The Florida Senate wants public school students to pull up their pants. Lawmakers passed a bill Thursday that could mean suspensions for students with droopy britches

Florida could join several southern U.S. towns and cities that have passed “saggy pants” laws aimed at outlawing what some teenagers consider a fashion statement — wearing pants half way down their buttocks, exposing flesh or underwear.

Supporters say schools sometimes don’t properly police dress codes and parents are often “under aware” of what their kids are wearing to school…

Despite being the butt of jokes, the bill’s sponsor, Orlando Sen. Gary Siplin, a Democrat, has said the fashion statement has a back-story — it was made popular by rap artists after first appearing among prison inmates as a signal they were looking for sex.

Once again, Florida takes the lead. Even if it’s with behinds.

  1. Ron Larson says:

    Why don’t they just mandate school uniforms like most countries do? It would solve so many problems.

  2. admfubar says:

    yeah yeah…. dress them all the same, like they do in prisons..
    er uhm
    wait………. so when they have their “school uniforms” down around their ass, will that mean they want sex too??? with students? teachers???

  3. becagle says:

    I’m sorry but I can’t resist…

    “Just say NO to crack..”

    I feel so ashamed

  4. RBG says:

    “The Florida Senate wants public school students to pull up their pants.”

    It doesn’t get more wacky than that.


  5. Chris says:

    Could we see some more of the girl on the left?

  6. hhopper says:

    I say great. This is what I’m sick of seeing:

  7. bobbo says:

    Whats good about making war on the young is they don’t have the experience to even recognize it as such. Kinda like taking candy from a baby or making them pay for the Iraq war. Almost makes you feel sorry for them.

  8. Daniel says:

    Why do fat girls love thongs so much?? Seriously.. 9 out of 10 girls I see wearing thongs are severely overweight.

  9. mrhappy says:

    Droopy pants for the girl on the left should be MANDATORY by law.

    Very nice.

  10. Lou says:

    Don’t these people have better things to do with their time?

  11. Mac Guy says:

    The public school system where I work already has it in their dress code that sagging pants are not permitted. I’m surprised it made legal status, but I’m not surprised people are fed up with it.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    Maybe it’s because I’m from a more liberal generation, but I just don’t care about fashion crimes.

    I’m actually happy about today’s fashion trends.

    Finally, a generation of kids look even dorkier than we did back in the 70s! 😉

  13. badSteveO says:

    I’ve seen junior thugs in training wearing their pants cinched tight down below their butts with a full ass worth of boxers showing. I think it is a great idea to encourage this behavior since I know the young punk doesn’t have a pistol tucked in the rear waistband of his pants. Also, the waddle walk the guy has to perform to keep his pants on is entertaining. If he starts trouble and tries to get away we won’t have to run very fast to catch him.

    Along these lines, I’ve alway been against uniforms in schools since self identification of gangs helps authorities find the troublemakers. If all the kids dress the same the cops will have to work harder, and we all know they just aren’t capable.

  14. gregallen says:


    I’ve wondered the same thing when I see the gang kids. I think they still have plenty of places to hide a gun.

    But isn’t the ability to run fast useful when the shooting starts? They can’t possibly run, duck and roll in those goofy get-ups.

  15. JimS says:

    I wonder how many of the young gangsta’s understand that it is a signal that they want some hot and steamy prison sex? They just need the boxers that say “Prison Be-itch In Training.” If it didn’t involve kids, it would be too funny.

  16. I think we’ve got more important things to worry about than this. Why don’t they work on fixing their voting machines to avoid awarding -19,000 votes to a candidate that isn’t the governor’s brother, for instance.

    Florida: You’re behind the times on this.

  17. CobaltG says:

    Wasn’t the “saggy pants on prisoners a queue for sex” myth busted on Snopes? I hate it when police/politicians quote “facts” that are only urban legend or myth.

  18. zorkor says:

    that girl in the pic looks really hot. I mean the left one of course. 🙂

  19. Mojo Yugen says:

    So what ever happened to wedgies? I mean come on, in my day these kids would have been wedgied to the brink of extinction in a few short weeks.
    See what happens when you crack down on bullying?

  20. Juan Marulanda says:

    @20: That shows that FUD is the way to impose your beliefs nowadays.

    @18: Duran Duran are a fashion statement. At least they wear their pants at the height of the waist 😛

  21. ejchi says:

    easy fix… since it is a certain race that loves doing this… make it a trend for normal people and then ‘they’ will find something different. just like the car deal… they lowered cars and trucks and then everyone else did… now they are raising cars up.


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