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Voters in two Vermont towns have approved a measure that would instruct police to arrest President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for “crimes against our Constitution.”

The nonbinding, symbolic measure, passed in Brattleboro and Marlboro in a state known for taking liberal positions on national issues, instructs town police to “extradite them to other authorities that may reasonably contend to prosecute them…”

State lawmakers have passed nonbinding resolutions to end the war in Iraq and impeach Bush and Cheney, and several towns have also passed resolutions of impeachment. None of them have caught on in Washington.

It might be interesting to see Bush wander away from secure and friendly public sound bites into a town willing to throw his patronizing butt in jail.

  1. patrick says:

    #30 –

    “I guess you don’t understand this is in reply to your idiotic statement in #2

    It is bad enough when you can’t understand the topic, it is even worse when you forget what you wrote.”

    Since it would be illegal as per the article. It would be hilarious to see.

  2. Notepad says:

    This is great news, an inspiring sign of hope and liberation from the traitors who are destroying America from within. Vermont’s approved measures to arrest Bush and Cheney are on par with Governor Schweitzer of Montana who recently declared his state would not acknowledge or participate in the communist mandate known as the REAL ID Act.

    Both Governor Schweitzer and the men and women behind Vermont’s legislation are true Americans, patriots and honorable people. Their message sends a clear and engaging message that resonates with all Americans who are fed up with a criminal administration’s trampling of the Constitution and it’s intention to further diminish our civil liberties.

    The USA is in real trouble; it faces collapse at virtually all corners of its foundation and unless this country can unite against its common enemy which is using the media as its main weapon, the vision will be lost, the nation will fragment and waiting wolves will rush in to devour the strays.

    Unfortunately Americans still don’t get it. Their country has seemingly ALREADY been surrendered to the enemy, an enemy already inside the gate and in firm control of the political framework. One has only to remember that 3,000 people were mass murdered live on TV on September 11, 2001. Once you understand that 911 was orchestrated by elements within and without the US military complex, you come to realize that America’s control hierarchy has been seized.

    All key positions in government, military, law enforcement and the media are filled by enemy operatives, interlopers who masquarade as Americans. A war by stealth via the media is now waged against America. Look around; toxic poisons in everything, draconian laws, epidemic corruption, the currency debauched. This isn’t coincidence; this is intentional assault by the enemy.

    Americans are TV hypnotized, drugged up, dumbed down and so utterly dependent that in general they are incapable of critical thought and are disinterested in discovering how the media is adversely affecting their lives. The mainstream media is the enemy’s leading weapon; it’s being used to subjugate the truth and turn Americans against themselves.

    The USA is under siege by an International gang of communist banksters who will stop at nothing to destroy America’s infrastructure; they will steal everything they can, poison the populace, imprison those who object and legislate laws to legitimize their crimes.

    Think about this: Most all able-bodied troops, the National Guard, the Border Guard and even retired ex-military men nearly 50 years old with grand-children have been sent overseas to a no-win conflict that removes their ability to protect Americans here at home. The stage is set for attacks on an unprotected America the same as we see happening to the Iraqis.

    That the US Government and its control hierarchy has been compromised is the only thing that makes sense, especially considering all the atrocities and injustices perpetrated against Americans from a system that is supposed to protect them.

    From poisons in our air, water, food, medicines, clothing, building products and even children’s toys – to blatantly obvious crimes by politicians who legalize torture, condone illegal search and imprisonment, dismantle the Constitution and bleed the country dry financially, the intent and the results all clearly point to what is happening – the USA is being subdued by enemy infiltrators who have managed a coup d’état and taken over the controlling offices of federal, state and local governments.

    The saddest part is that few people seem to notice or even care.


    Come to know that the media was a complicit partner in the mass murder of 3000+ people on 911 and that the talking heads on TV are but intelligence operatives working against America and given to its destruction.

    Regardless of what some may say, aspire to embrace those who are tasked with protecting our communities at the root level. We need more allies and fast. What we don’t need is to alienate ourselves from the military and law enforcement. Those who would tell you different are attempting to further fragment our society, which is part of the divide and conquer strategy.

    Be patient and befriend police officers, young people and the military. Look for ways to approach them with the truth and help inform them about what is happening. Albeit they are somewhat brainwashed by the media, by their superiors and by pressure from ill-informed peers, they are still Americans; they still have families and children to protect.

    If you want your country back, you’re gonna have to fight for it.

    There is one thing the enemy fears most about America; and that’s 250+ million people with their eyes wide open, alert to the scam and looking for the perps who have disrupted their way of life.

    For the murderers of 911, for the worthless dogs who ordered genocidal attacks against Iraq, for the enemy operatives who wage war against America all while wrapping themselves in the flag – a simple task is at hand: arrest, convict, collect names of accomplices, execute. Repeat as necessary till symptoms subside.


    Thank you for your courage and your position – sounding yet another brave march toward liberation from the enemy, the men and women of Brattleboro and Marlboro have become heroes in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans.

    # # #

  3. Jim T. says:

    I see by some of the replies here that Rove has got his internet police/goon squad on the job.

    If Bush and Cheney some how manage to avoid answering for their crimes against this country and mankind in general………I’m quite sure when they get before the Lord on judgment day they will answer for them in a most terrible way.To those that much is given, much is expected.


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