The Gaza Bombshell: Politics & Power – After failing to anticipate Hamas’s victory over Fatah in the 2006 Palestinian election, the White House cooked up yet another scandalously covert and self-defeating Middle East debacle: part Iran-contra, part Bay of Pigs. With confidential documents, corroborated by outraged former and current U.S. officials, David Rose reveals how President Bush, Condoleezza Rice, and Deputy National-Security Adviser Elliott Abrams backed an armed force under Fatah strongman Muhammad Dahlan, touching off a bloody civil war in Gaza and leaving Hamas stronger than ever.

The United States has been involved in the affairs of the Palestinian territories since the Six-Day War of 1967, when Israel captured Gaza from Egypt and the West Bank from Jordan. With the 1993 Oslo accords, the territories acquired limited autonomy, under a president, who has executive powers, and an elected parliament. Israel retains a large military presence in the West Bank, but it withdrew from Gaza in 2005.

In recent months, President Bush has repeatedly stated that the last great ambition of his presidency is to broker a deal that would create a viable Palestinian state and bring peace to the Holy Land. “People say, ‘Do you think it’s possible, during your presidency?’ ” he told an audience in Jerusalem on January 9. “And the answer is: I’m very hopeful.”
It’s “a tough situation,” Bush admitted. “I don’t know whether you can solve it in a year or not.” What Bush neglected to mention was his own role in creating this mess.

  1. pjakubo86 says:

    Hmmmm, so maybe Ron Paul’s foreign policy of non-intervnetion IS the best route after all.


  2. Phillep says:

    Bush wants to send $150 Million to Palestine.

  3. patrick says:

    #1 – Yes, I’ve seen no lasting positive results from ANY administration. Let them sort it out amongst themselves.

  4. sam says:

    I can see the future of how the history will be written. It was “white supremacists” who occupied Iraq and “Islamic extremists” who stopped peace in Palestine. Stop the money to Israel and stop the Jewish Supremacist Hypocrisy! The same rights for all races should be implemented as Dr. David Duke so eloquently states!

  5. Greg Allen says:

    # 3 patrick said, #1 – Yes, I’ve seen no lasting positive results from ANY administration.

    Try reading a book.

    In recent history, you may look into Truman and the Marshall Plan.

    Or how about Nixons 1972 visit to China?

    Or try learning about the Camp David peace accord which has prevented a repeat of the Six Day war.

    Even as a liberal, I’d say that, while flawed, Reagan’s Reykjavík summit had a valuable net-positive affect. Honest conservatives will say the same about Clinton’s intervention in the Bosnia mini-holocaust.

    Seriously, now? When you really search your understanding of American history, can’t you come up with AT LEAST ONE positive result from ANY administration diplomatic effort?

  6. bobbo says:

    #3–patrick==positive to whom? I’d say the last 3-4 administrations have made steady progress in outsourcing the manufacturing base of America to the Pacific Rim while steadily destroying the middle class===all to the benefit of .5% of the corporate class in America.

    Now, if you’re part of the 99.5%–you don’t even sound as positive as Michelle Obama.

  7. Phillep says:

    Greg, look closer into that Camp David accord. It kept the Jews from kicking Moslem ass and forcing peace in the area.

    There would be peace if the Moslems lay down their guns, there would be genocide if the Jews laid down theirs.

  8. patrick says:

    #6 – I’m talking about interference in the ME.

    I do agree with you comments about outsourcing though. We should pull out of WTO, etc.

  9. Jim says:

    #7 “There would be peace if the Moslems lay down their guns, there would be genocide if the Jews laid down theirs.”

    What a load of crap! You frinkin Americans only get feed the Israeli Nazi side of the story. There was an occupation before there was armed resistance. The Palestinians have every right to fight for their land and human dignity. You wouldn’t do the same? Your just a bunch of hypocrites and wonder why the whole world hates you.

  10. Phillep says:

    Jim, the only side of the story I heard until maybe 15 years ago was the Moslem side, because that was all that was in the papers in the parts of the US I lived in.

    I did hear the evangelical Christian side, and that was that the Moslems moved in and killed off, enslaved, or ran off most of the Christians in the Holy Land.

    Now, just how far back do you want to take this “armed resistance” and “occupation”?

  11. patrick says:

    #9 – Who controlled that land 1st? Muslims or Jews?

    I’ll understand if you refuse to answer…

  12. Firas says:

    Was this posted a few days ago or am I imagining things?

  13. Phillep says:

    #12, No suprise ifso.

    I think morality in the US (even among atheists) is basically Christian and Jewish, and the more the Moslems try to justify their behavior, the more people in the US support Israel, because Moslem morality sucks.

  14. jim says:

    Do you people even see what’s happening in Gaza. 130 Palestinians dead in a week. Those frick’in cowards shot a one week old baby. Bombed and killed a day old baby sleeping in her cot. They murdered children playing soccer. But who “controlled” that land 1st first thousands on years ago justifies it all in your corporate media brainwashed heads. Do really expect Palestinians to live under Israeli theft and brutality and not fight back.

    #13 They support Israel because the US people are too easily fooled. Electing monkey boy twice as your president is proof of that.

  15. Phillep says:

    How many of those 130 were combatants, and how many of the innocents who died were endangered by the cowards hiding behind them?

    Would you like more links to examples of Moslem morality? Try a Google search on “we love death”. Your news releases, your videos you post to YouTube, every thing you say to rationalize or justify your position is abhorrent to us, to such an extent that even people who hate Jews and think the Jews stole Israel from you, are starting to side with the Jews. Because Moslem are scum.

  16. Rick Cain says:

    Bush is incredibly incompetent when he considers “Fatah” an ally. Fatah was Yassir Arafat’s old party, made up of ex-PLO. Oh yeah Arafat was also responsible for starting the ruinous Lebanon war.

    Hamas seems downright mundane compared to Fatah’s resume’.


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