1. Acme says:


    You mean the World Curling Federation hasn’t hired them for the World Women’s Championship yet?

    How could they not? Jennifer Jones would be an *amazing* celebrity endorsement!

  2. danno says:

    Genius! You go to their website and are met with a requirement to pay $1 for one-time access – who wouldn’t pay a buck after seeing that? (Okay, me, so I can’t tell you what’s on their site). I can see them raking in thousands.

    I live in Vernon and work in Kelowna – that’s a Kelowna BC phone number posted. At first I was aghast to see that these are locals, but after figuring out their scheme, I’m proud of them.

  3. Rick says:

    OMG!!! Those freaks live HERE??? I gots to go a-huntin! Kelowna you say? I’m on it.

  4. Rick says:

    -you know that’s a joke and I’m not gonna go stalking anyone, right?

  5. QB says:

    Well, there is someone for everyone…

  6. scoosdad says:

    It’s Mr. and Mrs. Larry “Bud” Melman meet Doug and Bob McKenzie…

    I love how there’s a link under the video player window on YouTube that says, “to view higher quality, click here”……….why?

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Rick…nope, you’re obligated to take care of the problem. No way you can back out now.

  8. DarthVCDr says:

    Well, according to http://tinyurl.com/3bzbmm the site owner is Rob Korbynn. Google didn’t turn up much on this guy, other than a link to a movie site with this same vid posted in the forum.

    Scam warnings came up when it says on the fredandsharonsmovies.com site:
    “This entitles you to access this website for this session only.
    Once you navigate away from this website you will have to pay again. ”

    All I can think is, pretty sneaky sis…

    And the video has to be a joke. A “what not to do” kind of thing. But I am scared that it is actually serious.

    All I can say if it is serious, get a mac! iMovie would slap you with the power cable of the computer if you made something that bad 😛

  9. tallwookie says:

    worst commercial ever

  10. Mister Catshit says:

    #38, Darth,

    I thought that was a Mac product.

  11. Mister Feline Feces says:

    Luckily Sharon’s phone number was at the end of the video, what a babe!

  12. Livvidd says:

    My heart goes out to them. My own mother to this day can’t set her vcr to record a program when she’s out. Yeah I know they have no idea, But I say: Hats off for trying.

  13. Bobnino says:

    They must be real. Just look at the amount of stuff they have posted in the past year.

  14. rob c says:

    I just paid the $1 on http://www.fredandsharonsmovies.com to ‘view more videos’ but was returned to the page from which I started!!

    Its a complete scam! There were no other videos!!

    Such a shame because the one here is absolute (unintended) comedy, which is usually the best kind.

  15. gordonf says:

    #44 Try http://fredandsharonsmovies.com/access/index.php

    The Halloween video on the events page is worth a watch.

  16. You really have to ask whether they every watched over it themselves.


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