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Voters in two Vermont towns have approved a measure that would instruct police to arrest President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for “crimes against our Constitution.”
The nonbinding, symbolic measure, passed in Brattleboro and Marlboro in a state known for taking liberal positions on national issues, instructs town police to “extradite them to other authorities that may reasonably contend to prosecute them…”
State lawmakers have passed nonbinding resolutions to end the war in Iraq and impeach Bush and Cheney, and several towns have also passed resolutions of impeachment. None of them have caught on in Washington.
It might be interesting to see Bush wander away from secure and friendly public sound bites into a town willing to throw his patronizing butt in jail.
I’d love to watch what happens if these idiots tried to actually arrest them if say they drove through town.
I’d love to see the Secret Service gun down anyone stupid enough to break the law and try to abduct a U.S. President.
Blah Blah Blah. I’m suprised Berkeley didn’t try this first. Come up with a real crime and we’ll talk.
WTF??? Abduct and arrest are hardly the same thing.
Bush ain’t a monarch, you know
Love the graphic!
#4 WTF??? Abduct and arrest are hardly the same thing.
It is when it is illegal, and known to be.
Vermont should go ahead with their other loony plan: to secede from the nation.
#6, patrick,
Some days you are stupid. Other days you are just plain ridiculous.
If there is a warrant for someone’s arrest EVERY peace officer, and that includes the Secret Service, is bound to respect and assist in the arrest of that person. To fail to assist is obstruction of justice and a felony. Federal Police are not immune from ignoring a lawful warrant regardless of who he is. If a Secret Service Agent pulls a gun on a police officer making a lawful arrest, that is likely to see the SS man in jail for a long time. If anyone hides the Agent, that makes them equally guilty as an accomplice.
If there is a warrant, signed by a Judge, taken out for Bush or anyone, then that warrant is expected to be enforced. If the Vermont prosecutor makes out a warrant and a Judge signed it, then they may send it to Washington DC for execution.
Since this is a nation of respecting the law and the law in Vermont was broken then Bush has to answer for it. If you don’t like the law, why not move to Iraq.
So now we use popular vote to choose who we arrest?
Their should be a law against these politically motivated attempts arrest someone you don’t like. If their was a crime committed (and their was not), then it definitely does not fall under their jurisdiction, and for damn sure is not something that should be up for a vote in a general election.
Mr. Catshit is that your name because that is what you have for brains?
If you RTFA, it says it’s a “nonbinding,symbolic measure”, which would have about as much weight if I wrote a nonbinding symbolic measure stating that Dvorak owes me a million dollars.
#8 – And sometimes you should read. “The nonbinding, symbolic measure, passed in Brattleboro and Marlboro”
Warrant, from a judge? Where? LOL
A symbolic vote for what needs to happen. Good for them. Slowly but surely, Bush has fewer places to hide.
I am trying to get signatures to keep him from shopping at my neighborhood Whole Foods store. The goon is suppose to buy a mansion here in Highland Park instead of Wacko, Tx. WTF? Does he know he is looking near a gay neighborhood?
Nice poster. I used to think you made these up yourself.
And I suppose if this happened at the state level, and the governor signed it while issuing a statement saying that he would ensure that arrests are handled in accordance with standard practices, that you guys would think he was usurping power in refusing to arrest the President?
Phucking Vermont Communistas…perpetually stoned out on Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey at $6.50 a pint.
From my very sketch memory bank:
Didn’t some southern governor say that Bill Clinton would get shot if he visited his state?
At least the Vermont cities offer due-process.
#8 how does it feel to be a complete idiot.
Eric said
Bush ain’t a monarch, you know
You sure about that?
You have the right to remain silent … please … use it … whatever you do, don’t say … noo kyoo lar … it can and will be used against you.
You have the right to remain silent….and people with stupid ideas like this, should.
Go back to boiling maple sap, we’re almost out of syrup here.
I don’t plan on buying anything made in Vermont anyways and don’t plan on visiting there. What is it that Vermont makes? Ice cream, I think.
Too bad a nice state has become polluted with trust fund diptards from Manhattan.
#9: Impeachment is called for by introducing legislation onto the House floor, just like any other bill. In many states, bills are enacted by referendum when the legislature will not. it happens all the time in Florida.
Here from China!
I would love to see Vermont arrest Bush, and then watch him pardon himself!
PS Great poster!
[Looks like you’re in Peking. – ed.]
SO what? There are whole town full of certifiable whack-jobs who hate America. Al Gore has done a LOT more “damage” than Bush.
Dipshit is a good start, but our language has no words to accurately describe this kind of idiocy.
This entire thread is hilarious. They only passed the nonbinding, symbolic measure to piss off brainless neocons – and it worked great!
Any other blindingly obvious traps you guys would like to walk into today? 🙂
Yup! Close enough. Currently settling in and enjoying some REAL Chinese in Tianjin! Wish I could drop by and say hi to TIHZ_HO.
You forgot Maple syrup!
#10, Gig,
Nothing intelligent here. Of course, when neo-cons right wing nuts can’t think of anything intelligent to say, they attack the messenger.
#12, patrick,
wrote: #8 – And sometimes you should read. “The nonbinding, symbolic measure, passed in Brattleboro and Marlboro”
I guess you don’t understand this is in reply to your idiotic statement in #2
I’d love to see the Secret Service gun down anyone stupid enough to break the law and try to abduct a U.S. President.
It is bad enough when you can’t understand the topic, it is even worse when you forget what you wrote.
#16, Sinn Fein
Phucking Vermont Communistas…perpetually stoned out on Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey at $6.50 a pint.
Yup. Another intelligent riposte from a certified member of the neo-con right wing nut crowd.
#8, gq,
#8 how does it feel to be a complete idiot.
Oh, that hurt! Coming from Mr. Law and Order himself. I was hoping to at least make “complete fucking idiot”. Again, I noticed you didn’t add anything intelligent to the topic, just another ad hominem attack.
#22, Lou,
I don’t plan on buying anything made in Vermont anyways and don’t plan on visiting there. What is it that Vermont makes?
#24, pedro,
#8 did Bush put an “Aerial Shell” like the one that went off in NY in Vermont? oh, wait…that’s not against the law!!!
Sometimes the neo-con right wing nuts make more sense with their ad hominem attacks than you. Se!!! If you only upgrade your status from right wing nut to neo-con you would have an excuse.
#25, Ah Yea,
I would love to see Vermont arrest Bush, and then watch him pardon himself!
Good point. But then we would have a huge Constitutional battle over whether the Presidential pardon has jurisdiction over State crimes.
Enjoy your trip.
#26, Mr. Shitforbrains
SO what? There are whole town full of certifiable whack-jobs who hate America. Al Gore has done a LOT more “damage” than Bush.
The neo-con right wing nuts really know how to make a good argument against this.
#29, MikeN
You forgot Maple syrup!
Nope! Had some on my waffles this morning. Delicious, although mine came from Michigan.
Well he’s guilty we all know that. The question is can you arrest him and I doubt that. He’ll pardon himself mofo!