I’m wondering if this is going to keep some guy from shooting up the place.

Found by Rick Salsman

  1. Eideard says:

    If it’s not exorbitantly priced – which it’s bound to be, considering it’s for SECURITY – I can think of a great use for a version with smaller mesh netting.

    When I was a kid netting baitfish for blue fishing, I sucked at the whole throw the net gracefully out over a school of shiners and draw them back in one fell swoop.

    You could sell this thing to every klutzy kid on the Mediterranean Coast, Gulf Coast, wherever.

  2. mhawg says:

    A tiny net is a death sentence!

  3. Personality says:

    Make it out of razor wire.
    They were all over acting it to make it look more effective than it really is(typical Japanese).
    That one dude didn’t even move when it hit him. If he had a gun, he could still use it.

  4. BubbaRay says:

    I wonder if it’s user re-packable like a parachute, or if it’s a one shot device. Maybe one could purchase extra pre-packed cartridges.

    Of course, if there’s more than one shooter…

  5. BubbaRay says:

    [off topic]
    I agree with #1 Eideard – casting a net takes a lot of practice. I’m lucky if I can throw a baitcaster reel 100 times without a backlash birds nest.

    [on topic]
    I seem to remember a weapon like this in the “Fifth Element.”

  6. Adrian says:

    They had these on an MTV show (Rob & Big). It looked more fun than “security.”

  7. Smartalix says:


    Also in “The Running Man”

  8. Mister Catshit says:

    And if the person is armed, he is still armed and possibly a little more upset.

  9. Ron Larson says:

    Don’t net me bro…

  10. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #6…my kid watches Rob & Big, Rob uses that thing all the time. It brings down his friends, but it would be nice to see someone really try to get away.

  11. Les says:

    “A tiny net is a death sentence!”

    Yes, it’s tiny, and it’s a net!

  12. ECA says:

    Cool idea,
    Make the netting STICKY…

    If you keep BOTH feet in 1 spot, and STAY there, you can reach down and pull the net Off, Easy.

  13. ECA says:

    but, it wont stop someone shooting at you.

  14. RRD says:

    Well this is sure better than having the cops use, and abuse the stun gun.

    You can have the stun gun still but this would stop a lot of the abuse.

  15. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #14 – There is always going to be a cop that will abuse any kind of weapon. I could see Officer Fife stopping Aunt Bee with this for jay walking.

  16. Pharaoh90 says:

    Shooting up the place, yeah. But what if they just do the running in a dress thing and just getaway.

  17. Timbo says:

    something else not to take to a gun fight.

  18. Dan says:

    Stun guns killed a very small percentage of people compared to the total number of people they were used on. I can see this device kill too. I can see this being used and the netted person strangles or falls down and hangs himself with the netting. (For example a person on a balcony is netted and falls down after, the net catching the railing hanging the person)

    When this happens people will still point at the person/people using device and cry foul!

  19. Mortor says:

    Wow I guess the NRA is going to do everything to prevent this technology from developing any further. Just think what will happen to the profits for the gun companies when Americans find out they can confidently defend themselves against criminals without the use of guns.

  20. Cursor_ says:

    Unless they pair it with a tazer system, this will be ineffective.

    Now if you shoot it, the net envelopes them and a wingle wire is kept in the device and you can send a shock through it, THEN it would be effective.

    Myself I can’t help but think when someone will make a grounding suit to wear when you think you may be tazed.


  21. Ah_Yea says:

    A grounding suit?! Hummmm, interesting…..

    The real problem with that is if criminals are:
    A) Dumb enough to get caught, and
    B) Dumb enough to be criminals, then;
    C) They will be too dumb to buy a grounding suit.



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