An Iowa Republican congressman said Friday that terrorists would be “dancing in the streets” if Democratic candidate Barack Obama were to win the presidency.

Rep. Steve King based his prediction on Obama’s pledge to pull troops out of Iraq, his Kenyan heritage and his middle name, Hussein.

“The radical Islamists, the al-Qaida … would be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on Sept. 11 because they would declare victory in this war on terror,” King said in an interview with the Daily Reporter in Spencer.

Just in case you wondered what the Republican Party means by the “Southern Strategy”.

  1. Mister Catshit says:

    I thought Iowans were better than this.

  2. blah blah blah says:


    I said nothing about fascism… I just want to know the difference between liberal racism and conservative racism.

  3. Inuyasha0DX says:

    I believe this comment is irrational and shows great stupidity on his part. First of all tell me what Terrorist have to do with are presidential election, tell me what these 3rd world countries like iran, iraq have to do with America. Where they set roadside bombs down were citizen are afraid. Tell me what barbianism has to do with my Presidential Canditate Obama.

  4. john says:

    What King said is very true. No matter how much the obama supporters are in denial of the fact that He was a muslim and majority of muslims view him as their own brother.

    Do the obama supporters who are jumping up and down for him in this election, think that he will care for you after the election?
    He will care only for his brothers like J. Jackson Jr.
    Apply the brain a bit and you will see the true face of the guy behind this media image.

    Majority of Muslims are blissful when our stupid media folks such as NBC’s Tim and Brian portrait
    Obama as a 2nd comming and his not so proud wife declares that he is a savior of the american soul.
    How rediculous is this? And few folks follow his bunch of lies and jump up and down?

    Islamists will dance in the streets if obama wins even the nomination.

  5. Mr.Burns says:

    Ku Klux Klan DOES NOT Endorse Barack Obama for President

    Despite some rumors, the Ku Klux Klan is not endorsing Barack Obama for President. In fact, Thomas Robb, national director of The Knights Party says his organization has serious questions it would like Barack to answer. Said Robb, “Is he willing to stand for the protection of white men, women and children who are quickly to be America’s new minority. Just over two years ago, the Brookings Institution in Washington D.C. stated that white children under the age of five were counted for less than 50% of the population. I do not feel it is an exaggeration to be very concerned about America’s future.” Where does Barrack Obama’s allegiance lie? And what about Hillary Clinton or John McCain? Will they voice concern for the sons and daughters of the Republic?

  6. Jon says:

    Obama wants to rid us of missile defense systems but Korea and China have just demonstrated abilities to take out our Geosynchronous satellites. All of our high tech navigation equipment relies on those and the only thing protecting our satellites are our missile defense systems.

    DONT BE FOOLS I don’t care about any other issue than this: We have enemies who have force starved citizens to pay for the construction of weapons that can turn our country into a glass parking lot, DONT get rid of our defensive technology, and don’t get rid of our defensive research and development or we will die.


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