm. It’s stupid now.

  7. Ron Larson says:

    The “Right Click Here” link isn’t working (it is pointing to a garbage URL). Even if I fix the URL, I get a 404.

    Your embedded player isn’t working either. Bummer. From looking at the HTML, the “Soundpath” argment given to the Flash player has the same junk URL.

  8. MotaMan says:

    Yep- it’s broken for now.

    i’m curious to hear what dvorak thinks about the Stern/XM merger.

    [Somebody changed something. It’s fixed now. – ed.]

  9. Jim says:

    Use this fixed link to download the Tech5 Report:


  10. ECA says:

    Truth said, i wish someone would hire me for FREE.. to design one..

    the main difficulty they are having is that HD love to be FLAT..
    And everyone LOVe the CD/DVD on top..
    SHORT isnt good as you still have to reach DOWN, and HEAt on top..

    Desktops SUCK as People PUT to MUCH CRAP on top, and it makes things HEAt up MORE.

    If its SMALL, they WANT to place it in a Drawer, or cabinet in a desk, with NO AIR.. MORE heat problems.

  11. jj says:

    Player’s not working. Link’s broke, too.

  12. becagle says:

    Hey John,

    Your out of date on the PS3, you don’t have to use the game controller to operate the PS3’s blu-ray player. They have a remote, I use it all the time, there is also a keyboard. (neither included with the PS3, duh)

  13. becagle says:

    #15, The PS3 is a game console that can play blu-ray dvds, not a blu-ray player that can play games.

    The PS3 only came with one controller, that doesn’t invalidate Sony’s claim that it’s the best game console.

    My comment was not questioning John’s skepticism of Sony’s claims, but just pointing out to him that a remote control exsisted.

    I assumed by his comment he might not have know about it.


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