This is an extended version of that Verizon ad that features Michael Bay. One thing about this commercial is that he seems to be promoting file sharing with all that uploading…

  1. DarthVCDr says:

    “Upload speeds up to 1000% faster than cable”

    2 problems with this

    1. it says nothing about the download
    2. what site was he uploading to? the next Stage 6 maybe?

  2. Aaron says:

    Want fiber!

  3. Improbus says:


  4. theLOGANhole says:

    Is this SDSL!

  5. veto says:

    he seems to be promoting something else too. what cool thing to blow might he have in the back?

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Here is a list of my favorite Michael Bay movies:


  7. TVAddict says:

    Michael is spelled wrong in the headline.

  8. phishphiend says:

    I want..I want..I want..I want.. NOW!! not going to happen tho i live in Maine 🙁

  9. Mark T. says:

    Wow! I want an exploding grill and depth charges in my pool! Too bad AT&T doesn’t offer FIOS. I guess I will have to make do with 6 mbps without the explosions. Sigh.


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