BBC News – 13 March 2008:

Ethiopia’s national bank has been told to inspect all the gold in its vaults to determine its authenticity.

It follows the discovery that some of the “gold” it had bought for millions of dollars was gold-plated steel.

The first hint that something was wrong reportedly came when the Ethiopian central bank exported a consignment of gold bars to South Africa.

The South Africans sent them back, complaining that they had been sold gilded steel.

An investigation revealed that the bank had bought a consignment of fake gold from a supplier, who is now under arrest.

But what has clearly now got the government even more worried is that another different batch of gold in the bank’s vaults has also been found to be fake, and this time it was gold which had been there for several years, after being seized from smugglers trying to take it to Djibouti.

  1. Phillep says:

    Nigerians are getting better and better at scamming people.

  2. Mac Guy says:

    heheheheh… “djibouti…”

  3. Boru says:

    Where was Archimedes when you needed him?

  4. Greg Allen says:

    It seems more likely that the gold was switched in the vault by corrupt authorities.

  5. Dezman Twufer says:

    Like the bank officials? Got ID?

  6. Lou says:

    That gold is still worth more than the USD.

  7. lmj3325 says:

    George Bush did it.

  8. lost_in_the_past says:

    Sounds like an old Mission Impossible TV episode. I would arrest Mr. Phelps, Barney and the guy who headed Moonbase Alpha.

  9. sweb says:

    Smuggling fake gold. Now there’s a profitable trade.


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