New details have emerged about the call girl at the center of the prostitution scandal engulfing New York’s governor, with a newspaper report identifying her as a 22-year-old aspiring musician from Manhattan.

The New York Times reported that the real name of the prostitute — identified as “Kristen” in court papers alleging that Gov. Eliot Spitzer paid more than $4,000 for her services — is Ashley Alexandra Dupre.

A man who answered the phone at the home of the woman’s mother in New Jersey and identified himself as Dupre’s brother, Kyle, told the AP he did not know why Dupre would agree to be interviewed about the scandal.

“I’ve talked to my sister every five minutes since this happened, and I’m not going to comment on it,” he said. “She’s just trying to get through this.”

Dupre’s MySpace pages provided a window into her life as she went from a broken home in New Jersey to a music career in the city.

And then there was a more profitable career.

  1. MaxPower says:

    At least she’s pretty…

  2. bobbo says:

    Well, the sheeple are lined up as directed by their fearless media and political leaders–from victim to the general public.

    Only discussion I hear is whether or not the Mann Act can still be used to prosecute and whether or not Spitzer would be prosecuted as a John were it not for his screaming hypocrisy.

    That hypocrisy continues even as it is inwardly directed. If Spitzer thought prostitution was “really wrong”, he wouldn’t have done it.

    Instead of contesting the law when caught as overly intrusive, he thinks he did a bad thing. I accept his college scores and achievements mark him as smarter than the average bear, including you and me, but—-but—something rather “dumb” is happening here, and I’m not referring to “wanting to get caught” which I don’t think he did.

    Laws. If they were all enforced all the time, would they change?????

  3. JD says:

    She’s cute, but she’s not “pay $4,300 and lose your job” cute.

  4. Jeff says:

    I really wish that I could say that this is none of our business. It shouldn’t be. Job performance and who you sleep with should not matter. Paying money for services makes me a little uneasy, but I still think that it is protected by an individual’s right to privacy.

    I do believe this kind of behavior is demeaning to both the man and the woman, but provided that it was “regulated”, I really don’t have a problem with it being legal or at least decriminalized. That being said, that is just a personal opinion and not what is on the statutes in New York state.

    The problem, however, comes from the fact that he prosecuted the very crime that he is being charged with. This would essentially make him a hypocrite (though to be fair we don’t know the whole story).

  5. Thomas says:

    This issue is about much more than just with whom he sleeps. As governor he is charged with enforcing the laws set down by the legislature. If his only mistake was adultery then I would agree that he should not be compelled to resign even though it shows a glaring lack of character. The core issue here is that the person charged with upholding the law is breaking it while the law is being enforced for the rest of NY constituents.

    If you are going to enforce it, then enforce it for everyone. If you are not going to enforce it, then do not enforce it for anyone. Picking and choosing is simply not acceptable. As bobbo said, I wonder how many laws would remain on the books if they were all enforced.

  6. bobbo says:

    #4–And as govenor he signed a bill making the 6 months maximum prison time for misdemeanor offense of paying for sex into a 12 month misdemeanor==at the same time he was Client #9.

    Now to call this hypocrisy is just too obvious. Your own hypocrisy is evident at a lower level. Its none of our business, yet you want to call it demeaning?? Well, yea–if thats what you make it==and the laws alone go a long way towards that very end.

    Now, I would think that a person that actually uses prostitutes would have a hard on for making the penalties for using a prostitute even harsher??

    I’d love to see the thinking process at work here. Is it all emotional? A will towards self destruction? etc. But, same with all the other hypocrites who make our laws. I just wish they would look inside themselves and get more realistic/compassionate.

  7. BdgBill says:

    Not sure “Bimbo” is the right term here. Bimbo implies pretty (pretty in a cheap way), stupid and possibly slutty. Although Bimbo’s are often “trophy wives” or “gold diggers” the term never implies a direct sex-for-cash relationship.

    “Whore” would be a more apt description of this young lady.

    The media is already trying to make this girl into a victim. The bleeding heart stuff about broken families etc in her My Sapce page is nothing more than an elaborate version of “The Stripper Myth”.

    Every stripper has a story for the rubes explaining why a nice, smart wholesome girl such as herself would be grinding her crotch in men’s faces for money. The story usualy involves college tuition or gifted children going to private school.

    I’m sure whores have their own version of the Stripper Myth. This girls story seems to involve some kind of fantasy about being involved in the music business.

  8. Brian says:

    The CNN article referred to her MySpace page, where she apparently made statements to the effect that “she loves who she is”.

    So…she loves being a whore?

    Strangely, I’m not shocked that people would be proud of such things anymore.

  9. the Man says:

    #4 So jeff in other words you have no opinion either way.

    He broke the law, the same law that he has enforced when it comes to others. Although this seems to be the status quo, doesn’t make it right.

  10. Mark Derail says:

    Wife and family in this?

    In other post I mentioned Eliot doing a Woody Allen.

    Meaning, at some point in his life, he lost interest (but not love for) his beautiful wife & family, and started having intimate relations with someone half his age. Actually greater than half.

    The irony is that Eliot’s crusade against white collar crime, when he himself participates in it.

    “Kristen” hasn’t done anything illegal, she received donations.

    If she didn’t declare the revenue, she’ll have to pay taxes on that money after the court determines her total donations.

  11. entropy says:

    I don’t understand how people say that this is only about his hypocrisy. The biggest story in the media now is introducing to the world the woman that he slept with. The media hasn’t even spoken to her! They’ve only got things from her Myspace page, which is now deleted. It’s absurd to think about their fascination for her. She may be a whore in the sense that she received money for sex, but I bet you that she’s probably slept with less guys than some sorority chicks.

    I would never go to a prostitute. That’s against what I believe in, and I would never do that because it would hurt my family. However, I do not agree with the laws that make it illegal. What’s the difference in paying someone to have sex with you if you say that you’ll sell the tape for porn? It seems to me that making porn is more immoral than prostitution, but that’s just me. I’d like to hear some of your responses.

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #3 – She’s cute, but she’s not “pay $4,300 and lose your job” cute.

    That’s fair… But if I fucked her, all I’d lose is the $4,300. Not that it matters, but my employer, dare I say most of our employers, don’t care if we have a “date” with a call girl.

    And Bobbo is right when he uses the phrase “screaming hypocrisy”. I don’t really care, and shouldn’t care, about the private lives of public figures. But its hard to ignore a guy who who rails against morality crimes and favors unethical and invasive data collection and Big Brother monitoring… only to get caught with call girls because of invasive monitoring.

    And just so I can make this post longer… I found this quote from the girl…

    “When I was 17, I left home. It was my decision and I’ve never looked back. Left my hometown. Left a broken family. Left abuse. Left an older brother who had already split. Left and learned what it was like to have everything, and lose it, again and again. Learned what it was like to wake up one day and have the people you care about most gone. I have been alone. I have abused drugs. I have been broke and homeless. But, I survived, on my own. I am here, in NY because of my music.”

    Wow… at 22 she has learned all that… But I guess she never learned how not to be a drama queen.

  13. Pharaoh90 says:

    To the people calling the prostitute a “whore”. Does that make you feel bigger better about yourself? Do you even have sex? Are you really that damn dumb as to try and put the worlds oldest professions history all between her legs? Do you even realize that is what you are doing?

    People get caught in crap. This story is about schadenfreude. Some guy who made a career out of going after people who commit crimes got busted for one. And it involves this one of many nice looking ladies. Not your hate for women.

    And yes prostitution should legal all over the US.

  14. chrisbutts says:

    Is that a bum link or did her MySpace page get taken down?

  15. morbo says:

    Why didn’t he have a rich friend front the dough for him. Geez he used one friends name as his pseudonym for the assignation, whats wrong with hitting up a bud for the scratch and then covering it later when hes out of office with a book deal advance in hand.

    1) Paid too much for too little upside
    2) Shell companies are a red light (so to speak)
    3) Use a friend for the transaction. No quid-pro-quo, just a loan till out of the public eye.

  16. bobbo says:

    #7–bill===as with every other occupation in life, it is populated with a wide range of people. Most non-descript/average/harmless just trying to get by, a few good, a few bad. Many jobs involve fake names and fake stories. Doesn’t remove the fact that sex workers more often than the general population, come from broken homes. Just as more often than the general population, successful people come from supportive family environments.

    Just as, more often than the general population, people that take pleasure in other people’s misfortunes, or who have no empathy for others worse off, are twisted little muffins themselves, aka your average repuglican.

  17. bobbo says:

    #15–morbo==here’s $40. Go downtown and get two blowjobs and bring me back one. That kind of deal?

  18. morram says:

    I don’t agree with the pricing structure but I’d have to say when ever you have sex especially if you’re married (which then requires two way agreement) you’re paying money for the services one way or another
    Ok, maybe if you’re a rapist then maybe it’s free or you pay later on

    What I don’t understand is why in America we put our leaders in such high esteem with our expectations of them being goddly beings when in reality they’re just like us or in a lot of cases worse.

  19. sadtruth says:

    I’d Still Do Her™

  20. julieb says:

    Leave this poor girl alone. I hope this does not negatively impact her future.

    Spitzer fucked up because it’s hypocritical for him because he was AG and prosecuted prostitution rings. He should resign.

    However, prostitution should be legal.

    I read a link on Reddit that claims a sex tape exists. We shall see.

  21. McCullough says:

    Best thing that could have happened to this chicks “career”. Expect to see more of her, much more.

  22. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #18 – Spitzer put himself in the position of greater expectations by prosecuting this kind of activity. Otherwise I would agree.

  23. soiled politicians says:

    I really wish prostitutes wouldn’t soil themselves by taking politicians as clients. That’s sinking too low, sex workers, Just Say No!

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #18 – I’d have to say when ever you have sex especially if you’re married (which then requires two way agreement) you’re paying money for the services one way or another

    The defect in your mindset is that you think sex with your wife is a “service.” If you think of it as a transaction, and not something that you both actually want to do, then get out… go… the marriage is over.

  25. bobbo says:

    TV newshow had a spot on this babe. You can go to some do it yourself website and download her songs for 98Cents a shot. Don’t know how much of that she gets (most of it I assume?) and in two days=========

    – – – – wait for it – – – –

    over one million downloads of her songs. ((Unconfirmed.))

    No–she did not “take down” spitzer for her slutty whorish ways.

    Yes–she did dream of a career making music.

  26. Phillep says:

    There’s some claims he was also extorting money and jobs for friends from various corporations.

    On conservative blogs, of course.

  27. Rabble Rouser says:

    Spitzer was “client 9.”
    Who were clients 1 through 8?
    Bush? Cheney? Condi? Bolton? Limbaugh? O’Reilly? McCain? Mucasey?

    You DO realize that if Spitzer had an (R) after his name, nothing would be said, and they would probably be running him for veep, don’t you?

  28. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #27 Mr. Rouser. Are you kidding? Those guys are Republicans. And everyone knows that Republicans like little boyz.

  29. BdgBill says:

    To #13 Pharoaoh90 and #16 bobbo

    I have no problem with prostitutes and I certainly do not hate women. As criminals go, prostitutes probably have less negative impact on the general population than shoplifters do.

    Lots of people go through hard times. Lots of people are abused. Most of these people get over their problems without having sex for money.

    My problem is women who are trying to “have their cake and eat it too” by taking the easy way out and trying to put a positive spin on it with their hard luck stories.

    Once you decide to take money for sex, you are, by definition, a whore. You can call yourself a “prostitute”, a “sex worker”, an “escort” or a “call girl” but they all mean “whore”.

    I would bet that the biggest motivator for becoming a prostitute these days has a lot more to do with an aversion to work than any abuse or family situations.

  30. gregallen says:

    How many rich ex-prostitutes have you met? They’re like rich ex-drug dealers or rich ex-gamblers.

    I suppose there are a few around, but not many.


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