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In January, US officials warned travellers to Mexico to exercise extra caution given a recent spike in kidnappings of American residents.
According to the FBI, the number of abductions involving US citizens and legal residents along the California part of the border alone more than doubled during 2007 and, since November, has been at the rate of around six per month…
As well as the increasing number of abductions, the FBI was also worried about the fact some of the kidnappings were taking place on American soil, Mr Foxworth added. “Groups will come across the border, abduct people and take them back down to Mexico,” he said…In January, the US state department said 27 Americans had been abducted in Mexico’s northern border region over the previous six months and two of these hostages had been killed. It warned that “US citizens should be aware of the risk posed by the deteriorating security situation” along the border with Mexico.
Tony Garza, the US ambassador to Mexico, has written to senior Mexican officials voicing his concern that growing drug-related violence and kidnappings in northern Mexico would have a chilling effect on cross-border trade and tourism.
Huzzah, huzzah! Our government is right on top of the situation. That letter should solve everything.
Read Power of the Dog by Don Winslow. The novel gives a great picture of how we got to this point. We have a third world country south of us with an absolutely corrupt government. I see no solution to this problem other than the outright takeover of Mexico. Sounds radical I know but I can’t see any other way to fix the problem. How do you clean up a cesspool? It’s filth from top to bottom. The only way to clean it is to empty it out. Incursions across the border to capture Americans are acts of war. We need to start treating them as such.
#1 – Need need to do that. Just a wall with a no mans land (mined) with soldiers. Shoot to kill policy and it is fixed. People can decide for themselves whether to travel to Mexico…
“Hey meester. Would you like to meet my seester? She’s a virgin…20 times.” ~ Senor Pimpo
The North American Union will solve all problems…
It’s too bad that the US government does not have the backbone to put up the double fence that Congress promised a couple years ago.
But the delay is expected, thanks to:
1.) the environuts who want to safeguard the free flow of animals across the border
2.) the open border kooks who want to safeguard the free flow of humans across the border
The concept of National Sovereignty is a profanity to these people.
#5 – if you worked in a border state, your ignorance might soon dissipate. There’s one abiding reason for the freeflow of undocumentados – profits, dude.
Wages in virtually aspect of construction along the Mexican border have been cut by 20% or more. A great and classic Republikan reason.
#6 – Right On!
You are absolutely correct about the profits. I noticed that Arizona is clamping down on illegals and some of the construction companies are crying about it.
It’s time that the cops went after these sleeze-balls who pay slave wages to to the illegal aliens.
We need to see more news stories like this one:
A fence-building company in Southern California agrees to pay nearly $5 million in fines for hiring illegal immigrants. Two executives from The Golden State Fence Company may also serve jail time.
It’s happened at some of the meat packing companies with remarkable results.
#5 – The concept of National Sovereignty is a profanity to these people.
No it isn’t… They just aren’t simpleminded enough to think that these are easy black and white issues with simple solutions or that more fences and more force are effective tactics.
They also don’t deny the truth… and the truth is this nation invites these people over by giving them jobs. The migration of Mexicans northward is, that’s right, OUR fault.
That said, Mexico is a third world nation and it is dragging us down and annexation, while extreme, may be right. Take Mexico, carve it up into a few new states, and then Ford can boast they are American made again.
#8 – I like your style.
#9 – Thanks… From you, that actually means a lot.
I’ll tell you, I wasn’t aware of these border incursions until recently. Now that I am, I am 1) even more understanding of why these “illegals” are so motivated to sneak into the US, and 2) far less sympathetic to the Mexican government which obviously lacks the will and ability to control their borders and to stimulate their own economy.
To me, there may be a very strong argument in favor of taking a much more aggressive stand in dealing with Mexico.
What also happens is that illegal aliens from Venezuela, Brazil & other countries are flooding into Mexico, for jobs.
The general population and education of Mexico has skyrocketed in the last 20 years.
Similar to Puerto Rico.
I’d call this growing pains. I seem to remember a US of A that was much more ghetto in the late 50’s. Many Mexican teens have had more education than our Moms.
No easy solution. What do you do with towns that are part in the US and part in Mexico?
Berlin wall again?
If the solution was easy, OhForTheLoveOf would have stated it.
FWIW, Quebec Bombardier designs here in Quebec, and manufacture/assemble in Mexico.
So between China and Mexico…things would surely be better if Mexicans did all that China does. The shipping costs alone would make up for it.
Profits…Chinaman works 1$ per week, Mexican 1$ per day and . . .
#11 – If the solution was easy, OhForTheLoveOf would have stated it.
It is likely you give me too much credit here.
#1 says take over mexico
let’s see what we’ve got here:
Mexico: corruption all the way through from top to bottom and both sides.
USA: corruption at top levels, less so at lower levels.
so you’re advocating that a corrupt governemnt take over operations of an even more corrupt government?
Whats cheaper? Build a fence and enforce employment laws, or invade and occupy Mexico?
I gotta think its build that fence on the southern border and tell Canada to “watch out.”
Then, we should have regulated slave/low labor as paid for by those who employ same. Might be good as a mercenary army too at 1/20th the cost of Blackwater—but then certain blind investment portfolio’s might be damaged.
Mexico is turning into such a shit hole for tourists. In the past 3 months I have heard horror stories from people I work with. One was mugged. One was told to never leave the resort. One had a knife pulled on them…
I visited Mexico a few months ago and had a great time. It was better than my visit to Chicago and New York where I felt very unsecure.
I live in England and have been to Mexico 5 times before and never experienced any problems
When I was younger, my friends and I used to run across the border quite often for a night of drinking and meeting girls. On more than one occasion, we had to pay off the Mexican “cops” who stopped us from walking back across the border because we were drunk. We didn’t think much of it at the time, we were young college students and just laughed about the “tax” we had to pay. This week, while vacationing in San Diego, (I now live in Northern California) my wife and I decided to visit Tijuana. We were going to walk across the border but I mistakenly missed the last exit and drove into that cess-pool of a nation. What a nightmare it turned out to be. I pulled over and told the federal cops my mistake. They told me they spoke no English(in perfect English mind you!)and to get moving down the road. It took me an hour to figure out the roadblocks they had set up to funnel the traffic back into the states. When I finally got into the correct line, we waited for two hours to get to the halfway point,(where the federal policia were directing traffic)when we got there, the federal cops made us get out of line and go to the rear again! I could not beleive it. When I asked why, they asked me if I spoke Spanish, I said no, they said get out of the line, would not let me go straight, made me make a right turn away from the border. This happened two more times. It took us nine hours to get out of Tijuana!!! My poor wife had to pee in the backseat, we almost ran out of gas, it was horrible. You could feel the contempt that the mexicans had for us, it was like, “You are in our territory, and under our thumbs”, and they took full advantage of it.
I will never return to any part of mexico. I have never been a fan of the mexicans in the first place. They come to our country, dirty it up, exploit us, cost us millions every day, refuse to learn the language and demand that we cater to them in their own language. I hope their whole country burns to the ground and that they all suffer even more than they are already suffering. I want Aerica to grow some balls, erect an impenetrable fence, shoot any border jumpers on sight, deport all of the illegals already hear. I want every mexican in mexico to suffer. I want them to be victims of their own crime, I want them to have a food shortage, I want them all to die of starvation, malnutrition, disease, whatever, I just want them gone off the face of this earth. They are nothing but a drain of our resources. They are sub-human, the only “culture” they have is crime. The sooner we rid ourselves of these parasites, the better off we will be as a country.
As I write this, I hold in my hand a letter from my Congressman explaining that 15.3% of all jobs in the USA are now held by foreigners (he didn’t factor in the illegals btw which have displaced millions of blue collar workers) and that we need to offshore, outsource, and insource much more because unemployment is going down. Can you believe that?
I wrote back that I am a straight A unemployed MBA with 20 computer certifications and over 20 years of experience and employing every proper career search and professional growth strategy I can from the excellent seminars I have attended on the subject currently living on a couch and unable to find work.
I explained the army of real estate people I ran into desperately searching for the means to survive, how many blue collar jobs have disappeared, and roomfuls of desperate IT and marketing middle-aged executives with no where to turn.
I told him about the association meetings in my city and the growing percentage of Indian and Chinese insourced white collar workers whose education had been paid by US taxpayers that I was meeting going on the same interviews as me competing directly against me, someone who had to pay for my own education as well as theirs via my tax dollars, for the few jobs available.
I also gave a very nice methodological MBA analysis of how the unemployment rate currently used is a political tool and an inaccurate indicator of the actual unemployed in this country.
Sadly, nothing I said made any difference. My Congressman is an elitist whose campaign is financed by multinational corporations and well meaning citizens that simply vote for his party brand and will continue to encourage offshoring, outsourcing, insourcing, liberal immigration, unfair free trade agreements instead of fair trade, etc.. the consequences be damned.
I’ve been having stress insominia and heart pains lately as my final surrendered IRA (yes I had to pay the penalty and taxes) finally runs low. My ability to pay for health insurance ran out last month. I suspect I will need to rely on God for a miracle soon.
Anyways, thank God you are not me. I am an honorably discharged veteran (but not a war veteran), straight A MBA, and computer network engineer who has worked hard and paid taxes my entire life and never been in a lick of trouble whose is on the brink seeking to survive.
Only in America used to mean something good. To me it now means something bad. God help you not to get laid off and end up in my situation. I found an interesting site titled The Paleo Conservatist if anyone’s interested. I linked it up top of this post. Best wishes.
#20–WASP==I’m not sure, but I think some health benefits are available to veterans without having to be a war-veteran. Check with you nearest VA and get enrolled. Keep your fingers crossed your local VA is a good one (or move to one) and hope you never have to use it.
Yes, there is an unthinking dogma alive especially in Congress/Executive Branch/Neo-Cons that “free trade” needs to be encouraged regardless of who it hurts. I’d like to outsource congress to a bunch of chimps. Couldn’t be worse, and could be a lot cheaper.
Best of luck
I just returned from TJ last night and I’d been there many times before. It was empty. Very few americans to be seen anywhere on the once crowded revolucion avenue. I was overcharged by taxi drivers. These machismo punks better known as the Mexican service industry are truly pathetic. You won’t see an attractive Mexican woman working anywhere but in a whorehouse in the service industry. The men all grab the jobs then they try and intimidate foreigners into paying them extra money. I have been to other developing countries and I can tell you Asia is very different and much better. The women in Asia are given the opportunity to work and the men do not ripoff and intimidate like in Mexico. Don’t waste your money. SIMPLY STAY AWAY! I will not be back to TJ even though it is a close drive here in CA.