Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee who has built his campaign around his foreign policy experience, appeared to stumble in the midst of a high-profile overseas trip.

McCain, who had visited Iraq…earlier to talk with military commanders and Iraqi officials, spoke at an event in Amman, Jordan, where he expressed concern about Iranians “taking al Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back” to Iraq. But Iran and al Qaeda are associated with different branches of Islam. Iran is a mostly Shiite country and al Qaeda is primarily a Sunni militant group; Iran has been reported to help Shiite extremists in Iraq, but not their Sunni counterparts.

McCain was flanked by the two other members of his congressional delegation: Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who are both supporters and close friends. According to a report in the Washington Post, Lieberman later whispered into McCain’s ear, prompting McCain to correct himself: “I’m sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al Qaeda.”

This is the 3rd time in the past few days this has happened. Are we learning something unexpected about John McCain?

  1. gregallen says:

    Oh, jeeze, I got it backward. I guess MY SENILE DEMENTIA is kicking in! 😉

    Al Queda are, of course, SUNNIS who blow up SHIITES!

    I will use myself to illustrate why Americans really have no business being involved in that reason — WE JUST DON’T GET IT.

    I lived over there for ten years and only started to understand the dynamics. It wasn’t until the Iraq war that it fully dawned on me how the issues of Sunni and Shiite needs to be factored into nearly ever political analysis.

    And what still barely registers in my understanding are inter-Sunni factions and rivalries. Then, overlay this with the ethnic distinctions.

    Anyway, my point is that BLOWBACK IS INEVITABLE each and every time we get involved in that region because most Americans and most politician really have no clue about what’s going on over there… even for someone like me who lived there.

  2. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    I want Jesse Ventura to jump in so we have some interesting choices. McCain/Clinton/Obama = same old, same old

  3. bobbo says:

    #31–Ah Yea==so its guilt by association, aka, politics as usual for the values voters? Probably so. Course, I’m half thinking Obama is too far leftist in his actual views==but you can waste a lot of money on social programs before being as injurious as continuing/expanding the war in Iraq. As we must conclude in all things conjectural—“who knows?”

    I average 6-8 hours sleep a night, but I also vary 18-24 hours inbetween sleep, so my schedule is most odd. I feel shitty all the time too, but refuse to take pills or exercise. I feel like a house cat.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    I know the feeling…

  5. jbenson2 says:

    #26 wants details on Obama’s conflicting statement.

    Check out ABC’s story by Brian Ross: Obama contradicts a year of denial

    You can get to the ABC story from this link

    Slam Dunk!

  6. jbenson2 says:

    #25 bobbo wants to vote for change even though he does not know what is going to be changed.

    Obama looks like a hypocritical politician. Example?

    1.) Don Imus
    The comment in question: nappy-headed hos

    When talk show host Don Imus was in hot water 11 months ago for racially insensitive comments, Obama was the first candidate to call for his firing.

    “There’s nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude,” Obama told ABC News in an April 11 interview.

    “He didn’t just cross the line,” Obama said. “He fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America.”

    2.) Pastor Wright
    The comment in question: blamed the U.S. government for HIV to kill blacks, God Damn America, 9/11 was the fault of America, U.S. of KKK-A, etc.

    Obama has had a 20-year relationship with Wright, and on Tuesday he said he knew Wright had made controversial remarks but would not disown him, just as he would not disown his grandmother.

    Add in the ABC story mentioned above plus the Resko land deal and I can safely say:

    Obama’s Presidential attempt is toast!

  7. pat says:

    #38 Are you trying to hold Obama to the same standards he holds others? Shame on you!

  8. bobbo says:

    #38 & #39==you two are idiots. Where exactly is the hypocrisy?

    Obama said Imus should be fired for his insensitive comments. Obama’s preacher made insensitive comments (worse actually as they were factually incorrect) and what did Obama do?===HE FIRED HIM!

    Please explain your ditto head attack on Obama.

  9. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #37 jbenson2, I read the article you linked, plus the ABC story, and it repeats Obama’s claim he had never heard his pastor of 20 years make comments that were anti-U.S. until the tape was played on air. The supposed “contradiction” with this was from his recent speech when he said, “Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes.”

    Obama did not say what he heard that he considered “controversial,” and the campaign has yet to answer repeated requests for dates on which the senator attended Rev. Wright’s sermons over the last 20 years. Did you know that controversial doesn’t necessarily mean anti-U.S.? It could easily mean Wright’s positions on abortion, gay marriage, or any number of other social issues he takes stands on. On a personal note, I happen to think that some of Wright’s statements ring true, but he’s another pastor who gets far too political for a religious leader. Preachers should stay the hell out of politics.

    I’m not saying Obama hasn’t contradicted himself, but there’s no evidence cited in your linked stories. I hope you don’t play basketball, jbenson2, because you don’t seem to be familiar with the move known as “Slam Dunk.”

    If Obama’s campaign loses its legs, let it be on the basis of truth, not some sort of made-up contradiction.

  10. pat says:

    #40 He fired him AFTER being backed into a corner.
    He didn’t fire him once he found out about his viewpoints & ideology. Unless of curse you are SO gullible to believe that Obama (after attending his church for 20 years) didn’t have a clue.

    If, he is that clueless then he shouldn’t Pres. Loser either way…

  11. bobbo says:

    #42–pat==thats exactly what I think. Now, can we be specific? What exact sermon did preacher man first give that you think should have been a firing offense? You don’t know. You are just mashing everything together as if all controversial statements good and bad are the same as those made just last week?

    Prove me wrong with what was said when. Go ahead.

  12. pat says:

    #43 Okay, the 2003 God damn America one comes to mind. How ’bout the 16 Sep 01 sermon. I could spend all day documenting and investigating.

    You have been proved wrong. Next…

  13. bobbo says:

    #44–pat==ok, you have more credibility than before. Now, what makes you think Obama knew specifically of those sermons and how are they any different than Dobson and Falwell saying the same thing about 911 and Katrina–ie, being Gods Revenge on the USA turning its back on – – -well, Dobson and Falwell?

    Seriously–are these your real opinions, you care that much about who Obama listens to in church as a guide to Obama’s own ability to run the country????


  14. pat says:

    #45 -“Seriously–are these your real opinions, you care that much about who Obama listens to in church as a guide to Obama’s own ability to run the country????”

    I care who someone chooses as their “mentor” long term. If some white guy chose a white racist as their mentor it would show poor judgment & the distinct possibility of agreement. I would nix that person as a candidate.

    We’ve just been through 8 years of a President with poor judgment. Need I say more?

    BTW – Like I said regarding Obama “knowing” about this stuff.

    “Unless of curse you are SO gullible to believe that Obama (after attending his church for 20 years) didn’t have a clue.

    If, he is that clueless then he shouldn’t Pres. Loser either way…”

    Choose your option.

  15. MikeN says:

    Sorry for being cynical, but it looks like Obama joined this church because he was a half-white guy from Harvard who needed some street cred. Now he’s a half-black guy who needs to get white votes.

  16. bobbo says:

    Pat–I don’t think this episode however we might both agree it was goes to Obama’s judgment. I think rather it goes to his life situation growing up black in the USA. The minister brought him to religion ((Not a good think in itself, but what are you gonna do if you want to run for office in the USA?)) and beyond that is a mentor only in a very casual less than meaningful way. If you don’t understand these obvious relationships, word meanings in context and what not, then yes, judgment is lacking, but it is yours and not Obamas.

    I admire Obama for firing the preacher yet not throwing him under the bus. If you demand your version of perfection in a candidate, all you will get is a liar.

  17. pat says:

    bobbo – BTW I didn’t see Obama in the Washington National Cathedral on Sep 14th. I would imagine he went to HIS Church’s service on the 16th…

  18. bobbo says:

    #47–Mike==I think you have most of the issue right there. And Hilliary kind of has the opposite challenge. Of the two, both politicians I grant you, I think Obama’s handling reveals more character. Just a guess.

  19. pat says:

    #48 said- “I think rather it goes to his life situation growing up black in the USA. ”

    Reflecting later on his formative years in Honolulu, Obama wrote: “The opportunity that Hawaii offered—to experience a variety of cultures in a climate of mutual respect—became an integral part of my world view, and a basis for the values that I hold most dear

    Research isn’t your strong suit, is it? He grew up oversees & in Hawaii. Middle class with highly educated parents.

  20. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    My fondest wish is to see a day when someone doesn’t have to be an avowed Christian to be considered a serious candidate for President. I admire honesty, and yet a part of me hopes that Obama really knows that religion is a load of crap.

  21. bobbo says:

    #51–pat==to be fair, you caught me square. Good on you.

    To quibble==do you think he never got a racial slur in Hawaii? He never got a racial slur at Yale? You don’t think he wrote the book as a basis for his future political career and wanted to even at that time to “rise above” the racial issues? Now–I wasn’t thinking he grew up in the ghetto what with a white mother and professional father==but yea, I was thinking his experience was blacker than it probably was.

    So, instead of growing up black, Obama’s issue is “being black” in America. Please give us a big drum roll for the difference being – – – – – – – – – what again?

    A keen intellect will focus on the main point, the subject, the big picture, the direction of things, and not be sidetracked by issues of no consequence.

  22. jbenson2 says:

    #40 Bobo said: what did Obama do?

    Gee, it must be embarrassing to ask this question, especially if you truly cannot see the difference between Obama’s immediate demand to fire Imus and his 20 year relationship with his pastor. Of course, Obama did not hire Imus, but he did hire Wright even though he knew Wright’s hateful views.

  23. bobbo says:

    #54—jb==do you think the preacher man spoke in this inflammatory way right from the start and every time? What did Obama know and when did he know it???? NOBODY KNOWS THIS. Everything is assumption based on unknown underlying motives. Once a person is your “friend” you given them much more leeway as they change over time. And indeed, most people will identify one or two completely objectionable traits in a friend and still keep them as a friend even if they would not start up a friendship with them.

    Nobody “knows” Obama. Nobody knows the preacher. Nobody knows the relationship between the two. All this crap analysis is just that.

  24. pat says:

    bobbo – Please don’t make excuses for him. He is VERY charismatic. There’s not much else there unfortunately. After what I’ve now seen and researched, he’s just another hack politician.

    I can see how much he has “struggled” because of being black. If, it was THAT bad he couldn’t have gone from almost no credible experience to being the presumptive nominee. BTW – I remember my father coming home almost in tears because of racial slurs he had to endure. He would have NEVER associated with someone like this minister because he didn’t believe racism
    was right. In either direction…

  25. bobbo says:

    #56–pat==I agree with you on this point==the enthusiasm for Obama is based on speeches and not a track record. As usual, most of my evaluation is based on “who is the least worst?” and there he does have Hilary beat by a mile and I haven’t seen much substance in McCain other than not doing earmarks which makes me wonder how he stayed in office?

    I look forward to discussing the Obama/McCain matchup with you in a few months?

    Your father interests me. Some people come up against racism and become racist themselves (maybe the preacher man?) and others take the same experience and reject it. Same with experiences of child abuse, spousal abuse and other abuses. We are all the same, yet different, all at the same time.

  26. pat says:

    #57 – It will be interesting. I know almost nothing about McCain, yet. In the end I don’t know if any of the three have what it takes to run the U.S.

    I did have lunch at the same table with HRC in the Senate dining room.
    She chilled me to the bone. Don’t know if that is good or bad.

  27. bobbo says:

    58–Pat==thats unusual. Everyone says she is such a great person in private. That actually has been my experience with the few politicians I have met in private. Uniformily they seemed to EXUDE something that made me “FEEL” like they were wonderful people. Only later in the day in my private review of things could I reaffirm my stuanch belief that all politicians are full of shit.

    I’ve heard it said there is a common misperception that politicians are basically marginally incompetent people who basically have your best interests at heart====whereas the truth is just the opposite.

    HRC must have been having an off day.

  28. pat says:

    #59 – “I’ve heard it said there is a common misperception that politicians are basically marginally incompetent people who basically have your best interests at heart====whereas the truth is just the opposite.”

    I think that is close to the truth! LOL

  29. jbenson2 says:

    #55 – Bobbo – 2 questions:

    Honesty Check:

    1. If a white minister preached sermons to his congregation and had used the “N” word and used rhetoric and words similar to members of the KKK, would you support a Democratic presidential candidate who decided to continue to be a member of that congregation?

    2. Would you support that candidate if, after knowing of or hearing those sermons, he or she still appointed that minister to serve on his or her “Religious Advisory Committee” of his or her presidential campaign?

  30. MikeN says:

    You ask for how Obama contradicted himself, or exhibited hypocrisy. Well, he claims to support a ‘post-racial America’, then basically drops the ‘post’, affirmative action still there, and now this pastor.

    As for contradictions, his statements on welfare in the speech contradict themselves. First, it’s something that harmed the black commmunity, then it’s only something that bred resentment.

    His statements on his grandmother are another contradiction, and point out just how bad is Obama. The grandmother who was supposedly afraid of black people crossing in front of her on the street; well in his book he says it was a panhandler at a bus stop. A major difference in the story, that Obama changes to make this pastor look good.

    So Obama is a racist at heart is what I take from this, evidenced by his willingness to talk down his grandmother as a racist. His staying in the black church with this racist pastor makes more sense. Not only is this a racist black church, it is unAmerican. The church’s website states that they are an African church and remain true to their native land.


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