– March 19, 2008:

AN 81-year-old man has shot himself dead with an elaborate suicide robot built using plans downloaded from the internet.

The Gold Coast man, who lived alone, left notes of his plans and thoughts as he struggled to come to terms with demands by interstate relatives that he move out of his home and into care.

He spent hours searching the internet for a way to kill himself, downloaded what he needed and then built a complex machine that would remotely fire a gun.

He set the device up in his driveway about 7am yesterday, placed himself in front of it and set it in motion.

His notes explained that he chose the driveway as he knew there were tradesmen working next door who would find his body. The plan worked as the workmen heard the gunshots and ran to investigate.

The machine was attached to a .22 semi-automatic pistol loaded with four bullets.

It was able to fire multiple shots into the man’s head after he activated it.

  1. Mr Anonymous says:

    What the!?!?!

    He did not want to pull the trigger himself but thought oh, I’ll do it with a robot?

  2. smartalix says:


    There are a lot of people who try to shoot themselves in the head and miss a little. Not pretty, and they don’t neccessarily die. has many images of botched suicide-by-gun-to-head to emphasize the importance of doing a decent job of it.

  3. Improbus says:

    Let’s hear it for competent engineering and construction. Good job dude.

  4. bobbo says:

    I’m using the internettitubes to bore myself to death, but it is a slow process, even painful. Probably more effective in killing other people?

  5. Personality says:

    a .45 or shotgun under the chin never misses.

  6. Steve says:

    Sounds like he was resourceful and independent and didn’t need to be moved out of his home and into care.

  7. smartalix says:


    Unless your hand moves as you pull the trigger. Never say never.


    “Shooting yourself is a generally successful—76%-92% mortality rates are reported—but frequently messy method of suicide. Suicidal gun wounds to the head tend to be quickly fatal, but there is a 2-6% survival rate, and these people often have brain damage and/or disfiguring injuries.”

  8. Pmitchell says:


    I don’t know how to contact the web master here ( I looked no contact info)
    Please can you fix the error in your coding that keeps crashing my Firefox (this happens on 3 different machines so I do not believe it is me )
    it is getting worse and making the page nearly unreadable

    thank you

  9. Neal says:

    #5 – Thanks for the advice. Why don’t you go the whole way and upload a manual?

  10. tcc3 says:

    We must put a stop to the internet! This unprecedented collection of human knowledge, information and communication is far too dangerous.

    First porn and now this?

    Stop the madness!!!!1!1!!one!!!eleven

  11. Mojo Yugen says:

    An 81 year old man that can use the internet and build complex machines? Crap, most 80 year olds I know can barely drive.

  12. Jamie says:

    I welcome our new Robot Overlords. Not only are they here already, but they use slick marketing to be invited into our homes, no less.

    My Question, could Grant from the Mythbusters Build-Team have made a better suicide bot?

    Honestly, this is just too bizarre to take.

  13. billabong says:

    A six pack and start the car in the garage.I will probably live for about two beers. That is my suicide machine when I need it.

  14. Matthew says:

    The son of one of my customers tried to kill himself with a shotgun. When he leaned down to pull the trigger, his head angled in such a way that only the lower portion of his face was blown away. Pretty much everything under below his eyes was gone. Completely fucking awful.

  15. maddmaxx says:

    #3. Hahahaa…Applause
    #4. You Too?
    #11. I agree. I know a 75 year old who’s computer savvy.


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