WFTV Orlando

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Orange County Public Schools is investigating claims that a student was forced to use a lunchbox as a toilet in front of his class at Meadowbrook Middle School.

Quonterious Thomas

The teacher will not be coming to school. She will be relieved of her duty with pay as the school district investigates, officials said. Thomas, 13, says his language arts teacher, Jameeka Chambers, gave him two options when he had to go to the bathroom at Meadowbrook Middle School. She said he could wait until the end of class or use her lunch box in the back of the classroom. The sixth grader said he used her lunch box. “If I had waited any longer, I would have peed on myself and that would have been even more embarrassing,” Thomas said, adding that his entire class of 19 students and his teacher watched.
When Thomas told his mom, she said she didn’t believe it at first and later realized how traumatized he was. “I have never, in all the days been living, ever heard about anything happening in all my life. This is a really big shocker for me,” said Shameka Bryant, Thomas’ mom.

“I’m seeking counseling for him, asking questions. What was the purpose? I want to know,” Bryant said. Orange County Public Schools wouldn’t specifically comment about what happened. The district says teachers have to allow students to use the restroom.

I think Shameka owes Jameeka a slap upside the head, and let Quonterius use the bathroom as needed. Florida sure is weird!

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Teacher Forced Him To Urinate In Lunchbox in front of Class



  2. Improbus says:

    Un. Frak’n. Real.

    Will someone please reboot our Matrix? It is starting to go off the rails.

  3. TatooYou says:

    That picture of Quonterious look like he’s about 20 years old…

  4. floyd says:

    No, he looks like a 13 year old that can’t believe he went through all that. I do remember kids in 8th grade that looked older than they actually were, especially girls that were early bloomers (omg).

  5. Kim Helliwell says:

    Well, perhaps the kid gets the last laugh here. Not only did he call the teacher’s bluff (for that’s almost certainly what it was), but I bet she’ll be buying a new lunchbox for her next teaching job…

  6. caa says:

    Shouldn’t that be WTFTV Orlando? What (TF) is in the water down there?

  7. JPV says:

    What sort of JACKASS names their child Quonterius?

    Errr… I guess someone names Shameka would.

  8. GF says:

    Shouldn’t a sixth grader be about 11 years old?

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I was wondering how many posts we’d go through before some Euro-centric douche-bag would would start in on the names of the cast of this comedy….

    and the answer was 7.

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This story should be narrated by Rod Serling.

  11. BillM says:

    Notice, she was suspended with pay. I sure the NEA or her local union will be right behind her claiming she is being unfairly treated by her administration.

  12. tnteacher says:

    Teachers must allow students to use the restroom – this results in every student wanting to go every 5 minutes. Disrupts class and results in lower test scores. This teacher’s actions were very stupid, but again – the students have no accountability … and I’m sure he absolutely loves all this attention. And the mother can’t wait to file a civil suit!

  13. Bill R. says:

    Yet another reason why I’m glad we left Florida…

  14. Balbas says:

    I was in a parochial school where one teacher, the wife of the principal, used to prevent students using a bathroom at the back of the room on a routine basis.

    Of course, she and her husband liked to terrorize students in many other wonderful ways.

  15. satman says:

    He’s lucky.
    My 4th grade teacher (her name was Mrs. Torrance , we called her miss torments)refused to let anyone go to restroom unless it was break time or lunch time. We had what seemed to be daily “accidents” that led to the person in question begging to go to the restroom , losing it then having to go to the office to call parents for fresh clothes. The school finally made all the parents in her class send a full change of clothes to school. This was back in the early 70’s. I’m sure some lawyer would hand her ass to the wolves today. I hope you burn in hell, bitch.

  16. kanjy says:

    My art teacher in 7th grade wouldn’t let us go to the bathroom during class, so we hated it that she would often leave to use the restrooms during class. So one day while she was using the restrooms, we peed in her thermos to teach her a lesson.

  17. anonymous says:

    This whole thing about having to *ask* to go to the bathroom is complete bull. If you gotta go, you gotta go.

    It’s just a part of the bigger problem of kids being taught (did I say “taught”? I meant “brainwashed”) to mindlessly respect authority even when the authority is wrong.

  18. BdgBill says:

    #9 (Ohfortheloveof) – If you had bothered to read the post you are commenting on you would have noticed that the author (who I guess is a Eurocentric douchebag) made fun of the names.

    I think Shameka owes Jameeka a slap upside the head, and let Quonterius use the bathroom as needed. Florida sure is weird!

    I’m sorry but “Quonterius” is not a name. It is not a word. It is not African. A search for “Quonterius” on Google results in 11 links to this story. Naming someone Quonterius makes as much sense as naming them Shamalmadingdong.

  19. Chris says:


    You need to try to teach with your policy. After about the 12th kid gets up to go to the bathroom in one class period you will end it. Or even worse, when 12 kids get up to go at once you might as well pack up and go home. You could try to do what I did and meet the class at the bathroom after lunch to let them go then. But my principal stopped that right away.

    We are told to not to let students go to the bathroom unless it is an emergency. So of course I have as many as 15 students every day with emergencies. If I let one kid go, then I have about six in a row that want to go too–and I am pretty strict! If you become known as a lenient teacher, in this regard, you will need to put in a revolving door.

    I just hate the whole thing. I tell kids if it is a real emergency, I am not going to stop them.

  20. morram says:

    I bet all these same wussy kids would not leave for the bathroom during a movie or a crack smoking session. Kids are so forking lame these days. Hey you get breaks 3 or 4 times a day so try taking a poo or pee then instead of getting stoned, selling drugs or collecting your pimp dues. Class is for study, not to sneek off and wack yourself silly.

  21. bobbo says:

    #18–you are fudging just a bit. google reveals that Quonterius is listed as one of millions of babies names==no more info, just a listing. Sure looks latin to me as if after some Roman General known for pissing whereever he wanted to, or some proud heritage like that.

    Still, unlike a boy named sue, how many african-americans are hobbled for life by their hobbled for life parents naming them outside the main stream? Maybe Obama will wipe the slate clean.

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #18 – I wondered how many posts it would take for someone to try and defend racism as some innocent fun.

    and the answer is 18.

  23. morram says:

    Quonterius’s new baby sister is named “LunchBox”

  24. bobbo says:

    #21–OFTLO==so everything touching a black person is racist? I don’t think so absent something more direct.

    Frank Zappa’s kids get loads of crap for their names too==I guess that is a anti-hippie prejudice?

    I’ll go with the most obvious and first connection until more evidence comes in==uncommon names are often commented on.

  25. morram says:

    Who names their kid Lunch and why was he allowed to pee in her box?

  26. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #18 – You’re forgetting the cousins: Advil and Tylenol…

    (I forget which black comedian I lifted that from…)

  27. Shamalmadingdong says:

    Now what the hell is wrong with my name….

  28. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Naming your kids “wierd” is just part of the Diversityville mantra that everyone is unique and special. Problem is, people who think they’re special usually have an entitlement mentality.

    Arthur Clarke was special, Einstein was special, the guy who can slam a 12 pack and drive a high-speed obstacle course without touching a cone is special. The rest of us aren’t.

    A certain amount of diversity is good. A certain amount of assimilation and commonality is also good and necessary.

    Frank Zappa’a kid’s shouldn’t get crap, but Frank sure as hell should.

  29. McCullough says:

    #28. If I could inherit Zappas money, you can call me Dweezil, anytime.

  30. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Well, there is that. But like I said, it’s not Dweezil’s fault. 😉


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