There are many more explosion/implosion videos at

Thanks Mister Justin.

  1. Brett says:

    Reminds me of the WTC7 Building that collapsed, yet no planes hit it and only few small fires were apparent. As well as Larry Silverstein (who bought the lease of the WTC, two months before 9/11) said on national tv that they decided to pull. Strange very strange. He admits they put demolition material into WTC7 Building prior to the attacks even happened.

    Here it is:

  2. green says:

    At least they wait for them to be empty. Unlike in Iraq and Palestine.

  3. Mister Catshit says:

    So now Bush is attacking Las Vegas?

    Geeze, Hopper puts up a good video for our entertainment and you fuckheads have to get all political.

    Thanks Hopper. I loved the Frontier Hotel. It was blown up with grace, style, and a little flash.

  4. Jezcoe says:

    #1 Brett

    Please that tired argument again? I think the only factual thing in your statement was that no planes hit WTC7. But a good chunk of the north tower did.

    What is the difference of the controlled demolition videos and WTC7? Do you hear explosions on the WTC7 video?

    And where does Silverstein “admit” to putting explosives in the building? pure fantasy.

  5. Pmitchell says:

    you will also notice the compression and collapse of the building is at the bottom not from the top down and you can easily see the explosions I’ve seen 50 views of the towers not once did I see and explosive charges go off

    When will the idiotic morons admit the truth,
    you all paid 19.99 for a faked up bad edited video to a con artist and now cant admit you were all fools and got sucked into a fake conspiracy made up by people to make money off your foolish beliefs

  6. Brett says:

    why being ignorant? Do your research, check out the youtube video i posted.

    Then go study:

    – False flag operations
    – Parallels in history where corrupt government entities use bogus terror to implement big brother laws and wars.

    Reichstags Fire = 9/11
    Hitlers Enabling Act = Bushs Patriot Act

    History repeats itself.

    Excuse me for hijacking this post for political reasons. But it’s important, more so than being entertained for a few seconds.

  7. hhopper says:

    Uh oh. He mentioned Hitler. Thread’s over.

  8. Rich says:

    I’m sorry; I love my waffle iron on again. Can I put it on my Master card?

  9. Jezcoe says:

    Brett, lets take your claims one at a time.

    “Reminds me of the WTC7 Building that collapsed, yet no planes hit it and only few small fires were apparent.”

    Yes, it is true that no planes hit WTC 7 yet a large chunk of the north tower collapsed into it making a fairly sizable hole in the south face of the building. There were several large fires that that were in the building that were never fought because frankly the FDNY had a few other concerns going on that day. Large diesel tanks were in the building supplying more fuel to a fire that already had plenty of very combustible things to feed on.

    “As well as Larry Silverstein (who bought the lease of the WTC, two months before 9/11) said on national tv that they decided to pull.”

    Larry Silverstein fought with his investors to insure the buildings for less than they wanted him to. In fact one of the reasons that it has taken so long to rebuild, other that government bickering and a design that no one liked, was that the insurance on the place has been tied up in the courts. If it was an insurance scam it surely was the most poorly executed one in history. As for “pull it.” Go and find someone who does real demolition and see if it means anything other than physically pulling down something. If you take the “pull it” as meaning to blow up the building then you would have to include the FDNY on being in on 9/11. “What do you mean Mr. Silverstein that you can just blow it up now?”

    “He admits they put demolition material into WTC7 Building prior to the attacks even happened.”

    Maybe you should look at the clip that you linked and tell me where that is admitted.

    why being ignorant? Do your research, check out the youtube video i posted.”

    Doing research is not just looking at videos,usually low res, that people have posted on the tubes. Research is trying to understand why something physically happened. That means looking into how the buildings were constructed, what were the circumstances of the collapse, what were the actions taken on that day, etc.

    “Reichstags Fire = 9/11”

    The Reichstags Fire; if it was done by the Nazis, I have not personally looked into it enough to say yea or nay, could have been carried out by a handful of men. The Nazi conspiracy research says it would take 3 to 10 men and one night. If 9/11 was a grand plot to destroy a good portion of lower Manhattan real estate, it would have taken hundreds several months to wire the buildings to blow up.

    Politics aside. I do not like Bush either. I think that political discourse in the country has devolved to a point that looks like the beginning scenes of 2001. I think that Bush’s policies have been failures at best. So answer this Brett, if the Bush Administration has been able to carry out the most complicated conspiracy in all of history, what have they done that was close to competent since?

  10. Jezcoe says:


  11. OmarTheAlien says:

    Betcha there was some embarrased faces when the bottom blew out but the building just made like the tower in Pisa.


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