Click photo to listen.

This Episode’s Topics:

  • John’s HDD is still broken but he “took notes”
  • Adam’s iPhone scoop – where did 500,000 iPhones go?
  • Satellite channel 9645, the 6 minute mystery movie
  • The joy of Skype
  • Sub-prime? Nope. It’s auction-based securities!
  • The rolling blackout scam
  • An intriguing new take on Eliot Spitzer
  • Inside Public Radio funding and podcasting
  • The celebrity wish list for No Agenda
  • John is blacklisted by…
  • SXSW and The Portable Media Expo
  • UK’s worldwide taxes (What the…)
  • Silicon valley fashion

Runtime is approximately 70 mins.

  1. B. Dog says:

    Fun Fact: Qatar has a field that holds some 900 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

  2. ricecrackers says:

    great show, first time listener. reminds me of the conversations we used to have around the office.

    I used to work for an energy company that promoted it’s ‘green’ direction. I remember once after a green rah-rah seminar I submitted an idea to their management suggestion box that it convert its company fleet to smaller energy efficient cars. (as opposed to the the SUVs many of the execs were driving to work). The suggestion was ignored and three weeks later I wasnt employed there anymore. Cooincidence? …perhaps.

    Hey about the ‘kind of guys you see at strip clubs’, how do you guys know that? Are you the kind of guys we see at strip clubs too? 😉

  3. jmsiowa says:

    The beauty of GTL is that it is way cheaper and easier to transport unpressurized liquid over great distances than LPG or LNG. So the gas fields in SE asia can now be used to fuel vehicles already in production anywhere in the world. Its not like they need to heat their homes down there.

  4. becagle says:

    Why is it that every time someone talks about having problems with a pc, Mac users have to brag about their macs. It’s total BS, I repair computers for a living. The majority of the computers I have HD replacements or reload of OS, are macs.

    Mac hardware failure rates, in my company, are twice that of our PCs.

    They may be user frendly, but their a Tech’s nightmare to work on.

  5. Badcam says:

    Hey John

    Has anyone suggested that you try Spinrite? If you think it’s an HD problem, then Spinrite is worth a try. It’s saved my bacon so many times.

    Something to consider.

  6. andy says:

    i think dvorak has a beef with steve gibson. this is a pretty good show – i’ll check it out again. i particularly liked the economic talk.

  7. mkoops says:


    Check out this Technet KB to repair your registry.



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