BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Tibet unrest spreads beyond Lhasa — You will be seeing more and more news like this coming out of China as the anti-government organizations attempt to embarrass the country before the Olympics knowing that it could become a great humiliation. Also the forces of a cut-throat style of Capitalism, now firmly entrenched in the country, will result in an incredibly skewed distribution of wealth that will cause more havoc.

Tibetan protests against Chinese rule have spread to another part of China, after days of demonstrations and violence in Tibet’s main city, Lhasa.

Clashes between Tibetan protesters and police in Aba, Sichuan province, saw a police station and cars attacked.

Rights groups said several people had been killed in the clashes, though this could not be verified.

The violence came after exiled Tibetan leaders said a Chinese crackdown had killed at least 80 people in Lhasa.

Indian-based officials said the figure was confirmed by several sources, even though China had put the death toll during Friday’s riots at 10.

The Dalai Lama has called for an international inquiry into China’s crackdown, accusing it of a “rule of terror” and “cultural genocide”.

  1. Brett says:

    Free Tibet, Fuck Chinese Government

  2. McCullough says:

    I hope the anti-government forces use this time well, there are plenty of issues that need to be brought into the light.

  3. bobbo says:

    Someone remind me why we stopped hating communism and started supporting them?

  4. Bob says:

    #3, that would be when more people started hating the US than communism. Many people think life with a communist country as a super power would be better than life with the US as a super power, sad but true.

  5. Mark Derail says:

    #4 Chavez would totally agree with you on that.

    This Tibet situation was bound to happen – it just required the older generation to move on, with a newer, younger – and Internet Savvy – generation to find the truth and disseminate it.

    This also means that the corrupt Chinese Gov’t were unable to brainwash the young people.

    I see it as a 30-40yr cycle, in any communist country, revolution will occur.

    Cuba’s time is just about up…

  6. Mark Derail says:

    This story is surely a coincidence.

    China’s leader Hu Jintao has been elected for another five-year term as president, after a near-unanimous vote in the National People’s Congress.

    So I guess Tibet didn’t vote?

  7. dave says:

    Well, if you think our corporate media is going to raise this as a big issue, you havent been paying attention over the last few years. The Chinese Gov owns us and we need them to bail out many of our bankrupt zombie financial companies.

  8. edwinrogers says:

    Tibet is the anvil, between China and India. Like Belgium was, between Germany and France.

  9. Dajestar says:

    It’s a disgrace that the Olympics were awarded to China…..

  10. johns says:

    #3 – Cheap shit.

  11. doug says:

    #3, #11. the Chinese aren’t communists, that’s for sure, not if that term has any meaning.

  12. Justin From Penn says:

    Hell yes. Go go Tibet.

    I wonder what will happen with the marchers.

  13. Chainring says:

    #10 – Don’t worry, the Olympics are likely going to turn out to be the Chinese government’s worst nightmare. With the eyes of the world turned on them, every dissident and malcontent in the country is going to try to make a statement.

  14. Chive says:

    Stop shopping at Wal-Mart and keep your made in China purchases to a minimum.

  15. chuck says:

    Time to boycott the Olympics?

  16. ZZ says:

    After England invited Tibet in the early 1900’s somebody had to take control of the weakening nation. China was chosen but things turned bad after several decades. Now it’s time to do what Dalai Lama is asking: Give real autonomy to Tibet, independence would just create vacuum.

    It will be interesting to see how China will handle this. When they try to cover up and block the information, it makes situation twice as bad. I wouldn’t be surprised if several countries will not show up at the Beijing olympics and go instead to the Tibet Olympics.

  17. green says:

    Free Iraq you brain dead sheep, and boycott your own dumb asses.

    P.S. Open Wide.

  18. bilgo bad says:

    Maybe the chinese should just put them on reservations. That worked pretty good here ;>)


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