1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Wow! I am impressed!

  2. Miljenko says:

    …. oops, quadUped !

  3. Madtownmoxie says:

    Wow!! That is amazing. The balance of that thing is extraordinary!

  4. god says:

    What a gullible crowd.

  5. YeahRight says:

    If it is real, it is very well done. It’s always great to see something flop but sometimes it’s also great to see something with promise to work like this.

  6. admfubar says:

    i love the giant bee sound it makes…..
    we need quiet fuel cells for these things ffast.. 🙂

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Coming soon to a nightmare near you!

  8. Pmitchell says:

    it looks like an Imperial walker to me

    and the video is awesome

  9. Bob says:

    As usual an idea that is unnecessarily complex refuses to die. It would be much simpler and more cost effective, as well as more reliable, to make a wheeled vehicle. Perhaps one based on one of the quiet ATVs used by some militaries. Of course that would not be as fun to look at, but sanity isn’t always fun.

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I’ve never felt more expendable. Walking through snow while making a buzzing sound is my primary talent.

  11. Awake says:

    #9 Bob –
    If I may take one small liberty with your statement:

    As usual an idea that is unnecessarily complex refuses to die. It would be much simpler and more cost effective, as well as more reliable, to use a donkey or camel.

  12. FRAGaLOT says:

    A walking robot like this would cause less impact on the ground than a wheeled vehicle. So the term “tread lightly” applies here.

  13. alex says:

    If wheels were better than legs, all animals would have wheels rather than legs.

    Now, legs with wheels instead of feet, like the fuchikoma’s from Ghost in the shell…that would be cool.

  14. joaoPT says:

    The problem with wheels, in a bio mechanic point of view, is that they require to be physically detached from the body, thus becoming non-living organic material. That would prevent regeneration to happen on such “wheels”.
    Limbs, OTOH, make much more sense “organically” and are also much more versatile.

  15. Jopa says:

    I don’t know… I love tech but this thing gives me the creeps.
    It is very impressive though, just think about the algorithms they need to be using in order to keep it so balanced and to adjust to the terrain and material it is moving on. This is some fancy hardware & software they have implemented there.

  16. allbe says:

    If I was drunk I would think a 200 lb fly was
    attacking me.

  17. Rich says:

    I saw this thing or one like it years ago and the feeling remains- it’s borderline frightening and I can’t tell you why!! Anyone else have this feeling and can explain it? It is cool to look at.


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